Daiman, along with his older brother and major rival Odion, was a male Human who was one of the most powerful Sith Lords during the Republic Dark Age and ruled an area in the Grumani sector known as the "Daimanate", one of the rump states which emerged from the collapse of the Chagras Hegemony in 1040 BBY. He was the son of
Xelian, a female Sith Lord who was connected to Chagras, the titular ruler of the Hegemony. His mother Xelian openly favored him over his older brother, Odion, breeding an intense sibling rivalry between the two brothers who hated and sought to defeat each other. Daiman's pampered and privileged upbringing imbued him with delusions of grandeur that he was the "Creator of the Universe." In this manichean worldview, his brutish older brother Odion was the enemy and Destroyer, who had to be overcome in order for Daiman to advance.