Post #85597
November 09, 2016, 01:11:17 AM
I have the choice between a guy who said something about women that was a bit crude but kind of true 20 years ago and who regularly says other crude things...
...or a woman who looks and acts like she's in the first stages of elderly dementia and who completely skirted or ignored diplomatic protocol while Secretary of State, who threatened American national security, who has an aide with numerous Saudi connections and radical Muslim parents, who heads a "foundation" with her husband that is the very definition of pay-to-play political corruption and who tries to badmouth and goad Russia into war every chance she gets even though she's not elected yet.
Assuming that I'm not out to waste my vote by voting for a third party, the choice is 100% obvious. The amount of time the mainstream media has spent trying to decimate Trump's campaign while skirting over Hillary's bad behaviour also makes my choice pretty easy. Trump may not be perfect but Clinton is probably the worst example of an establishment politician I can think of. Voting for Trump at least has a tiny chance of making things a bit better. Voting Clinton is the status quo and very probably war with Russia, whether direct or indirect.
I voted Trudeau in my elections because I didn't want to see Harper get in again. I regretted that choice - Harper would have been better despite his complete subservience to Israel and Israeli interests. Trudeau is ineffective and has already tried to renege on the promises that "broke the tie" for me between him and Mulcair - cannabis legalization and vote reform. The latter is especially hilarious - his reason for doing so is basically "now that I'm Prime Minister, the system isn't as broken as we thought". He also thinks Canada doesn't have a cultural identity of its own, he says it's a "post-national state" - which as a Quebecer I find incredibly frustrating and borderline offensive as my people have not protected their language, customs and religion for 300 years against the British invaders only to be diluted and considered "just another minority" in a country we well fucking founded. How the fuck am I going to justify my Francophone minority rights when Indians and Chinese people outnumber me? Especially for the Chinese as there are quite a few in Montreal for instance, how are we going to justify enforcing their assimilation to our culture?
I think that all over the West, we are faced with terrible options for leaders. Democracy cannot work when elections are about electing the "least worst" person for the job, instead of the best. Canadians have done that in 2015, now it's America's turn. The West has its own nomenklatura, its own "pool" where political leaders are drawn from per its approval. This pool is composed of the worst fucking scum in existence and it only selects for the same. If I could have solid (not perfect) guarantees that the person that gets the most important job in a country is one of the best people for the job, not only due to experience but due to deeply held values and character qualities, I would gladly give up my right to vote. If I could choose to be ruled by either a cockroach or a spider, or not be able to choose but be ruled by one of the cutest, most loving, even-tempered and fair-minded puppies in the country, you can be sure I'd pick #2 and wave my fucking flag and laugh at all the losers around the planet who think they have a "choice" and "freedom" when they elect detritus to lead them.
Even monarchy could do it, as long as the princes are all groomed from birth for the role of king and the best one always gets the succession, but I'd prefer something a bit more sophisticated. We probably have the technology to reliably enact something like Plato's Republic, a true meritocracy.