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Restricted Citizenship Act [Discussion]
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  • The Potato Pope
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    1. The Restricted Citizenship Act

    2. Section 2 shall be amended to add subsection 7, which shall read as follows:
    2.7 Should a citizen have had their citizenship nation CtE, and they have been online within one week of the last check and make at least an average of 10 posts a day then the Monarch, or the Storting, may grant the citizen a restricted citizenship. Upon gaining this citizenship type the person shall get full citizenship upon returning their citizenship nation and informing the person tasked with maintaining citizenship. After gaining this citizenship type they must meet an average 10 posts a day and be online at least twice a week.

    3. Section 2.7, shall be amended to add subsection 1 which shall read:
    2.7.1 A citizen with restricted citizenship may loose it upon the act of the Monarch, an act of the Storting, or upon failing to meet the requirements. Upon loosing it all citizenship shall be lost. Further revocation of restricted citizenship shall not be counted as revocation of citizenship within the Storting.

    4. Section 2.7 shall be amended to add subsection 2 which shall read:
    2.7.2 People with restricted citizenship are not be eligible to run or stand in elections or to assume office. For the purposes of elected offices held prior to gaining this status, they shall be considered non-citizens. People with restricted citizenship may, however, vote.
    For discussion by the honourable peers of the Underhusen.
    Held Positions
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    • The Potato Pope
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  • Nuclear Soldermancer
  • Honestly I still prefer my version of this; and you can call that bias but hear me out.

    As a preemptive tl;dr - I think this is overly bureaucratic and complex for the relatively simple thing it's trying to achieve, and I understand it may not seem that way at first glance but it appears so to me...

    2.7 Should a citizen have had their citizenship nation CtE, and they have been online within one week of the last check and make at least an average of 10 posts a day then the Monarch, or the Storting, may grant the citizen a restricted citizenship.
    My problems with this section are three-fold:

    1- It requires the somewhat difficult task of assessing potential candidates of this state in terms of their activity since the last citizenship check, and also their posts per day (whether that's an average posts per day from [total posts/total membership time] or posts via an average of daily posts, these are different things and it isn't elaborated on here)

    2- 10 Posts a day is a lot, it doesn't sound like much but it gets pretty intense... It's 70 posts a week, or 300 posts every month and 3650 posts in a year... that's a lot of posts, in-fact only 5 of 974 members even have that many posts... going by current averages the only person with a large amount of posts and over 10 per day is Wintermoot himself and even then he only has 10.7 posts per day...
    Of course the number can be changed fairly easily, but I dislike the idea that this would mean that people need to be active in order to get be put in this state, it means that it can't be applied to people who may be inactive for a potentially a long period, which is (IMO) the most common reason for Ceasing to Exist.

    3-I wrote mine to allow the citizens to retain their citizenship fully, because I see it as a move away from the NS side of things, if you can still be a citizen without having a nation that means that the region is (however slightly) detached somewhat from NS, especially compared to other regions. By calling them "restricted citizens" and giving them "restricted citizenship" I feel it would show that we are still firmly connected to NS and separates these two classes of citizens.

    Upon gaining this citizenship type the person shall get full citizenship upon returning their citizenship nation and informing the person tasked with maintaining citizenship. After gaining this citizenship type they must meet an average 10 posts a day and be online at least twice a week.
    Same issues here as above, but exemplified. It is also currently not possible to determine whether or not someone has been online several times in a week or not without quite close monitoring, imagine if quite a few people ended up as "restricted citizens" then everyone of them would have to be monitored in terms of posts and activity every week... the work load gets worse and worse.

    2.7.1 A citizen with restricted citizenship may loose it upon the act of the Monarch, an act of the Storting, or upon failing to meet the requirements. Upon loosing it all citizenship shall be lost. Further revocation of restricted citizenship shall not be counted as revocation of citizenship within the Storting.
    This section isn't so bad, it's basically the same as section 6.2 of my amendment, but with more words and clarifications. ^-^

    2.7.2 People with restricted citizenship are not be eligible to run or stand in elections or to assume office. For the purposes of elected offices held prior to gaining this status, they shall be considered non-citizens. People with restricted citizenship may, however, vote.
    I really don't see the point in this... if the person is active (as this act ensures) then why shouldn't they be allowed to hold positions of government? I don't see why you would need to separate out citizens and "restricted citizens" more like this. It makes it almost a pointless endeavor to apply for this.

    To sorta conclude all this; the only benefit of applying for "restricted citizenship" would be to vote: and would anyone find that worth it when they had to ensure they remained active, have someone monitoring their activity, not be allowed to stand in elections themselves or be appointed to positions, all while still being labeled differently... If I were in that position I simply wouldn't vote or regain my citizenship for the duration of the vote...

    And done.
    « Last Edit: September 27, 2016, 05:23:58 PM by HannahB »
    • Nuclear Soldermancer
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