Quickly, I need an answer: Egyptians, Imperial Chinese, or Iroquois
Alright, how about we create it on the 18th, at around 21:00 GMT+2. Will that work for everyone?
Ashton Mercer posted on October 18, 2016, 04:18:44 AMQuickly, I need an answer: Egyptians, Imperial Chinese, or IroquoisI thought you were going with Iroquois...I support Imperial Chinese.And now it is time for me to research how the opening questions affect stats.
Same. I think they tell you what it does at the beginning though on desktop.
I am not allowed in roleplays. My characters have a tendency toward realism and individuality that infuriates other players who want my character to conform to their expected storyline. It's unfortunate, because I enjoy writing and I'm good at it, but what can you do?