As I was saying, my understanding of my own sexuality has changed over time, based on some key events on my part of Celebrate Bisexuality Day I want to share those experiences, and the journey that's led me to where I am now. This is my journey:
Before I was 17, I was involved only girls, although all my relationships were online. It's not that I hid my sexuality or struggled with it...I was completely fine with just being involved with girls. As weird as it sounds, the idea of being involved with guys had just never occurred to me...there wasn't really an impulse to be involved with them. So when I was 17 I was involved with this girl, who introduced me to her best friend, and her best friend's best friend, who happened to be a gay guy, and we start talking. He's pretty cool and we get close in our own right as friends, but one night he hits on me, saying that me and him should have sex as practice so that I'm ready for sex with my girlfriend.
I laughed it off, but I have to admit that I was intrigued. I'd never considered sex with a guy before, but he was such a cool person that I wasn't really against the idea. So I talked with an ex that I was still close with at the time, and she's the one who told me that I was bi...the weird thing was that it wasn't so big revelation for me, it was just like 'Oh, ok', and then I asked some questions cause I wasn't familiar with the term.
Nothing ever happened with this guy, cause we had a falling apart, but at around the same I had mentioned this to another ex, and she had introduced me to her real-life ex-boyfriend who had recently came out as gay...we talked a lot, and we became 'boyfriends' for a brief time. I can't say that I was more than infatuated with him, but he was the first person I was sexual with...the first guy I acted with lustfully, and of course I liked it. But he got busy with school and stuff, and we just kinda drifted apart.
So at this point I knew I could lust for guys, but I didn't know if I could love one...if I would feel the same deep feeling that I had felt for girls. It's a question I would be left with because I had gone back to being involved with some girls. However, about a year later I joined this one online game, and I met this one guy...actually, he was playing as a girl and it took about a month to even know he was a guy, but about that time we started talking, and over the course of a month, I fell in love with him. He was the first guy that I had fallen in love with, and a year after discovering I liked guys it was the first time I'd known that I could be as satisfied in a relationship with a guy as I could be with a girl. The actual relationship only lasted about a month, but it would have a huge impact on my journey for years to come.
So fast forward a bunch of years, I was involved exclusively with guys, to the point where I reconsidered whether I was bi and decided that I was actually gay. I thought that my relationships with girls were just because I wasn't aware of how guys made me feel...since that relationship, I had never been involved with women, so it made a kind of sense to me. But then several years ago I came to be friends with this girl and over time I came to realize that I had feelings for her...of course I didn't tell her this for various reasons, because she was involved with other guys or just because I didn't want to risk the friendship, but imagine my surprise one fall evening when she told me that she loved me...the relationship only lasted a few months, but it was incredibly satisfying and made me re-evaluate where I was once again. This was only three years ago...
The latest stage of my journey has actually taken place here...on Wintreath. Before Wintreath, I had never actually met a transgender person...and then Amalya came and started hitting on me the first day she was here. I have to admit, at first I was taken aback, if only because it was something that was new to me, but as I came to know her I realized that she was just another amazing person and any reluctance I had was overcome. No, we never had a relationship, but I did become attracted to her...and I've been attracted to others as well since then. I've had the great pleasure of meeting more transgender people, including someone from earlier in my journey who obviously had quite a journey of their own, and I've formed other attracations at times. And that's when I realized, it's not specific genders I'm attracted to, it's
people...virtually everyone has something that I think is attractive about them, both physically and emotionally. Over the course of the last year I had considered myself pansexual because of this, but more recently I have dropped labels altogether (though I may still use them to quickly describe myself to new people).
As I said in the announcement, I don't like the use of labels...I think that labels try to simplify something that isn't simple and shouldn't be simple. I don't believe that anyone's sexuality can be something that's so simple any one label can completely encompass it without exception. I believe that labels encourage us to choose one and then never reflect on, reevaluate, or reconsider, because we've become stuck to that label. My own journey shows how my own sexuality has evolved over time, and I've had the honour of being their for others as theirs evolved as well. So really, I think that's what Celebrate Bisexuality Day is about to me...not so much celebrating a label or a group, but celebrating the journey that's led us to where we are now, and will lead us to where we'll be in the future.
I'd love to read about and celebrate anyone else's journey if they would like to share it.