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Ashton Mercer
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  • icy hot
  • kids seem more innocent prepubescent
    What? Yes, of course. They're seen as untainted by the struggles of the "real world" or the problems teens have when blinded by hormones. Kids can be little brats but not evil. They don't have the self-awareness or deeper understanding of society for it and so are more innocent.
    I get what you're saying, but I would rather my character have some self awareness. What you just explained, a lack of understanding of society, is why someone that young can't strictly speaking be a villain like I want my character to be.

    It's a moot point anyways, because I wrote my character as 21 years old. Once I'm satisfied with his personality, I'll post him up.
    Ashton Mercer
    • icy hot
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    Ashton Mercer
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  • icy hot
  • Name: Leo Valdez
    Age and Gender: 12, Male
    Appearance: Leo is a Latino male, standing at 4'7" and 88 lbs. He has short buzzed black hair and unnatural golden eyes with dark circles under them. Typically dons cheap sunglasses and a stolen hat when he needs to hide his identity. Wears a silver locket with unknown personal contents. Typically has some kind of bruise or scrape on his legs or arms.
    Personality: Leo typically acts like a normal kid. He could be described as a little bit on the quiet side and bitterly sarcastic (partially a product of his rough upbringing), although he can be friendly and sociable if you make the effort to warm up to him in the right way.
    However, when the cards fall, Leo turns into an incredibly cruel and unusually selfish person who is fully willing and able to use his fire powers either to get what he wants or to utterly destroy whatever is getting in his way or is otherwise angering him. Sometimes he'll just use his fire powers to kill or destroy things just for the hell of it. Leo also shows that he has some skill in manipulation.
    +Likes: storms, warm weather, money, airplanes, music, baseball, food, cats, the ocean.
    -Dislikes: people who use alcohol or drugs, any sort of authority, people who society sees as "heroes", people who are so arrogant that they identify themselves as "heroes", school (math in particular).
    Alignment: Chaotic Evil

    Powers: Leo is a master of pyrokenisis, capable of producing jets of flame from his hands at a maximum distance of 25 meters and a maximum temperature of 1400° Celsius. He is also highly resistant to heat damage, being invincible to his own flames and able to temporarily withstand temperatures of up to 500° Celsius from flames produced by other sources (gasoline, small jet engines, etc.).
    Ashton Mercer
    • icy hot
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    Ashton Mercer
  • Former Citizen
  • icy hot
  • Haha just kidding I made him a kid
    1 person likes this post: taulover
    Ashton Mercer
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    Justinian Ezkantion
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  • I can already see how this RP will end: President Rochester declares martial law while opponents remain suspiciously silent following personal meeting with him. 12 year old boy executed by ICBM. Sir Frosty given Medal of Honor for hunting him down and reversing global warming. Flash endures long legal battle with Detective Comics, other heroes exiled to Mars. Trump memorial wall given a seven foot height increase.
    4 people like this post: Ashton Mercer, taulover, Lapoc, Imaginative Kane
    Justinian Ezkantion
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    Ashton Mercer
  • Former Citizen
  • icy hot
  • I can already see how this RP will end: President Rochester declares martial law while opponents remain suspiciously silent following personal meeting with him. 12 year old boy executed by ICBM. Sir Frosty given Medal of Honor for hunting him down and reversing global warming. Flash endures long legal battle with Detective Comics, other heroes exiled to Mars. Trump memorial wall given a seven foot height increase.
    Why the ICBM? Freezing would work just fine. Or bullets.

    Im actually really looking forward to a Leo vs. Snowman fight. Fire and ice...

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    Ashton Mercer
    • icy hot
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    Ashton Mercer
  • Former Citizen
  • icy hot
  • Edits: very minor and fairly obvious personality edit to Leo, added fire breathing, fire kicking, multicolored flame, and "flying" (that is, launching himself forward and crashing into something) to his flame powers.
    Ashton Mercer
    • icy hot
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    Justinian Ezkantion
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  • Edits: very minor and fairly obvious personality edit to Leo, added fire breathing, fire kicking, multicolored flame, and "flying" (that is, launching himself forward and crashing into something) to his flame powers.
    *insert joke about flying over the trump wall here*
    3 people like this post: Ashton Mercer, Lapoc, Imaginative Kane
    Justinian Ezkantion
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    Ashton Mercer
  • Former Citizen
  • icy hot
  • Edits: very minor and fairly obvious personality edit to Leo, added fire breathing, fire kicking, multicolored flame, and "flying" (that is, launching himself forward and crashing into something) to his flame powers.
    *insert joke about flying over the trump wall here*
    "something something BURN-ie Sanders"
    1 person likes this post: Imaginative Kane
    Ashton Mercer
    • icy hot
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    Justinian Ezkantion
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  • (Not) Not the Fourth King of Ainur
  • Edits: very minor and fairly obvious personality edit to Leo, added fire breathing, fire kicking, multicolored flame, and "flying" (that is, launching himself forward and crashing into something) to his flame powers.
    *insert joke about flying over the trump wall here*
    "something something BURN-ie Sanders"
    Sanders felt Hillary's burn all the way to the bank.
    Justinian Ezkantion
    • (Not) Not the Fourth King of Ainur
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    Ashton Mercer
  • Former Citizen
  • icy hot
  • Edits: very minor and fairly obvious personality edit to Leo, added fire breathing, fire kicking, multicolored flame, and "flying" (that is, launching himself forward and crashing into something) to his flame powers.
    *insert joke about flying over the trump wall here*
    "something something BURN-ie Sanders"
    Sanders felt Hillary's burn all the way to the bank.
    Think it would be the other way around.
    Ashton Mercer
    • icy hot
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  • Adate'lore of Yaim Rusur
  • I feel like Quil is going to be that guy that no one will ever completely trust, but will still be helpful until someone decides to completely not trust him
    • Adate'lore of Yaim Rusur
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    Justinian Ezkantion
  • Former Citizen
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  • Edits: very minor and fairly obvious personality edit to Leo, added fire breathing, fire kicking, multicolored flame, and "flying" (that is, launching himself forward and crashing into something) to his flame powers.
    *insert joke about flying over the trump wall here*
    "something something BURN-ie Sanders"
    Sanders felt Hillary's burn all the way to the bank.
    Think it would be the other way around.
    But didn't sanders take Hilary's bribe to endorse her?
    Justinian Ezkantion
    • (Not) Not the Fourth King of Ainur
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  • Quote from: Justinian Ezkantion
    But didn't sanders take Hilary's bribe to endorse her?

    It wasn't a bribe, it was common sense. Corrupt as she is, her promises were more closely aligned to his, and it is considerably better to vote for her than the other strong candidate.
    1 person likes this post: Ashton Mercer
    Only the finest clay.
    Justinian Ezkantion
  • Former Citizen
  • (Not) Not the Fourth King of Ainur
  • Quote from: Justinian Ezkantion
    But didn't sanders take Hilary's bribe to endorse her?

    It wasn't a bribe, it was common sense. Corrupt as she is, her promises were more closely aligned to his, and it is considerably better to vote for her than the other strong candidate.
    He also got a shitton of money for endorsing her rather than sitting it out or wasting everyone's time with Stein. And didn't raise a single peep when the DNC's corruption was revealed. There's a reason he lives in a mansion now...
    Justinian Ezkantion
    • (Not) Not the Fourth King of Ainur
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  • Quote from: Justinian Ezkantion
    But didn't sanders take Hilary's bribe to endorse her?

    It wasn't a bribe, it was common sense. Corrupt as she is, her promises were more closely aligned to his, and it is considerably better to vote for her than the other strong candidate.
    He also got a shitton of money for endorsing her rather than sitting it out or wasting everyone's time with Stein. And didn't raise a single peep when the DNC's corruption was revealed. There's a reason he lives in a mansion now...
    Oh? I'll have to look into this.
    Only the finest clay.
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