I took a C++ course in high school, then I went to college for computer science which included some C, Java, and Visual Basic stuff, but most of what I learned when it comes to web programming is actually self-taught.
Back in the olden days of 2005, I was involved with a game called Mystera Legends (which is where I met
@Evelynx, incidently). The owner of the game decided to let players create their own server, and I was one of the admins for one of those initial servers. By this time I had already managed small forums for about three years, but I thought it'd be really cool for players on our server to see and manage their characters on a website, which involved being able to query the game server to get that information and then use it to display what their character looked like, their stats, and their inventory. That was my first foray into actual web programming, then over the years as I took on other projects I learned new things.
I still have the code for that project. According to the comments, I started on July 1st, 2005.
As for this specific website, the events that led up to my leaving Spiritus and Wintreath being a serious thing happened really quickly, so all of a sudden we needed a forum for a new region...we didn't have time for me to take a few weeks and create a whole new site, so I used the code/design for an Elvoria clan site I'd built a year earlier and modified it to fit our needs. As taulover pointed out, the forum is SMF, which I'd came to like for being free, having streamlined code, and being easy to modify and build off of. To some extent or another, the custom web pages tie into the Simple Machines API or directly access the database, which I've also customized and added new tables (for things like laws, donations, karma, etc.) into over the years.
The Original Elvoria clan site