
Later on, should Sioldir and Indosyl leave the Caverns to get supplies to make their way to the Inner Sanctum easier?

Yes, for a day.
2 (28.6%)
No, because they'd lose their way!
0 (0%)
Yes, but for longer than a day, so they have more time to prepare.
2 (28.6%)
Wait, WHY would they leave? This entire thing is based around the caverns!
2 (28.6%)
Just get on with the role-play!
0 (0%)
I don't know why i'm here...
1 (14.3%)

Total Members Voted: 7

Voting closed: May 13, 2016, 03:32:59 PM

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Misty Pearl Caverns
Posts: 53 Views: 12768

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  • The Adventurer Named Sioldir Fidaud was on his travels to the city of Kort but half way through the adventure he saw a little Impasse so he decided that he had a couple hours of sunlight left. So he followed the impasse and came to a cave entrance he tied his horse to the tree out side of the cavern and adventured in side. when he arrived at an opening in the cave it didn't look like any normal cave. He then realised that it was no normal cave it was misty pearl cavern he had stepped foot into so he decided to carry on through the cave until he heard footsteps around him so he decided to say''Show your self''.
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    • King Owein Hod
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  • A pale-skinned character stepped from the gloom, wielding a rusted flail in one hand, and a pocket watch in the other. His eyes were purple-red.

    "I", he spoke in a rough, yet posh sounding accent," Am Indosyl... What business do you have here?" His voice was monotonous and dull.

    "If you're looking for the relic, then back off!", his voice now full of anger," I was here first - so it's mine. MINE!"
    He was now swinging his flail left to right with force and effort, and his eyes were full of firey aggression.   >:D
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  • Sioldir Fidaud replied with persuasive meaning in his voice '' there is a relic here I didn't realise maybe we could find it together I'm Sioldir Fidaud at your services a sell sword if you must.and if we work together we could find it twice as fast but if you do decide to hire me you will have to pay.

    • King Owein Hod
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  • "Hire you?!" Cried Indosyl as if Sioldir was the most disgusting creature he had yet laid eyes
    upon, "I'll have you know, I can function very well alone! Well... you can tag along, if you wish, but I shall not fork over my hard-earned cash! Now if you are not following...
    Good day to you, 'sir'! Now leave me be!"

    Indosyl poured a bottle of gasoline over his flail, and held a lit lighter to it. The flail burst into flames. This was his torch. Indosyl nodded, and silently stepped into the dark mist of Misty Pearl Caverns...
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  • Sioldir followed the strange man as he drew his expensive looking native steel wintrean sword and oak shield. Sioldir asked the man ''how did you happen across this place  I see no horse and there's no civilization for miles.

    • King Owein Hod
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  • Indosyl was looking at some strange carvings in the ground.
    "Hmm?",he inquired.

    "Oh... sorry I was just observing these carvi-
    never mind, you asked about my horse, did you not...
    It's by the River Hercke, near the main entrance.
    And I didn't happen across it, i'll have you know!
    It took me some time to find this disgusting hole of filth!
       But err... why did you wish to-"

    But then Indosyl was cut off by the cave wall being broken by a great werewolf-resembling beast - a hybrid.
    Indosyl panicked, and bopped the beast atop its head with his flail, leaving an indent in its skull, and angering the creature.

    Indosyl hopped behind a rock while he figured out what to do, but no plan was forming...
    It was down to Sioldir!
    « Last Edit: May 07, 2016, 11:52:02 PM by Nutjob7 »
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  • Sioldir faced the beast with courage revelling his sword and slicing it directly in the throat it bent over dyeing. To finish it off he he poured wolfs bane on its wound so it would die a less painful death. Sioldir glanced at his accomplice trembling behind a rock and Sioldir stated''its ok to come out now anyway it was only a first bred not even a threat to a rabbit.

    • King Owein Hod
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  • Indosyl replied angrily,
    "Not even a threat to a rabbit!? That's utter sh*t! That thing was bigger than me!
    Don't get all full of yourself now, whatever your name is... I just panicked... I  actually am an  experienced fighter! Who do you think you are - Don Bambo... or whatever he's called."  >:( Indosyl took a long sigh and stared at the ground for a moment.
    "Look, i'm sorry, I just- It's-...
    Hmmph... never mind, erm... what is your name? Sea-old-deer? In case I have not told you, my name is Indosyl. I come from the far North, just outside of Wintreath, but I live in Kort now. So, what about you, hmm? Where do you come from?
    « Last Edit: May 04, 2016, 02:56:26 PM by Nutjob7 »
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  • ''Me I  hail from the city of Castahal'' answered Sioldir.'' Now you said you are a skilled fighter where did you learn to fight'' asked Sioldir.

    • King Owein Hod
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  • Indosyl smiled and looked at nowhere in particular, as if remembering something (Which indeed he was).

    "I was quite the adventurer back in my day... Learnt how to fight... heck I was once put in an arena and pit-fought a troll! Ha ha ha... But around 30 years ago, well, I just stopped.
    You know, adventuring.
    Although, I thought I'd just try to find this 'unicorn horn' or whatever it is, you know... some extra cash in my pockets, and to remind me of my golden age... Now *Ahem* Lets" Began Indosyl, with a new-found confidence in his speech,"Find that Artefact!"

    Indosyl smashed what he thought was a rock (But was actually the giant lesser-spotted five-shelled wintrean cave armadillo) into peices using his flail, and crawled down a small passageway behind it, and into the depths of Misty Pearl Caverns...

    « Last Edit: May 04, 2016, 03:43:03 PM by Nutjob7 »
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  • Sioldir followed the man that he thought was nice enough. But he did think he was a bit crazy to just give up adventuring all of a sudden. I wonder what made him stop. Sioldir followed him until they heard a noise and all of a sudden a mighty  botchling came out of no where Sioldir shouted to his accomplice its time to show me your fighting skills.

    « Last Edit: May 04, 2016, 04:09:52 PM by Owen123 »

    • King Owein Hod
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  • Indosyl flipped around the botchling with great acrobatic skills, whilst swinging his fiery flail about in all directions. Eventually, after lots of spinning and flipping and jumping and hopping and bounding and back-flipping... Indosyl landed neatly on the cave floor, and the botchling simply stood there, with a dazed expression, before closing it's eyes, and exploding into botchling spawn, which covered the cave, and every object inside (Including Indosyl and Sioldir). Indosyl smirked and said to Sioldir,"There's my fighting skills. Now come, make haste! We need to find the Inner Sanctum of Misty Pearl Caverns! That Is where our fortune lies."

    Indosyl checked his Brass Edition Co-ordinate Calculating Pocket Watch. He clicked one of the ten buttons on the side, and the numbers and dials on the front spun and rotated. It read X:784, Y:112

    "We need to be at X:793, Y:310. So lets go."
    Indosyl looked up above his head, and saw a crevice in the ceiling, which lead to another section of the cave. "And", he began,"If my pocket watch is correct", he pushed another button, "then we need to be up there."

    Indosyl pulled out his grappling hook, and grabbed Sioldir. Then he used the hook and made sure that it was securely attached to the roof of the cavern, before grappling to the crack, and crawling through. "Come on!" He gestured to Sioldir, "This way"
    « Last Edit: May 04, 2016, 05:36:35 PM by Nutjob7 »
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  • Sioldir stated to the now out of breath looking man'' Well your quite impressive for an elder'' then they got to the end of the tunnel and they arrived at an odd looking door. Sioldir said ''what do you think this is I think I
     have read about these doors there aren't to many of them through out Wintreath but that's all I know about them wait I still have the book with information on these ancient doors'' Sioldir hands Inydosil the old tattered book... 


    • King Owein Hod
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    Sir Jammy Bob II
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  • Sir Jammy Bob II
  • Out of nowhere Sit Jammy Bob II crawls in through some holes, he feels hungry and scared.
    Sir Jammy Bob II
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  • Indosyl stared at the old man for a second or two.
    "Erm... tag along with us, if you wish... My my, you look hungry, here have this bread, you dirty old man." Indosyl handed the strange man a moldy stale piece of bread.

    Then he turned to Sioldir and took the book. He studied it for about three minutes, and took some notes into his journal. "We must decode the door. It has a very specific code. I have an idea." Indosyl then took out a book with a cover so worn, it was now white rather than brown, and flipped to page 433. "Wintrean Sealed Doors... Hmm..." He studied the page carefully, and made more notes.

    "Well, I may have cracked the code!" He cried, triumphantly, and with that began repeatedly hitting the door with his flaming flail, but to no avail.

    "This is absolute bullsh*t! We came THIS far for a ghastly old man to crawl through the wall like Gollum, and be met with an forever locked door! We'll never crack the code!" Said Indosyl, "Sioldir, or... you", he gestured to Sir Jammy Bob II "Any ideas? This is rather difficult to figure out, my dear fellows!". Indosyl sighed heavily, and threw the books at Sioldir.
    « Last Edit: May 04, 2016, 06:25:11 PM by Nutjob7 »
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