Post #73736
May 04, 2016, 05:10:06 PM
Indosyl flipped around the botchling with great acrobatic skills, whilst swinging his fiery flail about in all directions. Eventually, after lots of spinning and flipping and jumping and hopping and bounding and back-flipping... Indosyl landed neatly on the cave floor, and the botchling simply stood there, with a dazed expression, before closing it's eyes, and exploding into botchling spawn, which covered the cave, and every object inside (Including Indosyl and Sioldir). Indosyl smirked and said to Sioldir,"There's my fighting skills. Now come, make haste! We need to find the Inner Sanctum of Misty Pearl Caverns! That Is where our fortune lies."
Indosyl checked his Brass Edition Co-ordinate Calculating Pocket Watch. He clicked one of the ten buttons on the side, and the numbers and dials on the front spun and rotated. It read X:784, Y:112
"We need to be at X:793, Y:310. So lets go."
Indosyl looked up above his head, and saw a crevice in the ceiling, which lead to another section of the cave. "And", he began,"If my pocket watch is correct", he pushed another button, "then we need to be up there."
Indosyl pulled out his grappling hook, and grabbed Sioldir. Then he used the hook and made sure that it was securely attached to the roof of the cavern, before grappling to the crack, and crawling through. "Come on!" He gestured to Sioldir, "This way"