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Oh, the creatures you'll find in Wintreath...
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  • I think all of this lore building is quite excellent.  It's nice to see others interested in building up our world of Wintreath.  ^_^

    For good measure though, I went ahead and merged your 3 creature topics into this one, mimicking that of our Location listing topic.  :)

    Thanks, that's really cool!  :)
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  • The Mountain Giant.
    The Mountain Giant resides in the northern mountains. these beasts dwell at the top of the highest peaks, and protected the other mountain creatures. like all mountain giants they are as the pine forests that grow across the mountain slopes.

    They also have claws that can break through the biggest boulders of rock

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  • Nymphet

    In Wintrean folklore, these lights are believed to be spirits of the dead, supernatural beings which attempt to lead travelers to their demise.

    Sometimes the lights are believed to be the spirits of stillborn children, flitting between heaven and hell, a type of spirit which brings with it many negative connotations.

    There are numerous types of Nymphet, each with its own special ability, like hypnosis, or foreseeing the future.

    They can be purple, blue, green, white, or gold, but every few thousand years, they may fluctuate colours, depending on their thoughts and feelings

     (*) (*) (*)
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    « Last Edit: May 07, 2016, 04:49:35 PM by Nutjob7 »
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    Minos are giant rat like creatures that roam through out the sewers and caves of Wintreath.

    They can vary in sizes from the smallest which is about the size of a small child and the largest are about the size of a large dog here is an illustration

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  • Harpy Pegasi

    Harpy Pegasi are the most common of the genus 'Harpy'. They are small and streamlined (About the size of a cow), and fly through the skies over Wintreath, and are often mistaken for Harpy Gorgons, scaring the Wintreans. They keep among themselves, and are often seen chasing their favourite meal, Wintrean Albatrosses. Sometimes, they mate in the sky, spinning around in circles. They always fly in V formations, which creates uplift for the Harpy Pegasi behind.

    Harpy Gorgon

    These are the cousins of the Harpy Pegasi, and almost three times the size. They are vicious loners, and often attempt to hunt and kill Nimbus whales. A common rumor is that there used to be hundreds of  Nimbus whales, and the Harpy Gorgons (Often known as 'Sky Piranhas') killed all but five of them. If you ever see a lone Harpy flying above you, run... It may be a Gorgon.
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    « Last Edit: May 09, 2016, 05:53:05 PM by Nutjob7 »
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  •                                    The Trelion  Zepha

    The Trelion Zepha are humongous squid like creatures that fly through the skies of north west Wintreath. they eat all sorts of birds and sometimes if they are in  big group they will try take down one or two nimbus whales. They use there powerful tentacles to take down even some of the most powerful of airborne creatures. here is an illustration

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  • Carniboars
    The carniboar is a giant, powerful animal that roams the plains of Wintreath. They are carnivores, and they eat anything that they can kill. Carniboars hunt in packs of 2 to 3, which is plenty to take on most prey. Although they are pretty strong, they can't swim, only making sea creatures that are close to the shore in danger of being eaten by these beasts.
    Carniboars have one main "predator," humans. They are commonly hunted as sport by Wintreans. One adult carniboar can provide a hearty meal for a whole family, and their furs are commonly used in most clothing, while their tusks are used as parts of fine jewelry.
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    « Last Edit: July 31, 2016, 02:35:45 PM by Rasdanation »
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  • Epic. *dabs on hater*
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    « Last Edit: December 21, 2018, 08:36:58 PM by Noris Kneecap »
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                                                        Goblinite Salthile

    Goblinite Salthile are vile creatures that lurk in tombs, ruined houses and also on the highest peaks of the most northern mountains.

    Their diet mainly consists of bugs, small wolf cubs and in quite large groups can also feast on a un expecting wanderer.

    Here is an illustration

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  • The Sabertooth Lion
    Originally, long ago, before civilization existed, before Wintreath was even cold, many different creatures roamed the lands. Many beasts were dominate of different parts of Wintreath, such as lions, jaguars, and tigers. Throughout the ages, though, times became harsh on these beasts. As Wintreath became colder, the dominate beasts struggled to survive in colder, harsher climates, and were forced to adapt.

    The Sabertooth Lion was the result of the lions having to adapt. As the savannas that they used to live in changed to forests, their fur has changed to black and red, allowing them to blend in with the shadows and leaves. Their teeth had adapted be able to cut through the other animal's thick coats, helping them kill prey more easily. To this day, there are few left, but these animals are some of the most deadly, and they have no hesitation to kill.

    (Yes, this will be a series of entries for the three animals listed above)
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  • The Mountain Jaguar
    Originally, long ago, before civilization existed, before Wintreath was even cold, many different creatures roamed the lands. Many beasts were dominate of different parts of Wintreath, such as lions, jaguars, and tigers. Throughout the ages, though, times became harsh on these beasts. As Wintreath became colder, the dominate beasts struggled to survive in colder, harsher climates, and were forced to adapt.

    The Mountain Jaguar was the result of the jaguar having to adapt. Since the rain forests it once lived in had been destroyed by the cold, the jaguars needed to move elsewhere for shelter. This place was the mountains. They adapted to have thicker fur, to survive in the freezing temperatures of the peaks. They slept in and raised their young in the coves that could be found on the sides of the mountains. These jaguars do hunt whatever they can find up in their habitat, and attack anybody or anything that would intrude on their territory, making the Wintreans give them the title of "The Mountain Guardians."
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  • The Snow Tiger
    Originally, long ago, before civilization existed, before Wintreath was even cold, many different creatures roamed the lands. Many beasts were dominate of different parts of Wintreath, such as lions, jaguars, and tigers. Throughout the ages, though, times became harsh on these beasts. As Wintreath became colder, the dominate beasts struggled to survive in colder, harsher climates, and were forced to adapt.

    The Snow Tiger was the result of the tigers having to adapt. Instead of finding a place where they could be dominate, they stayed in the plains, where they always were, facing the tougher competition of stronger animals. These animals adapted to having white fur, allowing them to blend in with their surroundings. This gave them an upper hand against the stronger animals, allowing their packs to get the element of surprise against their enemies.
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  • Rhinotaur
    Rhinotaurs are peaceful herbivores who live in the Great Wintrean Plains, although they still are tough. Their actions are simple, really. When in danger, these animals ram their enemies to defend themselves. When in peace, they eat and raise their young. These simple beasts can be easily befriended by Wintreans, if they treat them well, that is.
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  • The Great Wintrean Termite

    Long before the first Wintrean feet trod the snowy peaks of the northern reaches, the Great Wintrean Termite erected its mighty edifices of ice and stone. These large insects burrow deep into the earths crust for warmth, absorbing the subterranean warmth in dense rocky plates on their underbellies. This warmth proves vital to the survival of the termite as it carries rocks, debris, dead termites, and the remains of prey to the icy Wintrean surface. Once deposited, ice is melted and reformed around the deposited materials to form enormous mounds, often mistaken, to the hiker's misfortune, for large hills or even mountains.

    A eusocial animal, the Great Wintrean Termite was once thought to be multiple species. It is now known that it is divided up into at least three castes - warriors, workers, and flyers.

    Measuring between 2 and 3 meters in length, warrior termites (pictured) are ferocious adversaries who will engage any threat to the mound by chewing, biting, slashing and trampling with their enormous mandibles and powerful spined legs. Remorseless killers, once deployed from the mound's core a warrior will never return - it will rampage until its warm core has cooled. Likely due to its near brainlessness, it would not remember its way back through the labyrinthine tunnels even if it had the presence of mind to save some warmth for the return journey.

    Not to be discounted is the worker caste, which are much smaller than warriors, about 1 meter at most. Clever creatures with abnormally large brains, they serve as guides for other castes, able to memorize the many twists and turns of their enormous home. They use their powerful mandibles to chew through rock and ice, carry heavy loads, and carry hot stones to melt ice and form tunnels. Consummate cowards, workers will flee into the mound's depths upon sensing any creature not of the mound. Fear not for the worker however, it will soon return with warriors at its back. Intruders will find themselves cunningly surrounded with endless waves of glistening termite bodies in the deep dark, likely never having seen the worker that first spied them.

    The strangest and most elusive of the castes is the flyers. True to their name, they possess enormous 4 meter wings compared to their 2 meter length, able to convey them rapidly through the air with tremendous speed. Every so often, the mostly inert mound will erupt into furious activity, with warriors and workers crawling over the outside of the mound. Desperate to escape, flyers are gently held to the ground by the other castes. Only those that are able to struggle free are allowed to escape to fly to destinations unknown. Thought to have something to do with the creation of new mounds, sighting of a flying termite is infrequent and is considered to be a bad omen.

    Clearly a dangerous species, the intrepid adventurer of the northern climes of Wintreath should plan their routes carefully to avoid known mounds. Before embarking upon a hill or mountain, one should observe it carefully for signs of termite activity. Large termite mounds take on a characteristic tower-like structure that is recognizable from a distance. Mining camps near termite mounds are a good place to camp, as they are well-protected from termites by magical wards and specially designed fortifications.

    Iron and steel made from the thick metallic underbellies of warrior termites is considered among the finest materials used in the crafting of weapons and armor. Ordinarily, and understandably given the termites ferocious and irascible nature, this material is obtained from dead warriors found on or near the surface of a mound. Knowledge of this material has spread far and wide however, and this has spawned interest in the material from extra-Wintrean locales. Several projects intended to gather the material en-masse are under way.

    Wintrean scientists, with access to mounds abandoned during long summers, theorize that at least one more caste exists in the deepest tunnels with the largest chambers. Legends of the so-called termite "Queen" have attracted adventurers of all kinds from all over the world.

    As for this zoologist, I recommend all caution be taken when attempting to venture deeper into the lairs of the Great Wintrean Termite. Ordinarily, termites are predominately peaceful creatures, always reacting, never acting. On occasion however, they have been known to erupt from their mound in enormous numbers, only to march to a distant location and disappear once more into the ground. Such a diaspora into a populated area would be an unmitigated disaster.

    Call me a coward, but my youth is behind me and the wisdom of my age says this: Do not dig deeper. Leave them alone.

    - Amelia Tanglethorn, Zoologist to the King
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  • That looks like an infection form from Halo, perhaps it could do similar things to one?
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