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Possible Revocation of Govindia's Citizenship
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  • I would like to clarify to everyone that this thread is still open and those of you with complaints or an opinion either way should make your voices heard now.
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  • And since this is a serious topic that is talking about actually possibly affecting someone's citizenship, I highly encourage everyone to post their thoughts on this subject in here, and likewise continue to encourage Gov to post his side to everything on here since this affects you in particular.
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  • So, Hannah-san said that I should post what I have to say here and that I'm allowed to and stuff, because this is really, really annoying me more than it probably should, but I feel the need to speak out about it.
    Now, before I go on, you might be wanting to say 'But Lumeny, you're not an admin you don't know what you're talking about' or what ever, and I'm gonna stop you right there because I have been the owner, a mod, and an admin of many different groups, made by myself and other people, and I happen to still run and co own a group that, at the height of it, had over 1,500 members in it. So, before you want to say 'She doesn't know what she's talking about don't listen to her', I'mma just say I know my shit when it comes to this thing, because I have had to deal with situations like this before, and I'mma just say, how it's currently being dealt with, is making me want to screech.

    I feel that this is not going fairly, and you might say 'But we're being nice to Gov about this and letting him defend himself' and blah blah blah, but let's stop for a minute and think: Is this fair to the other side of the fight as well? What about the people he's done things to, do you think they all think this is going fairly? Because lemme tell you, I don't think so, and I'm honestly beyond confused and why this is being such an issue to take care of. Because in many other groups I've been in, that I've owned, that my friends have owned, that total strangers have owned, if someone is making such a big problem is causing problems for themselves, other people, and just being an issue in general, that person does not stay. You might say 'Well, that isn't fair!', but how is it then fair to the people being affected by that person staying there? I'm just saying, this shouldn't be such a difficult choice to make, because I'm really not trying to be mean or rude here, but in many, many different groups online that I've been in, if a person is being a problem, then they don't get to stay after they get given like two chances.

    However, this is not just the only problem I'm having with this whole ordeal, it's also how many people are involved in deciding Gov's fate. Why do you need like everyone and their mothers in order to decide this? It's literally the most annoying and irritating thing when you need to get everyone to give their two cents in order for something to happen, and once again I'd like to say I'm trying really, really hard not to be mean here. I don't understand why it isn't just a tiny, tiny group of like three or four people who decide these things, it's literally the most confusing aspect of this region that I simply cannot understand in the slightest.

    Lastly, I'll just give my opinion on this whole mess, being that I am in this mess, even though most people wouldn't consider me to be until they've seen things I've gathered because guess what, little baby Lumeny likes to screenshot events that she doesn't like that involve her. Taking away citizenship? How does that actually fix the problem? He can still talk on here, can't he? Isn't that kinda too light? If anything, the problem is just being put off yet again instead of actually being fixed. I don't think some people here understand just how bloody annoying and irritating this is to watch play out and everyone just keeps giving chance, after chance, after chance. I know you guys want to be fair, which is all well and good on it's own, but in all honesty, this situation is n o t fair.

    I do hope I wasn't too mean in this, but this situation is just making me want to scream and break my chromebook, sorry.
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  • So, Hannah-san said that I should post what I have to say here and that I'm allowed to and stuff, because this is really, really annoying me more than it probably should, but I feel the need to speak out about it.
    Now, before I go on, you might be wanting to say 'But Lumeny, you're not an admin you don't know what you're talking about' or what ever, and I'm gonna stop you right there because I have been the owner, a mod, and an admin of many different groups, made by myself and other people, and I happen to still run and co own a group that, at the height of it, had over 1,500 members in it. So, before you want to say 'She doesn't know what she's talking about don't listen to her', I'mma just say I know my shit when it comes to this thing, because I have had to deal with situations like this before, and I'mma just say, how it's currently being dealt with, is making me want to screech.

    I feel that this is not going fairly, and you might say 'But we're being nice to Gov about this and letting him defend himself' and blah blah blah, but let's stop for a minute and think: Is this fair to the other side of the fight as well? What about the people he's done things to, do you think they all think this is going fairly? Because lemme tell you, I don't think so, and I'm honestly beyond confused and why this is being such an issue to take care of. Because in many other groups I've been in, that I've owned, that my friends have owned, that total strangers have owned, if someone is making such a big problem is causing problems for themselves, other people, and just being an issue in general, that person does not stay. You might say 'Well, that isn't fair!', but how is it then fair to the people being affected by that person staying there? I'm just saying, this shouldn't be such a difficult choice to make, because I'm really not trying to be mean or rude here, but in many, many different groups online that I've been in, if a person is being a problem, then they don't get to stay after they get given like two chances.

    However, this is not just the only problem I'm having with this whole ordeal, it's also how many people are involved in deciding Gov's fate. Why do you need like everyone and their mothers in order to decide this? It's literally the most annoying and irritating thing when you need to get everyone to give their two cents in order for something to happen, and once again I'd like to say I'm trying really, really hard not to be mean here. I don't understand why it isn't just a tiny, tiny group of like three or four people who decide these things, it's literally the most confusing aspect of this region that I simply cannot understand in the slightest.

    Lastly, I'll just give my opinion on this whole mess, being that I am in this mess, even though most people wouldn't consider me to be until they've seen things I've gathered because guess what, little baby Lumeny likes to screenshot events that she doesn't like that involve her. Taking away citizenship? How does that actually fix the problem? He can still talk on here, can't he? Isn't that kinda too light? If anything, the problem is just being put off yet again instead of actually being fixed. I don't think some people here understand just how bloody annoying and irritating this is to watch play out and everyone just keeps giving chance, after chance, after chance. I know you guys want to be fair, which is all well and good on it's own, but in all honesty, this situation is n o t fair.

    I do hope I wasn't too mean in this, but this situation is just making me want to scream and break my chromebook, sorry.

    Well, Lum, I don't want to sound mean either. Those places you spoke of sound great. But we are not them. This is Wintreath. This is how we do things. You don't like it? I'm sorry. But you think that  I'm going to allow a ban or Revocation to be handled by "three of four people" after what happened to me then you are dead wrong.

    And for the record, I wouldn't have downvoted your post and been so short with you if you hadn't basically turned into a absolute condescending dick.
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  • Thank you for sharing your thoughts.  It's exactly what we need to hear.  I'm going to try and respond to your criticisms with my thoughts, but keep in mind I agree with you on several of these points and I'm not trying to make excuses as to why things are the way they are. 

    Many of the people that Gov has harmed (Pengu, Hannah, etc.) are involved in writing this bill, so their thoughts are well known.  You can see from our actual drafting thread that we're struggling to set an acceptable pace for this, since we want to make sure the bill is GOOD.  This pacing issue is partly because this is the first ever legislative revocation of citizenship and we want to set a good precedent and cover all the bases, and partly because we need to balance the punitive mindset with the merciful.  Some of us have more sympathy for Govindia than others, and some are more eager to see him go than others.  We have a mix of both in the Storting right now, so naturally it causes some friction.  This is also a legislative process, so we are statutorily constrained as to when the discussion period is over, when we can motion to vote, etc.  These things have time limits built in.  Which brings me to another point...

    Wintreath has no moderation team, besides the Jarls who have authority over their respective forums and Wintermoot, who has admin privileges over the entire site.  We have no warning system, no defined code of conduct, and no recourse to punish other than our judicial system (which would be slower than this) and revocations of citizenship.  Revocations start either with the Storting or the Monarch.  You'll have to ask the Monarch why action wasn't taken earlier (or perhaps he's already shared his views - I can't remember; there are so many threads dedicated to this one topic.).

    Regarding why we keep stressing everyone comment - The referendum on the Constitutional Convention was very recent, and it sorta kinda exploded because we found there was actually considerable opposition to what we were trying to do, even though very little was expressed in the drafting phase.  Afterwards it was revealed that those who dissented from the majority were actually afraid to speak in opposition or felt that their comments would be ignored.  We want dearly to avoid a repeat of that, where we go through with this and then suffer cries of "You violated his rights, you should have tried more, this is unfair, etc."  This is part of the reason we upped the number of Underhusen seats to 7 this term, to encourage better discussion and to present a variety of viewpoints.

    Wintreath's number one quality - the one that drew most of us here, the thing that keeps us here, and the quality that keeps us all coming back, is our inclusiveness.  Wintreath does not turn people away.  After Govindia was rejected, banned, dismissed from every other region he's inhabited he came to Wintreath.  Wintermoot can speak of the ridiculousness Wintreath has endured on the international stage because of our decision to offer him amnesty and to allow him to participate in interregional military operations.  It's been a burden, but that only solidified in our minds that we were doing the right thing by giving him a chance.  Even after every door slams in your face, Wintreath will open its arms to you.

    Govindia has abused that charity.  I'll repeat my thoughts from another discussion below, because I think they sum up my thoughts pretty well. 

    We know exactly where this road is heading.  It doesn't matter whether we get there tomorrow or in six months: we know what we're in for.  Another citizen is going to be harassed, insulted, humiliated, frustrated, and - worst of all - he'll attempt to manipulate them into thinking they did something wrong.  I don't want to be part of the Storting that was ready to pull the trigger on the most serious sanction he's received, and didn't, and someone ended up getting hurt.

    I don't think any of us were concerned with the fact this was taking too long.  It might be because (and I can only speak for myself) we consider all of us, the whole region, to be victims.  This overshadows the harm caused to the actual victims, or those that have suffered worse than the rest.  I can't thank you enough for sharing this.
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  • So, Hannah-san said that I should post what I have to say here and that I'm allowed to and stuff, because this is really, really annoying me more than it probably should, but I feel the need to speak out about it.
    Now, before I go on, you might be wanting to say 'But Lumeny, you're not an admin you don't know what you're talking about' or what ever, and I'm gonna stop you right there because I have been the owner, a mod, and an admin of many different groups, made by myself and other people, and I happen to still run and co own a group that, at the height of it, had over 1,500 members in it. So, before you want to say 'She doesn't know what she's talking about don't listen to her', I'mma just say I know my shit when it comes to this thing, because I have had to deal with situations like this before, and I'mma just say, how it's currently being dealt with, is making me want to screech.

    I feel that this is not going fairly, and you might say 'But we're being nice to Gov about this and letting him defend himself' and blah blah blah, but let's stop for a minute and think: Is this fair to the other side of the fight as well? What about the people he's done things to, do you think they all think this is going fairly? Because lemme tell you, I don't think so, and I'm honestly beyond confused and why this is being such an issue to take care of. Because in many other groups I've been in, that I've owned, that my friends have owned, that total strangers have owned, if someone is making such a big problem is causing problems for themselves, other people, and just being an issue in general, that person does not stay. You might say 'Well, that isn't fair!', but how is it then fair to the people being affected by that person staying there? I'm just saying, this shouldn't be such a difficult choice to make, because I'm really not trying to be mean or rude here, but in many, many different groups online that I've been in, if a person is being a problem, then they don't get to stay after they get given like two chances.

    However, this is not just the only problem I'm having with this whole ordeal, it's also how many people are involved in deciding Gov's fate. Why do you need like everyone and their mothers in order to decide this? It's literally the most annoying and irritating thing when you need to get everyone to give their two cents in order for something to happen, and once again I'd like to say I'm trying really, really hard not to be mean here. I don't understand why it isn't just a tiny, tiny group of like three or four people who decide these things, it's literally the most confusing aspect of this region that I simply cannot understand in the slightest.

    Lastly, I'll just give my opinion on this whole mess, being that I am in this mess, even though most people wouldn't consider me to be until they've seen things I've gathered because guess what, little baby Lumeny likes to screenshot events that she doesn't like that involve her. Taking away citizenship? How does that actually fix the problem? He can still talk on here, can't he? Isn't that kinda too light? If anything, the problem is just being put off yet again instead of actually being fixed. I don't think some people here understand just how bloody annoying and irritating this is to watch play out and everyone just keeps giving chance, after chance, after chance. I know you guys want to be fair, which is all well and good on it's own, but in all honesty, this situation is n o t fair.

    I do hope I wasn't too mean in this, but this situation is just making me want to scream and break my chromebook, sorry.

    Well, Lum, I don't want to sound mean either. Those places you spoke of sound great. But we are not them. This is Wintreath. This is how we do things. You don't like it? I'm sorry. But you think that  I'm going to allow a ban or Revocation to be handled by "three of four people" after what happened to me then you are dead wrong.

    And for the record, I wouldn't have downvoted your post and been so short with you if you hadn't basically turned into a absolute condescending dick.

    I'm not being a condescending dick, that's mean.
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  • Wintreath has no moderation team, besides the Jarls who have authority over their respective forums and Wintermoot, who has admin privileges over the entire site.  We have no warning system, no defined code of conduct, and no recourse to punish other than our judicial system (which would be slower than this) and revocations of citizenship.  Revocations start either with the Storting or the Monarch.  You'll have to ask the Monarch why action wasn't taken earlier (or perhaps he's already shared his views - I can't remember; there are so many threads dedicated to this one topic.)
    A few quick corrections here.
    1) Any warning system to be put in place is to be put in place by the Administrative team...Since I don't have access to their areas, I can only assume one might have been implemented, but has probably not.

    2) We do TECHNICALLY have a form of Code of Conduct, which is the Administration Rules and Guidelines which apply to both the forums and the IRC AFAIK.

    3) The Administration can extra-judicially punish someone as per Article VI, Section 4 which reads:
    4. The Winter Nomad and all subordinate administrative officials shall be responsible for protecting Wintreath properties from any content which is illegal, violates the terms of service of the provider of the Wintreath property, or otherwise brings harm to the region or community. Actions taken under this responsibility shall supersede the Declaration of Rights.
    Which, technically grants the administrative team with the authority to punish someone. This is where the banning of he-who-shall-not-be-named's power come from first and foremost. This section was also recently amended to allow the Administrative team the ability to do this....

    4) The administrative team can also technically remove someone's citizenship, albeit indirectly due to the fact that their actions can supersede the Declaration of Rights in the protection of the region.
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • Your language was condescending, hostile and honestly pretty disingenuous. You spoke like we treated you like a three year old. If we did I would not have responded to you the way I did.

    I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings but I stand by what I said.
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  • Well, that's your opinion.
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  • The same goes for you, Lum.
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  • Anyway, does anyone else have anything else they wish to share? Say, I don't know, Gov's other victims?
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  • North, come on now.  You're in the UH, you're supposed to be representing everyone here, not jumping at someone like that.

    Lum has expressed her opinion, whether it's something any of us agree with or not.  There's no reason to flame her by calling her a condescending dick.

    Yes, this is Wintreath, and yes, we do things different here than places that would ban for even so much as having a singular disagreement with a mod.  That doesn't mean that we can't learn things from others.  Lumen is a citizen just like the rest of us, and as a body that represents the citizens, we should respect her opinions and criticisms.

    6 people like this post: Lumenland, taulover, Laurentus, Chanku, Daylen Phoenix, HannahB
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  • North, come on now.  You're in the UH, you're supposed to be representing everyone here, not jumping at someone like that.

    Lum has expressed her opinion, whether it's something any of us agree with or not.  There's no reason to flame her by calling her a condescending dick.

    Yes, this is Wintreath, and yes, we do things different here than places that would ban for even so much as having a singular disagreement with a mod.  That doesn't mean that we can't learn things from others.  Lumen is a citizen just like the rest of us, and as a body that represents the citizens, we should respect her opinions and criticisms.

    I have no problem with her point, just her language.

    But you are, as usual, correct.

    Again, I apologize, Lumen.
    « Last Edit: April 14, 2016, 01:42:05 AM by North »
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  • I wasn't trying to language it meanly ;-;
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  • I wasn't trying to language it meanly ;-;

    Neither was Govindia.
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