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Any Dungeons and Dragons Players Out There
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Mr CheesyFondue
  • Former Citizen
  • The Magnificent Leader of Desu Booty Lads
  • This is a bit of a different topic thread for a gaming section dedicated to video games but anyway any fellow players out there that want to share some details about their campaigns going on or there experiences in the past. I'm gonna make a little list below about some of my campaigns feel free to chime in with some of your own stuff. My apologies if this is a bit long winded.

    1st Campaign
    Ra'Shar- Rogue/Thief character Human
    Main Weapon Skills- Blades, Ranged Weapons (Crossbows, Throwing Knives)
    Main Abilities- Your typical thief skills (sneak,lockpicking,shadowing)
    Highlights-Attempting to sneak attack main boss for a dungeon (necromancer) resulted in me getting pummeled and pinned behind a wall of bones spell seperating me from team. Fought a Demon, Proceeding after final boss loot (large jewels) to purchase a lifetime supply of super ale and retire in the tropical islands. Side note: I would constantly seek out taverns and brothels in game to annoy our party leader my buddy who was constantly trying to organize our crazy party of guys.

    Sinlin Lokur- Gnome Alchemist/Inventor (Still a participant of an extended 1st Campaign switched out characters for fun)
    Alignment-Chaotic Neutral
    Main Weapons-Alchemy Potions, Staff of Acid, Flintlock Rifle, Bombs,
    Main Abilities-Telekinesis power (limited to lifting and moving small objects), Inventing, Forgery (great story behind this).
    Highlights-Setting my complication as paranoid and insane and being hunted for blowing up part of a city, At one point making a self buff potion that allowed me to one hand a sword one of our party had to have 30 strength to wield one hand and proceeding to solo kill a main boss, coming back to the game after an extended leave to find the party had used some of my items to appease a dragon without telling me, forging documents so that our previously mentioned party member would help us kill an employer he was working for so we could get 15 platinum.

    2nd Campaign-Current Campaign
    Baron Von Straussberg-Aristocrat/Savage (Jekyl and Hyde like)
    Main Weapons-Rapier in gentlemen form, fists and rest of body in savage form.
    Main Abilities-Transformation based on anger level, damage taken in a fight and a greed complication roll.
    Highlights-Not anything of note yet only a single game played yet as we have been off for 3 weeks due to Easter and other events
    • The Magnificent Leader of Desu Booty Lads
    Mr CheesyFondue
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  • The Iceman cometh
  • I've been playing D&D on and off for about 3 years now. Haven't played in forever though. Most of what I remember is the silly and idiotic stuff my crew did, since most of them weren't very serious about the game. I found a crew in my college town, but getting them all together into one place is a pain, and I have to DM.
    If I had to talk about one memorable thing, it would be the fact that, due to a running joke in our first campaign, the severed foot of my first character (a half-elf ranger) is now a god in the continuity of my old group, as well as of the main religion of my NS nation.
    • The Iceman cometh
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