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Citizenship: Add Post Requirement?
Posts: 109 Views: 9384

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  • This and your recruitment recommendation seem like good ideas...but otoh it might disqualify people from running to the extent that there might not be enough to actually fill the Underhusen.
    I suppose there would be the benefit of only ever electing people who 'give a shit', or at least are willing enough to fake that they do that it's functionally indistinguishable, but that seems kinda fringe...

    Also since I can't comment on the recruitment thing, I'm just gonna do it here: that seems like it would disenfranchise (I mean, to the extent that they can't run for political office) people who don't maintain NS nations.
    On the subject of this requirement, it seems like the kind of thing that could lead to...idk, patronage, of a sort? A sort of mentor-mentee deal seems like it would build enough of a relationship that it seems like that vote might be perennially locked in, and so give the advantage to people who had mentored longer (and consequently more).
    2 people like this post: taulover, Melehan
    Proud Burner
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  • Citizen
  • This and your recruitment recommendation seem like good ideas...but otoh it might disqualify people from running to the extent that there might not be enough to actually fill the Underhusen.
    I suppose there would be the benefit of only ever electing people who 'give a shit', or at least are willing enough to fake that they do that it's functionally indistinguishable, but that seems kinda fringe...

    Also since I can't comment on the recruitment thing, I'm just gonna do it here: that seems like it would disenfranchise (I mean, to the extent that they can't run for political office) people who don't maintain NS nations.
    On the subject of this requirement, it seems like the kind of thing that could lead to...idk, patronage, of a sort? A sort of mentor-mentee deal seems like it would build enough of a relationship that it seems like that vote might be perennially locked in, and so give the advantage to people who had mentored longer (and consequently more).

    To be fair we don't have to require it for elected officials then, it could just be a Riksrad thing with the Storting recommending it for those running. However I also considered adding in clauses to the requirements stating that such the act would be waived if not enough people run that would fit the requirements and maybe requiring reauthorization by the Storting (giving the Storting at least something to do on occasion). We could also only require it for those looking for re-election.
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • To be fair we don't have to require it for elected officials then, it could just be a Riksrad thing with the Storting recommending it for those running.
    I think we have trouble enough as it is to get people to join and stay active in the Riksrad to put any more requirements on them -- though I would very much be in favor of these if it were a viable option.

    Duke of Wintreath and Count of Janth
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    Count of Janth: 17 September 2017 - present
    Patriarch of the Noble House of Burdock: 17 September 2017 - present
    Recruitment Contest Winner: September 2017
    Duke of Wintreath: 13 September 2019 - present
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    Skrifa of the 37th Underhusen: 8 December 2019 - 8 February 2020
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  • Just so you know, I've modified the Citizenship app:
    • removed all references to the old post requirement
    • added an introduction question at the very beginning
    • put NS-related questions in an optional area since being involved with NS is no longer a requirement
    I also posted some links to this discussion in the Cabinet area and brought up the need for the Cabinet to engage with and introduce themselves to new Citizens, so that new Citizens don't have to put themselves quite as far out there to start getting to know people. Anything we can do to help them start making friends and feel comfortable here is good for them and for us. After all the time and effort we spend recruiting, it'd suck to lose people that have come so far as posted an app just because they still felt like an outsider and wasn't sure how to start being part of the community.

    I'm also open to other ideas too, if anyone has them now or in the future. :)
    3 people like this post: taulover, Gerrick, Melehan

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