Inspired by Wintermoot's post I finally decided to make some graphs based off of the data I presented to the Underhusen (You can find that
here )
Marked (with the date that the Post Requirement took effect)
(Note: The last chart is not the same chart type as the other two, it is an XY chat, due to the fact that Line Chart's don't do the line well, I also only had the last chart in lines because I had to do something hackish to get it to work, and the line wouldn't have appeared outside of the line graph)
Edit: While talking to Wintermoot I figured out how I could combine some of the data he was talking about to see if there was an alternative cause, or any correlations with other factors, so I checked to see if the amount of recruiting has any direct effect on the numbers of Citizens we have, from the graphs that I have show no direct effect on the two, below are the graphs.
There seemed to have been a data error between the first two graphs, however that error is in an outlier so I am less worried about that at this time. I defined Duplicate as any data for a month that had multiple points (this was relevant for the Citizenship Numbers), in which I removed all of the data for that month, except the last reported citizenship value, the outlier that I excluded the citizenship number and telegrams sent that were reported May of 2015. This would lead me to believe that there recruitment has no direct correlation on citizenship numbers, somewhat surprisingly.
However, I will also note that the correlation between Nation Numbers and Telegram Amounts are have a very weak positive correlation, with the correlation coefficient for the data (both with and without that outlier for recruitment removed) are below 0.30, With the outlier it was roughly 0.22 and without it it was roughly 0.16, I would expect it to be more strongly correlated. This leads me to believe that the dataset Wintermoot provided is too small to use when it comes to these kinds of analysis, and thus would make the conclusions drawn here to be inaccurate.
Also please note that I may have made an error during this or, in fact, mis-interpreted or misread any of these numbers. I may also be doing something incorrectly, I only took one DC Stats Class (taught by someone who was horrible and frequently got things wrong) that I didn't pay attention in this past school year, and the data graphs may also be incorrect due to errors in data collection. Any one who knows more of what they are talking about would be greatly appreciated for their double-checking of my information.