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Wintreath Union (IC)
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  • Delegate Fedya Garin (LaPoC)

    Slapping his notebook closed, Garin proceeded- "Well that's just immoral! So let me get this straight- a passenger aircraft did not respond to warnings, and then was shot down? It sounds like a terrible miscommunication; either that or the warning was not given. Delegate De Weiss, please confirm with whoever owned the plane whether they were aware that there was a no-fly zone, and we will need to recover the black box from the wreckage. I presume that is in the hands of North Graeland. Delegate Gunderson, please see to it that the device is delivered to South Graeland unaltered for inspection. Keep in mind that if it is either opened or not delivered, we can assume that it was tampered with and that this attack was unprovoked."

    At this point, Garin was visibly angry and even somewhat out of breath. Collecting himself, he turned his head slightly in the direction of delegate De Weiss. "Since North Gralend is the aggressor of this war, I can offer South Gralend some support. With your approval, LaPoC will route evacuation craft and defensive turrets to the front line, along with medical supplies. Any refugees wishing to seek asylum are free to stay with us. Keep in mind what we offer is strictly for defense. Aid will be withdrawn if LaPoC forces are used for taking land that did not belong to you prior to the war."
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  • Delegate Garland Gunderson (North Gralend)

    "I'm afraid that's impossible, Delegate Garin. We don't have the black box. The plane crashed into the city, which is currently a battle zone. We're not sure where it ended up. Even if we did, the force of the impact and the explosion ensured that nothing survived. There is no black box to be had. And don't worry, Wolf, we have no intention of invading you. And Delegate Garin, it's pronounced "Gralend"."

    Delegate Peter De Weiss (Southern Gralend)

    Good, things were going his way. Now to take advantage.

    "I'm sorry, Delegate Wren, the South has nothing to offer you at this time. We have no funds. And Delegate Garin, while I appreciate your offer to send defensive turrets I cannot except your offer to evacuate our people. This is their homeland and they will die defending it to the last man. It is their duty."
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  • Delegate Fedya Garin (Lapoc)

    "My apologies, delegate Gunderson. A slip of the tongue. Regarding the black box... Under normal aviation standards, black boxes are made to be practically indestructible, the only thing I can think of that could destroyed it is a direct hit with a shaped charge warhead. So do not worry about that. Regarding the battle zone, I'm sure you and delegate De Weiss can negotiate a seize-fire for a few days while a neutral party, like the Lapoc Relief Group searches the wreckage."

    Having heard De Weiss decline the offer of an evacuation, Garin raised an eyebrow in surprise. "No evacuations? surely you must mean no evacuations for combat ready citizens- the elderly, women, and children are not suitable for defense and are only draining your resources." Having said that, Garin tapped at a tablet before resuming. "Regardless, 50 CTs and their crews are on route to you. They should arrive in about two weeks."

    At least I will now have eyes in the field. Hell, the CTs can livestream combat footage to me if need be.
    Only the finest clay.
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  • Delegate Casmac Oreyna (Talvias)

    "I will have it be known that the Talvian Republic cannot in good conscience support the aggressor in a war such as this," Oreyna interjected, having been absent from the floor and only recently returning. "Delegate Garin is correct, the finding of this black box is both vital and surely possible. We would be glad to offer aid in the search, if need be."

    Oreyna turned to Delegate De Weiss. "The government of South Gralend has the support of the Talvian Republic in this matter, and our Prime Minister agrees. We have our own matters at home which are eating up our resources at the moment, but we will offer what we can.

    "Do not mistake this though, as forgiveness for the crimes that Delegate Gunderson previously described. Our aim in supporting you is a timely peace with minimal casualties. For all the faulty actions your government has committed in the recent past, I do not - nor does the vast majority of people - want a repeat of what has happened with the roles reversed."
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  • Adate'lore of Yaim Rusur
  • Delegate Cin'ciri Wren: Yaim Rusur

    Wren contemplated for a few moments, he wanted to have a hand in this, war was his forte after all. "Funds will not be an issue, at least not immediately, for our services. Also Yaim Rusurian troops would be more than happy to search for this black box, our vehicles are well suited for these sorts of environments and our troops themselves have specialized equipment and training for finding items in urban war-zones, as we don't have much training finding things in fields heh heh." Wren chuckled, referencing the lack of greenery in Yaim Rusur
    • Adate'lore of Yaim Rusur
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  • Delegate Garland Gunderson (North Gralend)

    Garland read the message from New Haven again.

    "Chemical agents deployed in Southern Gralend. Do not let this go public. Do not allow Foreign troops into Southern Gralend."

    Gunderson frowned at the news. How was he to accomplish that?

    "First, welcome back Delegate Oreyna, I understand that you are recovering from a heart attack. I hope that you have a speedy recovery.

    Second, regarding the black box, I'm afraid that it's gone. It was destroyed in the missile strike that downed the plane. We can, however, give you the logs of the ATC unit that attempted to contact flight 174.

    Last, and this one is less pleasant, we have blockaded the entire coast of Southern Gralend. Any attempt to make a landing or to drop troops in will be met with heavy resistance from the Naval and Air Forces of the Confederation of North Gralend. Just so you know."
    I Hope You Have A Nice Day :]
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  • Delegate Fedya Garin (Lapoc)

    Shit. those transports won't stand a chance to a full fledged blockade. Then again, it could be a bluff. I still don't have eyes in the field. If it is only light naval resistance, a submarine squadron could easily take them out.

    "The destruction of the black box does not put you into good light. You realize this, yes? Send the logs over anyway, perhaps it was just dumb luck."

    Wait, this blockade was a direct response to the public support granted to South Gralend. I am clearly not cut out for spy work...

    With that in mind, Garin opened a private text chat to Peter DeWeiss. <<I need some information on the North's blockade of your shores. What are their numbers, and locations? Anything helps. If we do not break this blockade, my support cannot arrive. On a separate note, Northern forces must be getting stretched thin. Now is a good time to strike, especially by sea. Keep this channel private.>>

    "Delegate Wren, your help will likely be needed. Be prepared for naval action. Payment will be organized post-factum."
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  • Peter De Weiss (Southern Gralend)

    Peter De Weiss sat as events unfolded around him. He had no idea what to do or say. He looked at his phone as it buzzed. A message from Garin? He read it quickly and replied.

    <All contact with the Southern government has been lost. Arthur De Ruyter is dead along with Kyle Fitzpatrick. Last communication I had indicated that they had been killed in separate chemical attacks. We effectively don't have an army, an air force or a navy. I have nothing to give you.>

    He sent the message as Garland got up to speak.

    Delegate Garland Gunderson (North Gralend)

    "My fellow delegates, something horrible has happened. Recently, there was a breakthrough by the South. They breached a portion of our front line and advanced until they reached a mobile field hospital. There, the Southern State Militia.... they...." He took a moment to compose himself "... they butchered the wounded. Shot them. Stabbed them. Murdered them. The doctors, they...cut them open. Alive. The nurses... they beat them, tortured them, raped them. Then they put the mutilated parts of the dead into baskets, tied them to the nurses and forced them to walk to the front line. After they booby traped some of them."

    He stopped and started at the assembly.

    "This is who you are helping. This is the poor, vulnerable South. We. Will. Win. No matter what we have to do."
    I Hope You Have A Nice Day :]
    • Some Random Guy
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  • Adate'lore of Yaim Rusur
  • Delegate Cin'ciri Wren: Yaim Rusur

    Wren looked shocked at this last bit of news. How could a small militia break through a heavily defended blockade. He pondered this for a while. This is obviously a typical make yourself a victim ploy, however the act of murdering those unable to defend themselves was equally terrible according to his constitution of warfare he though to himself. Considering supporting the South, who as a country was without an army was more in trouble than the North, Wren nodded to delegate Garin, opening a message with him on his wrist communicator <We will have warships at the ready should you need transport, and our forces will also be prepared for action should they be called upon. We will see this through to the end, only then will we negotiate or mention compensation. I am having a feeling this may be a ploy to turn the North into a victim. Wren> Sent.
    • Adate'lore of Yaim Rusur
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  • Delegate Rolodir Grenvyev (USR)

    Grenvyev recoiled in shock at the recent news.  Not at the news that South Gralend attacked a hospital in the North, though.  Nay, it was at the fact that the North had the gall to get that close to Soviet waters.  He lept up and spoke, "Mr. Gundverson, you had better be in contact with your government, because I'm afraid that your fleet might escalate the conflict a bit more than intended in the event your vessels should come that close the the Unified Soviet Republics while armed for war." 

    Grenvyev paused, then spoke more loudly "The Unified Soviet Navy shall deploy what forces it deems necessary into the seas north of the USR for the protection of the Soviet People.  Nuclear missiles will undoubtedly be also put onto alert.  International chaos and disorder shall not be tolerated by the Supreme Soviet." 
    Sir Robin of Camelot

    "Whilst the men of Caenia were scattered far and wide, pillaging and destroying, Romulus came upon them with an army, and after a brief encounter taught them that anger is futile without strength."  -Titus Livius, Ab Urbe Condita

    (Ravenclaw is the best!)

    Résumé/A History of Robin on NationStates
    Citizen: 4 June 2015 - present
    Member of the Hvitt Riddaral: 21 August 2015 - present
    Strifa of the 12th Underhusen: 8 October 2015 - 13 December 2015
    Speaker Pro Tem of the 13th Underhusen: 13 December 2015 - 8 February 2016
    Speaker Pro Tem of the 14th Underhusen: 8 February 2016 - 8 April 2016
    Speaker of the 16th Underhusen: 10 June 2016 - 11 August 2016
    Ambassador to Europeia: 5 December 2016 - present
    RP Guild Councillor: 23 February 2017 - present
    Ambassador to The North Pacific: 11 March 2017 - present
    Speaker of the 21st Underhusen: 10 April 2017 - 10 June 2017
    Delegate of Wintreath: 10 June 2017 - 15 March 2020
    Strifa of the 23rd Underhusen: 10 August 2017 - 10 November 2017
    Thane of Ambassadors: 10 October 2018 - 10 December 2018
    Commendation of Wintreath: Sept 24 2020

    New Hyperion:
    Citizen: 27 November 2015 - present
    Patrician: 12 January 2016 - present
    Lord of Development: 5 February 2016 - present

    (I stole this format from tau, but who am I not to copy a great system? :-) )

    Ne Crustumini quidem atque Antemnates pro ardore iraque Caeninensium satis se impigre movent; ita per se ipsum nomen Caeninum in agrum Romanum impetum facit. Sed effuse vastantibus fit obvius cum exercitu Romulus levique certamine docet vanam sine viribus iram esse.
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  • Delegate Garland Gunderson (North Gralend)

    Garland fumed at Grenvyev's words. That this technologically backward damn Communist dictatorship had the gall to threaten the North put him into a rage. It took every ounce of self control not to walk up and strangle Grenvyev.

    "We have not strayed into the waters of your country. Not that we would want to go within 5 feet of your country. And you dare threaten us? You have the barefaced cheek to threaten us? Do you think that we are afraid of you? Of your nukes? We have nuclear weapons and are just as willing, if not more so, to blanket the entire world in nuclear fire as you are! And trust me when I say that we are more than able. If a single Soviet ship or soldier or missile is fired at the direction of the North we will take that as an official deceleration of war by your country and react accordingly."

    "And if the rest of you were waiting for proof, here it is" An intern carried up photos of the devistation at Field Hospital #246-CV, the hospital attacked by the South. He also had copies sent to the desks of each member. "Here is the proof." He started walking off the stage before walking back up for one final word.

    "And Delegate Grenvyev, if you are going to insult and threaten my country then the least you could do is pronounce my goddamned name properly!"
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  • Delegate Fedya Garin (Lapoc)

    He's getting aggressive, Garin noted. If this persists, Gunderson might slip some important information, or make irrational claims. I am convinced he is lying about the hospital, but I do not think I can confirm that. Either way, for the sake of humanity we must get involved more heavily in this war.

    "And how would we know that this is true? Why do we have any reason to trust the aggressor in this war? Right as relief is being sent to your adversary, you claim that suddenly you have a blockade running, threaten your neighbours, and then bring easily-forged "evidence" of Southern atrocities? For all we know, the North can be committing atrocities and bluffing their way through! I'm afraid this cannot be allowed to pass."

    Returning to his seat, Garin began to write another message to Wren. <<Now is the time to act. If my sources are correct, the North has severed Southern lines of command. This should be their weakest point. Mobilize your navy, and attempt to land as close to the Northern capital as you can. Stealth is of the utmost importance. You have my support.>>

    After a bit of thinking, Garin also drafted a message to Grenvyev. <<Do not show your full strength. Make the North assume they have no need to defend your shared border heavily. Be prepared to quickly mobilize. Capitulation is our best chance.>>

    We'll need more naval presence. Garin filed a request for the reactivation of the long-slumbering military dockyards. It's time to mobilize missile submarines.
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  • Delegate Garland Gunderson (North Gralend)

    Gary typed out a message to Garin. <Can we talk? I'd like to meet you in conference room 7. We should discuss the war." He got up to walk towards the conference room....

    Speaker of the Nations Edward McAllen

    There was no other choice now. It hurt. It made him feel terrible. But he had to do it.

    "Seeing the mood, I suggest we pass a resolution condemning No..... North Gralend. Thoughts?"
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  • Adate'lore of Yaim Rusur
  • Delegate Cin'Ciri Wren, Yaim Rusur

    Wren responded to Garin <Very well, Navy is undergoing full mobilization, and our SpecOps troops are equally notified, let us know when to leave and where we should land, stealth is not a problem. Notify me on any assistance you have or requests made by South Gralend I aim to help> He then sent the message.
    "It would seem this is the current preferred course of action sir. I apologize, I'm sure it is difficult to do this to ones home country, but several atrocities have been carried out by the North and these outweigh those either previously or currently caused by the South Gralend military or militia. Yaim Rusur stands with the South on this matter." Wren stated to McAllen
    • Adate'lore of Yaim Rusur
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  • Delegate Fedya Garin (Lapoc)

    As Garin watched Gunderson stand up and walk away, his tablet buzzed. A private meeting? That's worrying. There's no way this can be good, but to refuse may lose an opportunity for peace... His tablet buzzed again. Wren seems to be in a good place. knowing the guy, he probably has something to defend himself with, even after the two searches. <<Wren, Gunderson is planning something. Meet me by conference room 7.>>

    "Yes, I agree. Condemn the North."

    With that, Garin started walking after Gunderson, beckoning a security guard to follow him along the way.
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