As the planet Nika came into view, the two Jedi knights knew immediately that something was very wrong.
"Master," said the padawan, Sapphiron, "I can sense a great disturbance in the Force coming from Nika. Even at this range. Should we not alert the Council and await reinforcements?"
Master Tau considered it carefully. "I believe you are correct. It would be foolish to continue like this."
Almost as if in response to his words, their ship began to malfunction, and a large red warning began flashing on their monitors: CRITICAL SYSTEM FAILURE.
"I have a very bad feeling about this," Sapphiron shouted above the alarms now going off.
"Calm yourself, my young Padawan. I believe I can land us safely on the planet. We can call for reinforcements when we've landed."
Sapphiron was deeply sceptical. Since when had anything ever worked out so easily for any Jedi? "If you say so, my master," was his deadpan response.
Tau picked right up on Sapphiron's tone, and began to display the shadow of a smile.
True to Tau's word, they had made it relatively safely to the surface. "Well. We only destroyed one scenic rainforest on our way down. Do you remember that time on Naboo? I thought for certain Rugor Nass was going to have us executed."
"Oh, I remember Naboo, alright." Sapphiron had never told anyone, but he had to "persuade" the leader of the Gungans not to execute them while his master was being "questioned." The Force may or may not have been involved in that discussion. Somehow, Sapphiron doubted very much that he'd ever be welcomed on that planet again.
As they exited the ship, one final warning siren went off. The two Jedi looked at each other for the briefest of moments, before running away from the ship like their lives depended on it.
They had made it just 20 metres before the ship exploded, creating a shock-wave that propelled them forward with incredible power. Tau managed to grab onto Sapphiron and use the Force to soften their landing immensely.
When they got up, they saw that they had landed on the edge of the forest, close to the outskirts of the gigantic city they were aiming for to begin with.
"Well, it could--"
"Master, please don't say it could be worse. I think we've tempted fate enough today."
Tau gave a hearty chuckle. His apprentice was right.
They had traversed about a kilometre when the two Sith showed up. Tau had sensed something was wrong for awhile, but couldn't discover the source of his unease. The dark side of the Force echoed all around them on this planet.
One had jumped out of the window of a 5-storey building, and was intent on landing a killing blow on Tau, while the other had rushed Sapphiron from behind, seemingly appearing from thin air. Both had been a tiny bit too noisy. The two Jedi readied their light-sabres with machine-like efficiency, and began to engage their ancient nemeses in brutal battle.
Tau had lost sight of Sapphiron as he focused all his attention on his foe. The Sith moved incredibly quickly, but Tau could sense that he was nervous. Tau aimed a swift strike at the Sith's abdomen, which got blocked, and then threw the Sith with all his might into the building he'd materialised from. The Sith recovered quickly, and leapt to his opponent in a flash. Tau could sense that he might well be out-classed when it came to raw Force potential, but the Sith lacked the finesse and skill to prove too much of a threat. The two engaged in fast-paced battle, with their light-sabers clashing into each other faster than the untrained eye could detect. Tau had just gained the advantage when he managed to leap to the top of a small, flat-roofed house, when he felt a tremendous blow to the back of his head. He went to his knees, then his belly, and began to slide on to the edge of the roof. He managed to turn around onto his back just in time to see Sapphiron closing on the hulking Sith and propelling a sizable stone dustbin into his back. The Sith came flying overhead as Tau tried to gain a glimpse of him, but all he could see was a masked face. He also noticed that the Sith had lost his light-sabre during the course of the battle with Sapphiron. The other Sith, the one Tau had engaged in battle, seemed to realise that the tide of battle had shifted in the Jedis' favour, and blew a horn, obviously calling for their retreat. Tau sat up and watched as his foe quickly began to run away. Sapphiron's foe was nowhere in sight.
The two Jedi took a moment to catch their breaths, and then told each other about the battle.
Sapphiron, it turned out, had swung around just in time to deflect the mighty blow of his opponent, although he had been sent flying as a result of the impact. He had landed on his feet a short distance away, and saw that the hulking figure was carrying a tremendous light-sabre, easily 40% longer than Sapphiron's own. Sapphiron had realised trying to engage this foe in close combat would be suicide, and so had decided to rush him, and keep jumping away at the last instant before Thor (the name he had now given the Sith) could connect him with another mighty blow. Sapphiron had hoped to tire him out, but it became apparent that it wasn't going to happen, and so Sapphiron had begun to throw any large object he could find in the vicinity to him in quick succession, thereby forcing Thor to repel the objects, and giving Sapphiron the space he needed to gradually move closer. Sapphiron's moment came when he managed to throw a small ship at Thor, and since he was close enough, he swooped in and managed to cut the hilt of Thor's light-sabre in half, thereby disabling it. This was not done without consequence, as Thor gave Sapphiron a tremendous blow to the jaw, before leaping onto a nearby roof and running away. Sapphiron was slow to get up, since the blow had made him dizzy, but when he was able, he leapt onto the same roof, and saw that Thor was about to surprise Tau. He searched the area quickly for one more large object, and could only find the dustbin. Tau knew the rest of the story.
"Remarkable. You have become a superb tactician, Sapphiron. Your mastery of the force is astounding. Soon, you'll no doubt become a fully-fledged knight, and I will look on in awe as my one-time apprentice quickly surpasses me." There was no hint of bitterness in Tau's voice. Only pride.
"I have the best master any Jedi could ask for." Sapphiron was every bit as sincere as his master.
"Well, I think we've congratulated each other enough. We'd best begin traversing the area, and try to locate some survivors. At least we now know there was no volcanic explosion, and that the Sith are likely behind this strange occurrence. We've already glimpsed both, too. They probably constructed some sort of device that disables any ship that comes to the planet. It's a good thing we didn't alert the rest of the Order. Who knows how many might have been lost during the sabotaged landing?"
They were indeed able to find a facility where survivors had huddled together, none of them knowing how many survivors might be out there. The Jedi listened with great concern as the survivors recounted how this massacre started. The people in this facility, in turned out, came here from off-world themselves, wondering what could have happened to their loved ones on the planet when all contact was lost. They managed to find computer recordings showing a large cloud of poison descending on the entire city, thereby killing most of the inhabitants within minutes. The poison eventually dissipated, but all the damage had been done. Then, after almost everyone had been killed, someone activated the distress beacon. It was unclear what type of device was causing all the ships to fail, and simultaneously blocking any communication with the rest of the galaxy. It made sense for these to be two separate devices. As of that moment, no motive could be discovered for such a large scale massacre. The Sith were certainly cold-hearted, but killing so many people for no reason whatsoever didn't seem like them. As the Jedi heard all this, they discovered only ever-more questions, and no answers. It was clear that they had fallen into a massive trap.
And they didn't communicate this to the twenty or so people they'd encountered, but they were sure the two Sith must have been hiding in plain sight, and so they began investigating everyone around them silently.
And if you're still with me after that lengthy introduction, welcome to Werewolf VII!
Roles and RulesBrotherhood of DarknessThere are six Sith in this game, and they are hiding amongst you. They are the standard Werewolves of the game. Should they ever become equal in number to everyone else (excepting CH-4NK0), they will win the game. They will be able to scan someone each 6th night phase.
CH-4NK0A droid made by the Brotherhood that turned on them, and has harboured an intense hatred for all life ever since. It will attempt to win all on its own, and should it ever get killed during the night or day phases, it can randomly kill one person who attempted to kill it at night, or who voted for it at day. It is completely neutral, and will kill people independently every 2nd night phase. It will have the opportunity to scan someone every 5th night phase. It is more powerful than any other single player, meaning that if only one Sith and the CH-4NK0 are alive by the end of the game, it will win the game. It will still lose if there are 6 Sith, 5 normal players and it remaining, however.
Paired Jedi KnightsThe Jedi know each other's identity, and will attempt to defend one person each, each night phase. Every third night, they can decide together on one extra person they wish to defend. Note that when they defend someone, they will make it impossible for the Seer to scan that person.
Lost JediA Jedi that was encased in Carbonite for 30 years, and which will awaken on the 3rd night phase. She will be able to kill one person every 2nd night phase after waking up, and these kills cannot be defended by the other two Jedi. Should she choose to kill, it will come at the expense of defending. She will also never have an idea of who the other players are, even should she get scanned by the Seer. She is alligned with the good guys. When she defends someone, it also negates the Seer's ability to scan that person.
RE-0NYour run-of-the-mill droid, but with a twist. He can identify the role of every player he scans (excepting when that player has been defended). He will also kill one random person if he ever gets voted off or killed, and those who will be in the draw for this random death will be those who voted for him, or targeted him.
WookieeThis guy landed here quite by accident, and all he really cares about is getting out of this mess alive. He will have 3 opportunities to negate all powers for a specific night phase.
Protocol DroidIt may be naïve, but it will have the power to prevent the lynching of a player getting voted for by the majority every 2nd day phase.
More Rules!1. I've grown confident that people are active enough to discuss things without my prodding, so I'm relinquishing the requirement for you guys to kill someone every day phase. You can now use your own judgment. If I see this isn't a wise decision, I will bring back the rule that you have to vote for someone each day phase.
2. You may never explicitly hint at your role, and if you do, you will face immediate expulsion from the game.
3. If you didn't receive a PM telling you about your role, then you are not a power role. Sorry.
![Tongue :P](
I'm also going to close this topic quickly so I can send those PMs.
4. The first day phase will last for 72 hours (plus a bit of time to calculate the results and whatever), and after that, day phases will last for 48 hours.
5. All night phases will last for 24 hours (and a bit longer to calculate the results.
@Point Breeze is my co-host in every sense of the word. Just as you must heed me, you must heed him. I'm in a different time zone from a majority of you guys, and with a game this big, I'm going to need some backup.
![Smiley :)](
7. We voted for a Wintreath-themed Star Wars game awhile ago, and this is the result of that. So it goes without saying that the names of the characters in no way indicates their roles.
8. Even if you decide to lynch no one, you still have to at least vote during the day phase to avoid getting lynched for inactivity.
9. You will be considered inactive if you haven't voted for two consecutive day phases, and a grand total of three day phases. At that point, you will get lynched for inactivity.
10. Dead players may comment here and there, but should take care not to influence the game. It would be best, for this reason, to comment in the night phases. I'll use my discretion at deciding what I'll allow. Dead players also have to indicate that they're dead at the beginning of their post by using this code:
Player List1.
@xXTheHydraXx4. @Colberius X (Local, killed at night by Sith)
@Samwise Gamgee6.
@DekuNut8. @taulover (Local, Killed at Night by Sith)
9. @HannahB (RE-0N, killed at night by Sith)
@Commander_Zemas18. @VidiLune (Local, voted off and killed)
@Tomb20. @Chanku (Sith, voted off and killed by Jedi)
21. @Wuufu (Sith, killed as RE-0N self-destructed)
@Aragonn23. @Gibraltarica (Paired Jedi, killed off for inactivity, replaced with someone else)
@El Fiji Grande26.