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Request for the government
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  • Citizen
  • Deep-fried cabbage
  • I'm not entirely sure where I should precisely address this to, so I'll just leave it openly here.

    I ask that all relevant parties spread out the word of the Underhusen Elections. We are living interesting times since the Constitutional Convention took a severe setback, perhaps this would be worthy situation enough to highlight the elections even via our embassies? Having a notification of it in the Region Page would be generally beneficial and specifically helpful boost for recruiting.

    I would also suggest looking into possibilities of revisioning a precision crafted recruiting telegram for this instance. The Keepers of the Call isn't practically all that active so if anything is to be achieved in this matter, perhaps someone in the government could temporarily take the reins? For the common good.

    I also ask for the government to put in some official effort to push candidates into active campaigning and help build the election period into a coherent event instead of a scattered and half assed periodical compulsion. Innovate! ;)

    Thank you for reading.
    1 person likes this post: Weissreich
    • Deep-fried cabbage
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  • This over-reliance on government and the few individuals who make it up is exactly what got us into this mess.

    That said, are you appealing to the Storting, or to the Executive?
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  • This over-reliance on government and the few individuals who make it up is exactly what got us into this mess.

    *Has horrible flashbacks to Ainur*
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  • This over-reliance on government and the few individuals who make it up is exactly what got us into this mess.

    That said, are you appealing to the Storting, or to the Executive?
    Everyone. :D If I'd play it dirty, I would have posted this in the election subforum and ended with "Why aren't I doing any of this myself? Well vote for me and I will". :P

    As it stands right now, I find it only reasonable to ask our government to go an occasional extra mile. After all, they are supposed to be the finest and have chosen to work to improve the region.
    • Deep-fried cabbage
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  • This over-reliance on government and the few individuals who make it up is exactly what got us into this mess.

    That said, are you appealing to the Storting, or to the Executive?
    Everyone. :D If I'd play it dirty, I would have posted this in the election subforum and ended with "Why aren't I doing any of this myself? Well vote for me and I will". :P

    As it stands right now, I find it only reasonable to ask our government to go an occasional extra mile. After all, they are supposed to be the finest and have chosen to work to improve the region.
    Why do you have to be elected before you do something? You pretty much have the exact same power to do something about this particular appeal as the Storting does. The Executive is another story.

    Honestly, the government did go above and beyond, and then they got crucified for it when people saw what they came up with.
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  • That's one of the issues we have right now. Getting voted or selected for something ought to mean something even if an ordinary citizen can still do the same things. Why should I do something on behalf of the people who have been elected/chosen to do things? The region benefits far more from citizens who push the established government instead of citizens who not only take the initiative themselves but go as far as to execute it. At least under the current system.

    Finnish government has this concept of interpellation with which the parties that lost the previous elections can go as far as to disassemble the current government. In that light I ought to have all the right to ask for actions instead of taking them myself.

    • Deep-fried cabbage
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  • I can update the region page later today. TBQH a lot of it is outdated. I'll also see about modifying our recruitment message or the regional welcome telegram to mention we're holding an election soon.

    There's nothing wrong with taking cues from citizens about what our moves should be as government representatives. And tatte is actually running for office, so you can't fault him there.
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  • True enough, but the Storting really wouldn't have been able to do anything about this appeal either, so it was confusing to see this appear in the Citizen's Platform. Didn't we used to have a topic in the Frostwake Castle for citizens to request things of the Executive?
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    • Count of Highever
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  • If this is posted in the wrong subforum, I welcome moderators to move it. As I stated, I'm not sure where this would belong. I did consider The Amalyan Quarter, but without any direct connection with the Ministry of Culture and the issues I presented I felt this would more certainly reach the right people.

    The description for The Citizens' Platform reads as follows:
    Discussion about regional government, from government policies to proposals for legislation. Interact with your government here!
    Clearly extending this subforum beyond the UH.

    //Edit. And this is not directed at Wintermoot. I'm pushing the whole government to take a moment to think if they could do something in their respective fields.
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    « Last Edit: March 26, 2016, 05:15:33 PM by tatte »
    • Deep-fried cabbage
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  • Actually, even that's outdated, as WA resolutions are now discussed here too. So fair points on all counts.
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    • Count of Highever
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  • Actually, even that's outdated, as WA resolutions are now discussed here too. So fair points on all counts.
    I'm entering off-topic, but this is another example of how we could benefit if updating such things could be released to other members beside Wintermoot. Much like the general tone of this thread, we certainly can ask Wintermoot to do things but it'll always be uncertain if he decides to do so.

    Government with extended access to brush out certain details could speed things up and open new motivating aspects of the region for improvement.

    Instead of relying on our Monarch to execute certain things, we could simplify the system up to a point where we would at most need to ask for permission. </offtopic>
    • Deep-fried cabbage
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  • Hmm. You could rename this topic to something like: "Suggestions to Government," and then nothing will be off-topic. :P

    It's dangerous to give everyone the ability to modify certain things on the fly, but I can definitely get behind more people being able to do so than the Jarls, Wintermoot himself, and the Chairman of the Overhusen (limited to laws), and Speaker of the Underhusen (limited to laws). We are a very active forum-based community, after all.
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  • My stance is more demanding than suggesting, so I shall retain my original wording.

    Of course giving such abilities to everyone would be harmful, but giving more gravity to our politics would increase our overall credibility as a politically driven region, which after all is a fair percentage of our activity. Increase in any aspect will also benefit all the other segments of the community.

    Recruiting is fairly effective as it is, but if we can take fast paced measures to attract all plausible members we could do much better. We have recently seen great advances in RP field (to name one, the increased interest in familial houses) and with the Constitutional Convention our political field is more or less wide open, now is the perfect time to push even harder. (The original point of this thread.)
    • Deep-fried cabbage
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  • A wide majority of the region doesn't care for politics, though.
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    • Count of Highever
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  • 30 people voted on the Constitutional Amendment act and I can't even name that many, and in any case that doesn't mean we can't grow/develop the politics and use it to attract more citizens.
    • Deep-fried cabbage
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