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tatte for Underhusen
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  • Ahem, *erects a discreet campaign stand and places a big bowl of various Finnish candy on it*

    Without further ado, here are my themes for the election and ensuing term, whether I'll be a Skrifa or just a concerned citizen:
    • More recruiting
    • More bureaucracy
    • More everything!
    In case anyone wonders how I'm planning on achieving all that, here's how it works: More recruiting -> more bureaucracy -> more everything!

    Fantastically simple, right? Now, instead of lazily passing the inquiry-ball to you, my dear voter, I'm going to ask you some questions. I hope you have a moment to spare.
    • Has a Skrifa of the current term exceeded your expectations? If so, feel free to name him/her and/or elaborate on how.
    • On a scale of 1 to 10, how important are the candidates': campaign, status in the region and previous experience?
    • Are there any specific opinions/promises you are looking for in the candidates?

    Lastly, *pours a bucket of water on a red hot object*, I'll spare my words on the Storting Reformation Amendment for the collective topic.

    I will now answer questions and pose for pictures.
    • Deep-fried cabbage
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  • 3. Are there any specific opinions/promises you are looking for in the candidates?

    Resolve the Storting issue by the end of the term. We have been dragging this Constitutional Convention out longer than necessary.
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  • I'm with Sapphiron on this one.

    Also, have you caught up with all the discussion that went into the Constitutional Convention?
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
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  • Resolve the Storting issue by the end of the term. We have been dragging this Constitutional Convention out longer than necessary.
    If the next public vote fails, I would take it out of the spotlight and bring the discussion to the Citizens' Platform to let devoted parties continue on it if they wish. At that point it would need to be decide how often such matters can be brought to public vote.

    On a side note, I think we need to investigate the possibilities of shifting the sole responsibility of all these public votes (among other aspects) from Wintermoot to other people. More jobs!

    Also, have you caught up with all the discussion that went into the Constitutional Convention?
    I have not, I'm mostly passive towards it. Despite of this and my previous vote as a citizen, I wouldn't use the position of a Skrifa to try and stop fair amendments that are heading for public vote.

    I will likely sharpen my teeth (read up) as the elections progress, if the matter ends up as big topic as it did last time.
    • Deep-fried cabbage
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  • 3. Are there any specific opinions/promises you are looking for in the candidates?

    Resolve the Storting issue by the end of the term. We have been dragging this Constitutional Convention out longer than necessary.

    I concur.

    Democratic Republic of South Nivogal
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  • Voting is starting soon so I'll use this opportunity to brush out some reasons why you, my dear fellow citizen might want to consider supporting me:
    • I'm not new to the Underhusen, I have previously served one full term (without glitches, too!)
    • I'm a friendly Finn, I throw fluffy birds to solve problems from afar (fluffy!)
    • I have currently no other duties in Wintreath, giving me a lot of time to dedicate for UH.
    • I'm devoted. The only other region I'm in is Wuufu's Cynosure which I joined in order to fully observe how ambassadorships work. I'm also nearing my two year anniversary as a citizen of Wintreath.
    • Seven open seats means that you can vote for a known strong and safe majority and still risk a vote or two. I'd call myself an affordable gamble.
    • I will give you free potatoes in Minecraft.

    Also, my stand still has plenty of free Finnish candy! So stop by and chat a little, I have healthy juices, refreshing sodas and excellent Finnish craft beers as well!  :wave:
    • Deep-fried cabbage
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  • Hi tatte! And welcome to the campaign...sorry that I'm just now getting to this. :P

    You've been involved in the region for some time now, and I must say that I really appreciate your help with recruiting last month...we wouldn't be where we were without you. However, there is something that I'm concerned about, and that's the fact that you didn't really participate in the Constitutional Convention or the discussions that took place up to the ratification vote, where you suddenly burst into the discussion against the Act. It's safe to say that many of your competitors have been more involved in legislation generally as well, so how can you reassure us that you will be committed to the work of the Underhusen if elected?

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • French Toast, pancakes, or waffles?
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  • Hi tatte! And welcome to the campaign...sorry that I'm just now getting to this. :P

    You've been involved in the region for some time now, and I must say that I really appreciate your help with recruiting last month...we wouldn't be where we were without you. However, there is something that I'm concerned about, and that's the fact that you didn't really participate in the Constitutional Convention or the discussions that took place up to the ratification vote, where you suddenly burst into the discussion against the Act. It's safe to say that many of your competitors have been more involved in legislation generally as well, so how can you reassure us that you will be committed to the work of the Underhusen if elected?
    Thank you for your kind words. :)

    While I may have not been a particularly loud voice in the recent political discussion, I feel that I have at least had a presence in several cases.

    I have also had my own initiatives that I have not actively pursued so far, but could better do so if given a heavier voice. Here's an example of presenting thoughts that were completely left without response from the Skrifas. In all fairness that wasn't necessarily the best place to voice so unrelated matters. My act definitely needs to get more coherent and focused, and I have much to improve overall.

    The Constitutional Convention is a whole another story. I have really not participated in the discussion about it other than voicing my concerns during the vote, this is largely due to the fact that I don't agree with the need for a major changes in our legislature. I recognize the vast degree of involvement it has sparked across our community. I can't honestly say that I'd get on that train even if I'd get elected, nor do I feel like I should. If elected, my promise is to bring the vote to the people as soon as a strong proposal emerges.

    I'll be working on my involvement regardless of the outcome of the elections, not only in politics but in other areas as well. It has been a rough year so far and I have wandered a lot both in my personal life and as a Wintrean. At this point I have little to back up any promises I make, but let's earmark this discussion and look back at it in two months?

    French Toast, pancakes, or waffles?
    If we're going to dive into foods, you'll find that there's no end to common things that everybody except me has eaten. I have never had French toast so that eliminates that (unless this is an offer of food, not simply an inquiry for my preference). With waffles I have but little experience, so I'm inclined to go with (very thin, European) pancakes. With jam on top.
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    • Deep-fried cabbage
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  • Thank you for your was very well thought-out. :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • Do you like the meow or the woof woof better?
    I like meow.
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  • Meow, but if I ever manage to amount to anything in life and manage to live in an actual house, I'd probably want a dog too. Otherwise it'll just be meows for me.

    And cupcakes, always plenty cupcakes.
    • Deep-fried cabbage
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