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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • The Consulate of Terrene

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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      Wintreath Nation
  • Village Drifter
  • Terrene Telegraph; International Edition
    Welcome to the first international edition of the Terrene Telegraph, broadcasting to all those forum embassies and consulates we hold around NationStates. We hope you enjoy your reading!

    Terrene yesterday formalised relations with Lazarus over an in-game embassy, with the founder Apocryphi taking the reigns of the ambassador role in Lazarus and the ambassador to Terrene being announced as Starberries (Starberry), a high profile nation in Lazarus of whom supported the Terrene application. This is great news for Terrene being such a new and smaller region, but as it's members can already see the population of the region has increased tenfold over the course of a week and is still growing!

    We hope for plenty of fun to come with the embassy with Lazarus, the sinker being such a well known and highly active community. We also thank it for providing Terrene with this opportunity of relations!

    A forum consulate has also been established in The Rejected Realms; TRR and the South Pacific. We hope these can one day develop into full-embassies providing Terrene reaches the needed nation member count and consulate tenure, recruitment is afoot.

    Regional Milestones
    Regional milestones, posting rewards, have been announced and implemented! The new system is open to suggestion but is believed to provide something for every nation to work towards, for Terrene. A new regional milestone system or reward system has been initiated in Terrene, here's the official thread outlining the programme;


    Terrene is a region that rewards it's members for helping it grow, making a better and more exciting region for us all to feel at home in. So, in it's infinite wisdom, has set us a number of milestones to surpass in order to gain the listed rewards... Thanks Terrene! In achieving any of these goals you will be helping the region whilst also gaining some cool features and prizes for yourself, so here's the list;

    • 5 Posts :: Your first map plot, only the highly coveted map please don't miss the chance at your desired spot all because you couldn't post 3 more items!

    • 50 Posts :: A special award; Bronze level forum contributor. The perfect fit for your forum signature!

    • 100 Posts :: Start your own organisation; these can be found in the 'International Organisations' section of the forum, you will gain the right to form your very own organisation following whatever principles you set out. Simply request the organisation there and a sub-forum will be added for you.

    • 150 Posts :: An almost all expenses paid luxury cruise around the NationStates region of Terrene! [small](food and drink not included)[/small]

    • 250 Posts :: Additional map plot claim; now who doesn't want some extra land? Hit this milestone and you can claim a further quarter of the 'guidance plot' found on the map. Neato!

    • 350 Posts :: A special award; Silver level forum contributor. The perfect fit for your forum signature!

    • 500 Posts :: Add an emoticon to the forum, simply message myself with the image and (providing it's appropriate) it will be added!

    • 750 Posts :: Moderator qualification; should a position for a forum moderator come up, you are now fully post-qualified to fulfill the obligations and have proven yourself an active member. Actual progression to moderator status is at the discretion of the admin team entirely.

    • 1000 Posts :: A special award; Gold level forum contributor. The perfect fit for your forum signature!
    PLEASE NOTE: A silver award will replace a Bronze award and so on."

    This of course only exists for the off-site forum members, but is exciting for Terrene nonetheless!

    A quote from a nation of Terrene
    So, the founder saying all this is great, but what do some of the nations really think of the region so far? We've got one quote together to find out;
    "Terrene is a new region and its living days can be easily counted on the fingers of the hands, still, counts services and projects that can rarely be found even in the biggest and most experienced cummunities of Nationstates such as a wonderful map, a functioning forum with an historic layout, a regional chat-channel and most importantly the will to be part of an active cummunity, a region that is kept alive by its own members.

    Interest and plans are great for our new region, let's make it even greater, all together!"

    The region is mapped and the recruitment office is open
    On the 29th February 2016 the first regional map was officially instated along with our new recruitment program. The region's map is on a vast scale, equivalent to more than Eurasia, Africa and Europe combined as can be seen with the comparison image above. With a large array of environments, peninsulas, plateaus and islands, the map was designed to become home for hundreds and thousands of Terrene nation residents and with four nations already placed (after a day!) this has already been achieved. The terrain shown on the map varies between 5 main types; grassy (green), mountainous (grey), snowy (white), desert (yellow) and the less fertile arid zones (brown). With a large mix across the enormous continent of Terrene, the environment should match up to what many future nations are looking for.

    A dreaded word, with dreaded telegrams barraging you as soon as you sign up to NationStates, but nonetheless essential. But congratulations! You found Terrene and chose it as your new home, we hope you feel truly welcome!

    After being launched on the same date as the map, the regions has already received 5 new residents! The campaign is still going strong, inviting nations far and wide to join Terrene's increasingly vibrant, feature-packed and friendly community.

    Lastly, but not least...
    Despite the lack of a constitution, the Citizen's Assembly today was launched (preliminary stages). Citizens are asked to sign-up for the assembly so an always active electorate is maintained to best provide guidance for Terrene. No other wings of government currently formally exist either, but are all in planning stages and open for debate within the assembly.

    Afterall, Terrene is a region for it's people.

    Terrene is founded!
    Today at 12:00pm, King Tywin III of Apocryphi announced at the Royal Palace in Arche a new region had been discovered and founded, the region was to be known as 'Terrene'. Amidst the ongoing unrest and aggressive actions within The Commonwealth of Crowns, the King unexpectedly announced that Apocryphi would be taking on the venture of founding this new region and attempting to guide it successfully into the future. The King's speech lasted almost 30 minutes, culminating in the announcment; "Henceforth, from 23rd of February 2016, the region of Terrene is officially founded under the guidance of the Crownlands of Apocryphi!" A roar of cheers surged from the crowds, highlighting the nation's support for their King, despite the long union the nation had held with the Commonwealth.

    Political analyst Kara Redel highlighted earlier today that "Apocryphi is capable of standing apart from the Commonwealth, our reliance, if it ever existed on the region is long gone. I'm sure the government wishes no hard feelings on the nations of the Commonwealth, but with crisis after crisis unfolding in central regional leadership, i'm surprised it hasn't pushed more nations away to be honest."

    Shortly after Terrene was founded, it was discovered that Giubero-Scebeli was also set to depart the Commonwealth. This unexpected departure was very sudden, it is not sure what the future holds for the residents of the nation, a state which the leadership of Apocryphi is known to hold deep respects for. In the King's speech, he highlighted that the Crownlands would uphold its formal citizenship of the Commonwealth of Crowns for the time being, and encouraged the remaining states to try their utmost in restoring it's lost glory.

    Who knows what the future will hold for both old region and new?
    2 people like this post: Michi, Wintermoot
    Ambassador of Terrene
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Thanks for the update. I wish Terrene the most success as it establishes itself and grows. :)
    1 person likes this post: Terrene

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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      Wintreath Nation
  • Village Drifter
  • Terrene Telegraph; International Edition
    Welcome to the latest international edition of the Terrene Telegraph, broadcasting to all those forum embassies and consulates we hold around NationStates. We hope you enjoy your reading!

    Goodbye March
    On the dawn of Max Barry's latest 'hilarious' April Fool's prank, we turn our backs on March, a month of differing activities and various new ventures of the nations of Terrene, but definitely one of interest. Regional population has doubled over the month despite the recruitment program only being carried out for half of it, due to running costs and government budgets. April has now seen the relaunch however, so numbers are expected to be on the rise very soon. Forum wise the first IC conference has launched under the mighty guidance of Cyprentana, as can be seen in more detail in their own article featured in the regional news. This conference is accompanied with a new bunch of factbooks to tweak the interest of nations, a fully updated and growing regional map and launch of a 'milestones' system which has encouraged activity across the forum, most particularly and expectantly in the games section.

    Easter, a busy period for many, usually sees activity dwindle across NationStates as leaders all over the world find themselves under assault by the creature known only as 'real life', limiting the time they can commit to their nations and their respective regions. Terrene thankfully has survived the onslaught with many leaders reporting to be in good health and raring to get started on the regional government structure, something that is expected to be clarified this month. Members have enthusiastically been submitting their ideas on the forum as to what their vision of Terrene is, from a region where everybody is a part of the government to one where only chaos rains and people regularly flee in terror from Bureacrabeasts. It is still undecided, but the Founder is sure common sense will prevail over fire breathing politicians.

    In other news, the Church of Satan has kindly donated forum emoticons to Terrene in the hope that they will bring the region good luck and prosperity in the future, well, in not so many words. The emoticons will be lifted over from TRR in good time to allow our nations to truly express their anger and dismay at the future government to be. We thank the Church of Satan and can only take this as an omen of good relations between Terrene and TCS in the future.

    Terrene has received a big number of new nations willing to get involved who seem to truly care about the region and its future. These nations are thanked by the Founder and Delegate, and whilst helping decide the future of Terrene, are existing proof of the future themselves. Afterall, a region is not about the numbers it holds, but the community that is maintained within it, that is the secret to a happy region, a region that is now known as Terrene.

    We hope you enjoy reading up about Terrene, have a nice day!

    A New Republic Arrived in Terrene - Varseille
    Through ultimate struggle and warfare with and through the Nikoloan Duchy to the south, the Varcilians have finally come out of the dust and established an independent republic. As one of the sister nations of Ebsotz, Varseille recently is finding to establish a capital city. Paris or Toulouse are the two best candidates for the Varcilian capital. The new capital's name is either going to be Lamoire or Altaloire, depending on an upcoming referendum.

    Vacilians pride from the rich Corsican, French, and Italian history the country holds. The people expect a bright future.

    Vive la république!

    Terrene Consulates and Embassies open up around the world
    From the tropical archipelago of Europeia to Bowerstone Market of Albion, embassies and Consulates of Terrene have been opening up to spread news of the region across the universe(s). Receiving friendly greetings in every region of which a request was lodged, the Founder has reported a great success in our foreign relations development, most notably with the regions of Equinox and Lazarus already processing in-game embassies.

    Terrene has not yet reached its first month anniversary, yet boasts an ongoing recruitment and embassy programme, customized off-site forum, original regional map and chance to voice your opinion, among many other things. Recently a discussion was opened up on the future governance of Terrene, currently under full-control of Founder Apocryphi. It is expected that once a fully detailed and conclusive debate has been held, power will be handed over to an elected regime. Founder Apocryphi currently holds an open door for any embassy requests that come to Terrene, believing this reinforces the regions position within the NationStates world, choosing to recognize in-game embassies as a vital step towards good relations to some.

    Despite this, the Founder will most probably maintain all already-established forum embassy contacts and international news broadcasting as he believes good gameplay relations are essential to any region, whatever stand it may take or whichever orientation it may have.
    Terrene is spreading its wings preparing to soar across the skies of NationStates.

    Many thanks for reading, this is Sasha signing off for Terrene International News.

    First Regional Summit
    That's right, the first ever regional summit has been arranged by the government of Cyprentana to take place within the city with leaders from all over Terrene invited to the seemingly prestigious event. It appears only some leaders however are planning on taking the trip, as the government of Cyprentana has refused passage for comfortable levels of security to the state throughout the events being held. This reporter understands that a high ranking security official of Apocryphi denounced the restrictions in place as "disrespectful when Cyprentana is currently a mystery to us). The leaders of Terrene have not had a chance to interact before, making those more paranoid leaders somewhat concerned of the hosts intentions.


    The event is expected to be a fantastic display of Cypretana's culture and the first step towards international friendship and cooperation between the states of the continent. To quote the invitation of which was addressed to all leaders of nations within the region;
    "In honour of the founding of the region, Chairman Michael Grandfield, leader of the City-State of Cyprentana, humbly requests your presence at Radcliffe Park in celebration of regional unity. As part of the festivities, members of each delegation will be honoured with a state dinner, times to host treaty talks, and get to experience the world-class nightlife Cyprentana has to offer. The summit will take place over two days and will also include a tour of the Biosphere Organization, a public-private partnership that feautures cutting edge biological and agricultural technology."

    As it stands, 4 nations are attending with 3 having accepted within 24 hours of the invite, with some more expected responses soon. These nations are as follows; Cyprentana (host), Svaebondir, Arthralia (pending security survey) and Apocryphi.

    Surely it will be a sight to behold for all leaders to recount, lets hope it all goes as planned.

    This is Sasha Amenko reporting for Terrene International news, thank you for reading.
    Ambassador of Terrene
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Thanks for the update! It sounds like things are advancing wonderfully in Terrene. :)
    1 person likes this post: Terrene

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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      Wintreath Nation
  • Village Drifter
  • Terrene Telegraph; International Edition
    Welcome to the latest international edition of the Terrene Telegraph, broadcasting to all those forum embassies and consulates we hold around NationStates. We hope you enjoy your reading!

    Terrene is looking for leaders!

    Terrene is looking for highly motivated and active leaders whom already possess a wealth of experience in both regional and forum management. It is vital these individuals are active, friendly and all importantly willing to guide Terrene into the future.


    Telegram Apocryphi or Arthralia with details of your experience, some references, your motivation and ideas of how to guide Terrene into the future. Add anything else you feel relevant, to give it that edge over other applicants.

    Closing date: June 1st

    Incoming -- forum features!
    It has been reported today that the forum administrators of Terrene have ventured out of their safe haven underground lair to hunt down some further features for the Terrene forum. Hosted by zetaboards, the forum is open to some plug ins and thusly features that cannot be accessed on other hosts, or at least that's what the admins are hoping.

    The two main features hoping to be added are as follows;
    • A like/dislike button system on posts.
      Give your opinions without writing, a great acknowledgement to somebody and anybodies hard work in their forum post without getting unnecessarily involved.

    • Hashtags.
      Yes as if it wasn't crazy enough just using these in social media, they could now descend on Terrene in a blaze of glory.

    It is unclear whether all these features are possible but have been requested, so will be looked into. Hopefully the forum won't overload and send us all back 1,000 years!

    Thanks for reading!

    Regional Rules

    That's right, the lawless region of Terrene has been tamed this evening with the posting of regional rules of conduct. Aimed to keep the ever growing population civil amongst each other, this is a simple peace-keeping tool echoing the rules NationStates and ensuring that in the case a nation is offended, the matter can be dealt with accordingly. Those crooks and villains out there be warned! The rules prior to this have only existed in theory but can now clearly be seen set in stone (or web browser as it may be).

    The rules are now physically highlighted in this dispatch by Apocryphi and include; General Conduct, RMB conduct and possible punishments.

    [ for the full dispatch]

    Thanks for reading!

    Torvalyn in Terrene
    Torvish interim President, Kornelis Roodbeen, spoke of Torvalyn's 'bright and exciting future' within the region of Terrene today. Herr Roodbeen, who is so far the only person to have served in the role of President of Torvalyn, took the opportunity in a speech before parliament today to greet all of Torvalyn's neighbours and encourage the government to start setting up ties as soon as possible.

    Parliamentary Elections 29/05/16!

    The Torvish people will head out to the polls to elect a new parliament on the 29th of May. With divisive issues facing the country, such as the long running debate of whether to privatise the rail networks, the re-expansion of government healthcare costs reimbursements, taxes and foreign debt there has been no sign pointing towards a clear winner. The Prime  Minister and leader of the centre-right Free Democrats, Haldo Nielsen, is leading by just a few points over his socialist opponent, the Workers' Party's Malin Rustad. Many are speculating that a Free Democrat-Workers' Party coalition may be the only option for either party to rule effectively.

    Malin Rustad: leader of the opposition and prime ministerial hopeful

    PM Haldo Nielslen hoping for reelection

    Royals Settling Down As Retirement Sets In

    Torvalyn's former monarchs have officially retired to their country estate on the west coast. A final state salary has been paid to the former rulers and an agreement as to their future role has been settled. The family will essentially continue their lives as quiet millionaires. The former king and queen have expressed a desire to devote much of their time to charity.

    Economy Looking Up, But Deficit Still Major Issue

    The Torvish economy is now showing strong signs of recovery following its unprecedented crash last year after the collapse of the Jampat bank. However a huge budget deficit remains which may take years to clear. Efforts by the government to cut public spending have so far been very slow to take effect. The issue of the recovery is causing ample debate within the political sphere, with arguments heating up over the government's priorities to its creditors and to its people.

    Provisional Government Opens
    Today, Apocryphi and Arthralia (pictured above) announced the opening of applications to join the first provisional government of Terrene which is set to form the constitution or set of rules for the region to follow. This process has been in the works for over a month now, with the region electing 'Option Number 4'; a small executive for OOC affairs and (more or less) free roam for the IC aspects of Terrene. 3 Permanent members will be appointed with more elected members existing at all times, the initial amount is believed to be 4. The council will govern the regions affairs, their tenure is currently undecided. The provisional government will be responsible for the entire establishment of the regional system and will stay in place until this is achieved.

    Thanks for reading!
    Ambassador of Terrene
    • Posts: 5
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    • Village Drifter
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Thanks for the update, and best of luck finding people to work with your region and forums! :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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