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Geography of Wintreath [RP - Interest]
Posts: 10 Views: 1746

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  • Alright so this is a revival of Geography of Wintreath! It's an idea I proposed a little over two years ago, that I ended up never doing. (Original thread is here). It's a nation RP of sorts, however it does have limited slots, HOWEVER you can also have other RP Citizens, or other parts of your nation.

    I'm probably going to be designing a new map, instead of re-using my old one. Details are below:

    Today first meeting of the Wintreath Council has started and with that the age of international cooperation has begun, however with that nations are set, ties, good and bad, have been formed. In the past, stability and peace were merely a wish, a dream, nations had formed and had fallen. Superpowers emerged and then collapsed. However today, marks a new day in the world. International cooperation has been achieved, and an era of peace and stability has begun; to ensure it continues the Superpowers of the world joined together into the Wintreath Council, and have brought along the smaller nations. Each member nation has it's own interests, whether it's to prevent their enemies from controlling their neighbors, protection, a true interest in peace, or perhaps other interests. One of those is why you, and your nation, has joined. Will the peace last? Will the Council stand the test of time? These questions will be answered in due time.

    1. The game shall, at this time, be limited to the earth.
    2. Nation names will default to their Citizenship Nation Names, unless otherwise specified.
    3. The Wintreath Council will have it's own charter and the like, this will be modifiable in game. The Council itself is a bicameral legislature with the upper chambers having ultimate veto power. Both Chambers have the ability to pass resolutions binding to it's member states only. The lower chamber is of the weaker nations and the upper chamber is of the super-powers, plus one elected by the lower chamber as a representative of the will of the minor nations.
    4. Any procedure or resolution that is passed by the council must at least seem to be followed. (However unless you are trying to develop an entire story arc around a potential war (and if you do please contact a GM for it's approval, so they do know what is going on) please follow them)
    5. Citizens are to follow the laws of the nation, they may do what they wish.
    6. The GM's have the final decision on any disputes and/or what is cannon.
    7. The game will start at a tech level around Post-WWI, Early WWII.
    More to come.


    World Information
    Planet Type: Terrestrial/Earth-like
    Name: 'Terra'
    Mass: 3.49 Earth Masses (Approx. 2.2888 * 10^25 kg/ 22,888 Yg)
    Radius: 1.5 Earth Radii (Approx: 5938.1338 mi/9556.5 km)
    Density: 1.034074074 Earth Densities (Approx. 5.325481481 g/cm^3)
    Gravity: 1.525341492 Earth Velocities (Approx. 17.08382471 km/s^2)
    Escape Velocity: 60045.26039 km
    Surface Area: 1147645062 km^2
    Volume: 3.65582334 * 10^12 km^3

    NOTE: I have mathematically derived all of these, however I may have made errors due to rounding and the like, if I have please let me know! (Also the EV, SA, and V may be off, if someone could check it please do so!)
    « Last Edit: March 14, 2016, 04:46:37 PM by Chanku »
    See you later space cowboy.
    Old Signature

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    Kaizer - Matriarch (REFORMED)
    Kestar - Child of Wintermoot (REMOVED)
  • Former Citizen
  • Wintrean Press Secretary
  • Is this the revival of the Wintrean Union RP that never took off? I'd still be interested even if it weren't.
    • Wintrean Press Secretary
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    • credit to @DorkCollie
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  • No :P (I might go ahead and run that one as well...I also have one more RP idea)

    The idea was proposed two years ago, under the same name (it is linked in the main). It seems to have some similar ideas. :P
    See you later space cowboy.
    Old Signature

    Current Positions in Wintreath
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    Kaizer - Matriarch (REFORMED)
    Kestar - Child of Wintermoot (REMOVED)
  • Citizen
  • I have updated the rules a bit!
    See you later space cowboy.
    Old Signature

    Current Positions in Wintreath
    Matriarch of House Kaizer
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    Royalty of Wintreath
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    Kaizer - Matriarch (REFORMED)
    Kestar - Child of Wintermoot (REMOVED)
  • Former Citizen
  • Grand Pami Mataki Lemel
  • I'd like to say I'm interested.
    • Grand Pami Mataki Lemel
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    I am interested.
  • Citizen
  • I have added information about the world this takes place on, currently dubbed 'Terra', for the sake of having a name.

    The information was mathematically derived for the most part (The Radius and Mass were arbitrarily selected.), and SHOULD be right. however I might have made errors.

    I am engaging, to a degree, in World-Building! While more of the universe will be revealed in-game (Such as the type of other planets in this solar system, or the actual amount) when it occurs/is relevant.
    See you later space cowboy.
    Old Signature

    Current Positions in Wintreath
    Matriarch of House Kaizer
    Speaker of the 29th Underhusen
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    Positions I've held
    Riksrad(1st Jarl of Information, 3rd Jarl of Foreign Affairs, 2nd Jarl of Defense)
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    Royalty of Wintreath
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    Kaizer - Matriarch (REFORMED)
    Kestar - Child of Wintermoot (REMOVED)
  • Paragons
  • Duke of Wintreath
  • A few questions:

    What sort of tech level are we looking at in-game?
    What level of space development is there at game start?
    What's the gravity at surface level of the planet?
    How exactly would we be RPing within and without the council? Would we be able to do things in our own nations without having to go through the international councils or however it works?

    I am, however, interested.
    1 person likes this post: Commander_Zemas
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
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    "Not all those who wander are lost."
    • Duke of Wintreath
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  • A few questions:

    What sort of tech level are we looking at in-game?
    Already Answered (See the rules section) However it's Early WWII (like within the first few years of WWII) tech...
    What level of space development is there at game start?
    Nothing has really been sent into space yet. We do know the general number of planets and the like, but not much beyond that at this time.
    What's the gravity at surface level of the planet?
    That should be the first Escape Velocity count...that was an error on my part

    How exactly would we be RPing within and without the council? Would we be able to do things in our own nations without having to go through the international councils or however it works?
    Yes. However this is generally how the RP will work. Each nation will get it's own thread, that deals with it's own internal issues. The first post on that will essentially be the factbook of that nation.
    « Last Edit: March 13, 2016, 09:06:19 PM by Chanku »
    See you later space cowboy.
    Old Signature

    Current Positions in Wintreath
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    Kestar - Child of Wintermoot (REMOVED)
  • Citizen
  • I am also going to go ahead and apologize for the length this is taking to get everything together.

    I am trying to create a lot of information about this world, so that this way players can have a sense of the world that this takes place on. Everything about the world is designed to be realistic, in the sense that a planet like this could occur (Maybe not the events or cultures, but definitely the makeup of the planet itself). Even the map will be possible, and could have occurred on a distant planet (However making such a map is NOT an easy task) as such I am also considering things like Plate Tectonics. :P  I also kinda enjoy doing this :P however I do hope this leads to a very interesting, and fun, role-play experience.
    1 person likes this post: Weissreich
    See you later space cowboy.
    Old Signature

    Current Positions in Wintreath
    Matriarch of House Kaizer
    Speaker of the 29th Underhusen
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    Positions I've held
    Riksrad(1st Jarl of Information, 3rd Jarl of Foreign Affairs, 2nd Jarl of Defense)
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    Mandate Holder for Jarl of Defense
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    Royalty of Wintreath
    Ambassador for the Department of Foreign Affairs.
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    8th Underhusen
    Overhusen Terms I've been a part of
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    Kaizer - Matriarch (REFORMED)
    Kestar - Child of Wintermoot (REMOVED)
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