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Ambassador & Embassy Application
Posts: 2 Views: 387

  • Village Drifter
  • Section I: Ambassador Information

    1) Who are you and what region do you represent? Zenny, and I represent The Communist region

    2) Are you replacing an ambassador from this region? If so, who? I don't know if there ever was an ambassador to Wintreath. Theres an embassy on our forum, but as far as I know weve never sent a representative until now.

    3) Does your region already have relations with us, or are you requesting an embassy as well? Theres a Wintreath embassy on our end, so I assume so ^_^

    Section II: Embassy Information
    Fill this out ONLY if requesting a new embassy
    1) What made your region decide to pursue relations with Wintreath? We are just now forming a real government and it is our hope that we may find a friend and ally in Wintreath :)

    2) How do you feel our regions can help each other in the future? I would certainly be interested in some type of treaty in the long-term future.

    3) What is your region's military stance? (defender, raider, imperialist, neutral, etc) At the moment nuetral, the Peoples Red Army's (PRA) only job is to defend The Communist Region and stop the spread of NS Fascism.

    4) Do you have an off-site forum? If so, provide a link.
    The Communist Region's Ambassador to Wintreath!
    ~Mother of the 1st TCR Republic~
    • Posts: 4
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    • The Zenster
    • Village Drifter
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Welcome to Wintreath! I'm glad to see a representative from The Communist region...:)

    Your application has been approved and you can find your embassy here:

    Just let us know if you need further assistance!

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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