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The Office of the Ministry of Culture
Posts: 1 Views: 562

  • Regional Stability Squad
  • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction

  • As a very people-oriented Ministry that strives to bring people together, we here in the ministry believe in:

    Creativity and imagination
    Encouraging Unity and friendship between members
    Creating material that is Lighthearted and brings a smile on the worst of days
    Promoting an atmosphere of peace and Tranquility
    Supporting Uniquenss in ideas and personalities
    Loving and Respecting the differences and opinions of others
    Creating Engaging activities for everyone to enjoy

    With these beliefs, anything becomes possible for us here.  And much of this isn't possible without the help of the two Thanes of Culture:  Laurentus and Sapphiron.

    But this is a Ministry that cannot function without the members/citizens that support it, and any successes that happen with any of our games or activities is because of the participation by you.  So we at the Ministry of Culture thank you from the bottom of our hearts for continuing to support the Ministry by taking part, and thus allowing us to explore even further with more contests and activities to bring to you.

    The Ministry needs your help with helping keep us alive.
    As you know, it's these continued ideas and activities that keep us thriving.  With the RP guilds taking off successfully, one sector of Culture is very secure, thanks those of you who have taken off with it and have jumpstarted the Gathering Portal.  Some of you may not realize this, but the Roleplaying Area was practically on its last legs before the introduction of the RP Guild, and now Roleplays have been kicking off monumentally.

    But this is only a single area of Culture.  Along with the RPs, there is also our contests, general discussion areas, comedy cultural newsletter, and the various games that are hosted.

    With the first few areas, new ideas for discussions and contests are always welcome, and we encourage anyone with ideas for topics to give it a shot.  Want to talk about cloud/star gazing? Great! Have an idea for a contest that people may be interested in?  Terrific! We here at the Ministry of Culture are here to help you.

    When it comes to our games, we strongly encourage anyone with an interest and ideas to take part.  As you know, Werewolf is one of our most active games on here, and it's ALWAYS looking for volunteers to host the next games.  Likewise, there are other games such as Spyfall, Resistance, and others that haven't even been introduced that we would love to see others jump in and take a shot at hosting.  Trust me, it can be just as fun hosting a game as it is playing it!

    With our newsletter, The Lusty Jarl, we're always looking for people to contribute/submit articles.  It can be whimsical, heartfelt (IE Dear Abby), gameplay oriented (IE updates on Werewolf or other games currently playing, or even Minecraft or other major multiplayer game oriented), reviews of books/movies/games/music/shows, or even comics, puzzles, or something else you think would go great in the next magazines...even questionnaires about your perfect dream girl/guy work fine!  If it's something that speaks to you about a form of culture, or is just purely a satirical/comedic article, we welcome and embrace it.

    Where you can go if you're interested in being a part of the Team
    If you're interested getting a contest or event going, you can contact myself, Laurentus, or Sapphiron with your ideas, and we'll work with you on making it something that will work here on Wintreath.

    If you're interested in hosting Werewolf, you can express your interest in the Werewolf of Past, Present, and Future thread, and we'll get in contact with you about setting up your game.

    If you're wanting to host another already-introduced game or are wanting to introduce a brand new game to Wintreath, you're more than welcome to send me a PM, and we can get your game set up and ready to go.

    If you're interested in submitting articles for the Lusty Jarl, you're also welcome to send me a PM, or simply submit an article in the Lusty Jarl Planning/Submissions thread.

    If you're interested in getting in on Roleplaying and helping out with the guild, you're invited to post an application in the Guild Halls.

    Also, finally, if you have any suggestions or ideas that you believe will help improve the area of culture around Wintreath, you're definitely more than welcome to post in here, or send a PM either to myself or to Sapphiron or Laurentus with your ideas.

    Again, we thank all of you for all of your support and for being such a vital part of what has helped make Wintreath's Ministry of Culture thrive, and I really hope we get to look forward to some great ideas from you guys!
    « Last Edit: February 28, 2016, 02:45:34 PM by Pengu »
    My Wintreath Resumé
    • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
    • Posts: 7,196
    • Karma: 4,052
    • Wintreath's Official Video Game Enthusiast
    • Regional Stability Squad
    • Pronouns
      Any except it/its
      Michisexual <3
      Familial House
      Wintreath Nation
    Pages: [1]