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[HIRING] Thane of Foreign Affairs
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  • Yeah, I also see the merits of both Emoticonius and Pengu (though if it had to be one person alone, I'd choose CoS because of the fact that he doesn't have a Riksråd post already). Did Wintermoot ever mention the possibility of two Thanes? It seems to be working well for the Ministry of Culture.
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  • Yeah, I also see the merits of both Emoticonius and Pengu (though if it had to be one person alone, I'd choose CoS because of the fact that he doesn't have a Riksråd post already). Did Wintermoot ever mention the possibility of two Thanes? It seems to be working well for the Ministry of Culture.
    I do not think that someone in government should be serving in another position.  They already have a post.  Let others who don't, have a chance.

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  • That's what Barnes said. :P
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  • I do not think that someone in government should be serving in another position.  They already have a post.  Let others who don't, have a chance.

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    Let Wintermoot make that decision since he's the one hiring.  We've had double-duty cabinet posts in the past (Reon for example being the Jarl of WA Affairs and previous Thane of Culture), and nobody has ever complained before.  The only reason we don't have double-duty posts now is because they've either resigned or been replaced with more active members.

    But it's ultimately Wintermoot's decision and Wintermoot's alone how his Ministry is set up, just like it's mine and mine alone how my Ministry is set up...and likewise for the other Jarls.

    Obviously those who didn't currently serve are getting the chance, as WM didn't say "Well I like Pengu the best, so he gets it," but he's giving both CoS and Crushita a chance as well.  And likewise we welcomed Hannah, Barnes, Laurentus, and Sapphiron to their ministries...4 members who are not already currently serving other parts of the Riksrad.

    WM just knows my experience and knows how much I can do on here, which is why I'm being considered as well.

    In the end, that's really all that should matter.  If the person has shown and continues to show that they can put a good amount of effort to do the job well, that's all that should matter...not whether they've had/currently have a position already or not.

    Because that then opens some dangerous doors of what else we're going to filter.  Are we not going to allow UH members to be on the Riksrad, or vice versa?  Are we going to start arguing that the Monarch himself shouldn't have his own ministry?
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  • People should not be "double-dipping" into posts other people who are not either A. in a cabinet position outside this region or B. in this region.  It reduces the opportunity for other people to have a chance at posts if they aren't involved with anything else. 

    I do not doubt Crushita can do the job for instance, as he's not really involved elsewhere.  Same with other people who are not really involved elsewhere. 

    I believe even Wintermoot stated he preferred to not have candidates serve multiple positions. 
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  • People should not be "double-dipping" into posts other people who are not either A. in a cabinet position outside this region or B. in this region.  It reduces the opportunity for other people to have a chance at posts if they aren't involved with anything else. 

    Again, that's entirely Wintermoot's decision, not yours.  If he feels that I'm the best choice, then awesome.  If he feels that CoS or Crush are the better choices or are preferential to have more faces in the cabinet, then that's definitely great as well, because I know either of them would make excellent additions to the cabinet.

    I believe even Wintermoot stated he preferred to not have candidates serve multiple positions. 

    Oh, you mean this?

    I would certainly like to have it so that people don't have multiple postings in the Riksråd, but it's more important that the person is able to take on the work load of this position, which is still significant.

    Yes, you're right, he does say that.  But then he clearly points out right after that he thinks it's equally important that he have someone who he knows can handle the job.

    So, again, I'm not against someone new being in the cabinet, and in fact I welcome it, as does everyone else on here, I'm sure.  However, if he does decide to choose me, then I'm going to assume it's because he thinks I'd be the best choice for what the position entails.  And again, likewise, if he chooses someone else that would be a new addition, then I welcome them completely.

    But I'll say it one last time: This is Wintermoot's choice.  Not mine, not yours, but his.  He'll decide who he wants in his Ministry, whether they be newer or not.  Who knows?  He might do what Barnes and Laurentus are suggesting and putting one newer and one familiar person to work together.  We don't know, and telling Wintermoot how he should hire people isn't going to help things for anyone.
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  • In the end, it comes down to practicality and meritocracy. I simply view it as preferable when faced with two equally deserving candidates, to pick the one not already on the cabinet, but there are an whole host of points I might be missing that would let the scales slide to one candidate or the other for Wintermoot. As for people in other regions' cabinets: I do believe it comes down to the individual. If Wintermoot feels he can trust such a person, then why shouldn't that person be appointed?

    Regardless, Pengu, Crush and CoS are all excellent candidates, and I'm excited to see which one (or ones) will get chosen. :)
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  • There's some truth to that, but if so then why have The Orendi in the first place? It seems like everything else is covering...well, everything else.

    To answer this, the Orendi was originally the only dispatch that we had.  It covered all of our regional updates, from statistics to event invites and the like.

    Over time the Frozen Realm Record was created, which started covering some of the major regional updates for within the region (IE, being posted on our region's NS page)...if I recall correctly, though @Barnes or HannahB can correct me on this one.  But this is something that could go as a dispatch as well.

    Likewise, the Lusty Jarl was created still fairly recently, with January being its first "official" issue release (and a test issue being in mid December).  It was created as an interregional cultural magazine to pick up where the Orendi had stopped on the cultural news, as well as add to it to make it completely cultural-centric for everyone in the region to keep up with.  However, if people wanted it to, like the F.R it could go international as well.

    The Monthly Report is still a new thing, with last month's being the first that we've released.  Right now it's essentially taken the place of the Orendi as the monthly dispatch.

    So at this point, the Orendi isn't even entirely relevant least to me.  It's been our main dispatch for some time, but that could very well changing since we've all but shifted to new focuses for news.
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  • The Frozen Realm Record is, in fact, internal, and is posted on the Wintreath NationStates page.

    Note that I have never actually seen an Orendi.
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  • The Frozen Realm Record is, in fact, internal, and is posted on the Wintreath NationStates page.

    Note that I have never actually seen an Orendi.

    That's what I meant.   It's completely internal, but does have the capability of being a dispatch if there was enough desire/want to do so. :)

    And the Orendi is long newsletter such as the ones posted here:
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  • Oh wow, it feels like the writing style of the Lusty Jarl took over the Frozen Realm Record's informative style.

    And Stacky as JoI? Wow, I must be quite new here... and it seems like the old Wintreath got a lot more accomplished :(
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  • I've been trying to get @HannahB to produce an Orendi since September. There's supposed to be one every season, but that...has not been happening. :P

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  • I've been trying to get @HannahB to produce an Orendi since September. There's supposed to be one every season, but that...has not been happening. :P

    To be fair though, the Orendi is a group effort.  Anyone could have produced one by now. But at the same time, the Orendi needs articles to function...has there even been enough articles produced to warrant one? :P
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  • There should be...I wrote two or three articles myself just to make sure. >_>

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