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Debate on the Storting Reformation Amendment Act
Posts: 33 Views: 5754

  • Paragons
  • Duke of Wintreath
  • Quote
    So you're saying that the Inactive List is to prevent inactivity? Like, "if you want to vote, then you gotta stay active"? I could see the reasoning in that, but it just seems kinda unnecessary. If people are going to become inactive, I doubt losing their voting rights for the duration of their absence would prevent the inactivity.
    That wasn't how I originally envisioned the list working but that could be a benefit of having it, I suppose. I more meant "if you're going to be inactive for more than X, post in this thread telling us when you expect to be back." Kind of an admin thing, helping to keep who's gone but will be coming back and who's just vanished separate from one another.

    Not a necessity, though.

    I feel if someone does something obviously wrong, then the Assembly would vote to remove their voting rights. If it's unforgivably wrong, then Wintermoot would kick them. I just don't see a situation that would call for the swift removal of voting rights that wouldn't lead to their removal of citizenship. I think that would give too much power to only a few people. If someone can think of a situation when it'd be necessary, I'd like to hear it.
    Tbh I was only really suggesting modifying the suspension protocol because it's better to have these things discussed and turned down than it is not to put the idea forward at all. I initially thought the wording was "suspend a member's voting rights for a period of one month" rather than "up to one month", so that actually covers all of this discussion anyway.
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
    Archivist Academic

    "Not all those who wander are lost."
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  • Ahh, I see where you're coming from now. :)

    I'm glad people have been contributing to the discussion, and I feel like it's been very constructive. So thank you to all who have spoken up :). And please continue to discuss if there is anything more you wish to say.

    From what I've gathered on all of this, the majority think that:

    1. there should be no waiting/trial time requirement to join the new Storting -- all citizens of Wintreath will automatically be joined,

    2. citizens can only have voting rights suspended by a Storting 3/4 supermajority vote as stated in Article 1, Section 3, of the Storting Reformation Amendment Act,

    3. voting rights should be tied directly to citizenship, so citizens can only lose voting rights by losing their citizenship, and Paragons cannot lose voting rights as they have indefinite citizenship,

    4. some sort of code of conduct should be included in the new Storting's procedural rules (and not this act) meant to be more as behavioral guidelines than a way to punish, and the current UH should be the one to implement it,

    5. a provision should be added into the new procedural rules stating the Speaker (or all officers) will have the ability to lock Storting threads for a specified amount of time if the discussion is getting out of hand to let people cool off.

    I believe if all of the above are true, then the current draft of the Storting Reformation Amendment Act is good to go.
    2 people like this post: Weissreich, Barnes

    Duke of Wintreath and Count of Janth
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  • My Dear Jean-Luc!
  • I still think that automatic entrance is risky, but I'm OK with it if that's what the constituents want...
    Sir Robin of Camelot

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