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[PASSED][GA] Repeal "Dignified End of Life Choices"
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  • Repeal "Dignified End of Life Choices"

    A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.

    The World Assembly,

    Understanding that "Dignified End of Life Choices"(GA#54) attempts to provide euthanasia services to those who might reasonably seek them,

    Realizing that Clause 5 reads: "This resolution shall not preclude a nation from enacting an assisted suicide law that is less or more restrictive than this resolution, so long as said law complies with Sections 4 (D) and 4 (E)",

    Regretting that Clause 5 negates the bulk of the protections provided in the preceding clauses of GA#54, which opens up a whole host of concerns, which include:

    * The patient in question will not be required to actually request the administration of lethal drugs,
    * There is no need to ensure that a patient's request is voluntary, and
    * Patients may be forbidden from rescinding a request for the administration of lethal drugs prior to their administration,

    Believing that patients seeking euthanasia should be accorded greater protections than those accorded by this flawed resolution,

    Encouraging the World Assembly to consider additional legislation on this subject,

    Hereby repeals "Dignified End of Life Choices"(GA#54).

    Co-authored by Mousebumples.

    Delegate's Opinion: It truly is Christ's mass for Wintermoot! Another repeal! This one though, is fair enough... If it does feel a bit far reaching for something to do, but eh... I'm in Support of this one.
    « Last Edit: December 25, 2013, 06:50:54 AM by Reon »
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