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Capitalism vs Socialism
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • Count of Highever
  • Is capitalism inherently superior to socialism? Is it the other way around?

    Discuss away.
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  • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
  • I think neither are more superior than the other at their most extreme levels, but I think there has to be some middle ground.

    In other words, complete socialism I don't think truly is the greatest idea out there.  I think a little bit of capitalism is a good thing since it pushes people to, in a sense, challenge themselves since the reward at the end isn't the same.

    But it gets a bit ridiculous when the price of complete capitalism is that the reward is guaranteed to not be enough to keep people off the streets, to where jobs are a 50/50 thing that could end anytime for any reason and could send people into poverty, to where debt becomes a serious issue because of how impossible it can become to pay such debt back (credit cards and student loans being the two biggest offenders), and the worst being how even places such as medical/pharmaceutical companies will hold back on ever finding an actual cure since it's more profitable to "treat" with drugs that have potential side effects (and thus you'd have to buy more drugs to counter those) than it is actually cure someone.

    Really, I lean more towards the socialist side than the Capitalist side...but again I'd really argue that there should be more of a balance than anything.  I don't like the idea of total capitalism, but I don't like the idea of total socialism either.
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  • Count of Highever
  • I mostly agree. I lean slightly to the left, but I still firmly believe in a meritocratic society where the best person gets the job, and socialist policy, in many cases, doesn't allow this to happen.

    I don't know how feasible free healthcare is around the world, but free schooling, at least at the basic level (basic for me being up until grade 12) should be able to work.

    My view on socialism is that it's great when a country already is rich, but in a country like South Africa (or any other poor place) it just doesn't work. There isn't enough wealth to spread around. My personal view on our situation is that we need to fatten the cow (capitalism, though not absolute capitalism) before we can slaughter it (return to socialism, but again not pure socialism). Currently, we're just getting poorer and poorer as we sink ever further into socialism in South Africa. Our lack of a meritocratic system certainty isn't helping.
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  • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
  • I mostly agree. I lean slightly to the left, but I still firmly believe in a meritocratic society where the best person gets the job, and socialist policy, in many cases, doesn't allow this to happen.

    I don't know how feasible free healthcare is around the world, but free schooling, at least at the basic level (basic for me being up until grade 12) should be able to work.

    My view on socialism is that it's great when a country already is rich, but in a country like South Africa (or any other poor place) it just doesn't work. There isn't enough wealth to spread around. My personal view on our situation is that we need to fatten the cow (capitalism, though not absolute capitalism) before we can slaughter it (return to socialism, but again not pure socialism). Currently, we're just getting poorer and poorer as we sink ever further into socialism in South Africa. Our lack of a meritocratic system certainty isn't helping.

    I do agree with a Meritocratic approach in that case.  What I don't like is when people take a job they don't even want, and then complain about how it doesn't even pay a lot...something that's common with a minimum wage job.

    My view to that is that you're getting the paycheck you deserve.  If you're taking a job that you don't even want and are putting little effort into that job, then you deserve to not be paid a substantial amount.  Demanding that your payment is higher when your contribution is minuscule is just silly.

    If you want higher payment, then put more effort into what you do, or find a job that you enjoy more that pays more.  Minimum wage in Washington right now is roughly around $9.56 I believe.  Some jobs at minimum (being a para-professional for schools however) range between $13-14 and have increases depending on experience.  But at the same time, an actual Para-professional job is both physically and especially more emotionally demanding than a lot of minimum wage jobs, and because of those demands they're much less open to hiring anyone except those that actually want to work there.
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  • My abbreviated opinion: 

    Both are bad at their extremes.

    Both don't work when you have greedy assholes running the system.

    Scandinavia probably has the best system, realistically.

    (I'll elaborate later. :P )
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    Sir Robin of Camelot

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  • Capitalism, if it is conducted in a morally and ethically responsible way by capitalists who have real ties to their communities and genuine care about their workers and customers, is an excellent system.

    This will never happen.  Late-stage Western capitalism is exploitative to the umpteenth degree.  The profit motive has never been a force for good. 
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