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February 2016 Underhusen Voting Topic
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  • Wintreath Underhusen Election
    Vote Here!

    Voting for the Underhusen is now open! You can vote for up to five candidates. You may also vote for fewer people by writing in "Abstain" on any slot you don't want to fill with a candidate. You may post your ballot in this topic, or PM it to me if you wish for your ballot to remain private. Ballots will be counted and the results will be given at the end of the election one week from today. Good luck to all our candidates!

    If you need more information on the function and purpose of the Underhusen, please check out our Fundamental Laws.

    Good luck to all our candidates!

    Your Official Candidates

    Underhusen February 2016 Ballot





    « Last Edit: February 01, 2016, 04:45:11 PM by Wintermoot »

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • 1) Barnes
    2) North
    3) Gerrick
    4) BraveSirRobin
    5) RedRevenant/Sci
    My Wintreath Resumé
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  • 1. Nox
    2. Chanku
    3. Gerrick
    4. RedRevenant/Sci
    5. Barnes
    “I support anyone’s right to be who they want to be. My question is: to what extent do I have to participate in your self-image?” - Dave Chappelle
    7:42 PM <Govindia> eh, i like the taste of nuts in my mouth

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  • Underhusen December 2015 Ballot

    1. Barnes
    2. Gerrick
    3. BraveSirRobin
    4. North
    5. RedRevenant/Sci

    While it's not the custom, I am going to expand on my choices. Who knows, I might even influence some of the other voters to lean towards my picks. That's also why I'm voting so early on this time.

    First off, @Barnes. You were my first and easiest pick. You have done well both in UH and Wintreath in general. Your answers in the debate were also top tier. I'm fairly sure you're the front runner in this election. Good luck!

    My second choice without too much doubt was @Gerrick. Your campaign didn't give me much to be honest, but you proved yourself in debate and I would love to see you push ahead and take on greater role(s) in Wintreath. You're valuable asset to the region, keep it up!

    From here on I only had candidates in MAYBE and NO categories.

    I considered leaving three abstain votes since what's the point if you don't support someone 100%? I have however casted quite a few abstains "lately" and it may be a little shortsighted to not give promising while maybe not yet fully convincing candidates the chance to prove themselves. Full five votes it is then, and I urge all other voters to use up all their votes as well.

    While it may not seem like much of an honor, @North was the first to secure a place on the MAYBE list. The main reason why you weren't on the YES list is that your campaign left me a little confused. It's not fair to put this entirely on you as I didn't bring it up during campaigning, but I chose to stay passive due to my overall passive stance towards the Constitutional Convention (which made up most of your campaign efforts). You're strong candidate but I can't credit much (any) of that to the campaign. It's also noteworthy that my hesitation wasn't due to a lack of effort.

    Next up is @BraveSirRobin. Your thoughts on how Underhusen could try and reach beyond their core purpose was one of the things I was looking for and you delivered. You'd probably deserve a higher position on my list. Your campaign thread however felt like a lot of it was composed after being influenced by other candidates in the debate and the rest fell to the classic electoral void of vague promises, which is a shame. You seem like a safe vote and perhaps that's why you're down here. I have no doubt you'll do superb job in the Underhusen.

    Last vote was the trickiest and finally went to @RedRevenant/Sci. It really came down to wanting it, which turned the tables in your favor instead of Rasdanation (he also insulted Frozen, that certainly didn't help). Being new can be both advantage and disadvantage, in all honesty I have to say that in this case it was disadvantage. Underhusen has an important term coming up and throwing a fresh new face in there might not be in the region's best interest. I hope you get elected and prove yourself.

    Finally I would like to say a few words about those who didn't receive a vote from me.

    @Nox, lack of effort. Simple as that. You're familiar face and had you shown more seriousness towards getting elected it might have been easy for you to get a vote from me. All the good things and good luck to you.

    @Rasdanation, your campaigning started off well and came very close to getting a vote from me, but when a candidate lacks seriousness and effort others quickly become more deserving.

    @Chanku, you seem to be stuck as a questionable candidate. While you don't lack merits or capacity those advantages are counterweighted by "your other issues". I might go as far as describing you as our celebrity (royalty always are) and while others can make even big turnarounds quite easily you have a deeper stigma that requires a lot more work to turn around. Your campaign left a lot to be desired, especially after your answers in debate practically were "nothing should/can be done", that's not appealing to the voter. Given how you should be high caliber candidate this was disappointing. Predicting your success in this election is difficult and I wish you good luck.

    @Govindia, for all fairness I wont completely ignore you here, but I have nothing to say. For one it's fairly obvious why I wouldn't vote you for personal reasons, and going any further than that would be highly counterproductive. It would have been nice if you'd taken the time to participate in the debate, as nearly everyone else did.

    Sorry for the long potato. :P
    • Deep-fried cabbage
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  • I'll take a page from Tatte and explain the reasoning behind my votes as well.

    To be honest, all of my candidates were easy choices for my.  The former 4 gave some pretty decent campaign threads overall, and each of them are pretty easy members to talk to, and I can see them working fluidly together to get things done.  Barnes and North both have Underhusen experience under their belt, as does BraveSirRobin...with Barnes and BSR having very recent experience, which is always a nice thing to continue to build.

    Gerrick while having no experience in the UH side of things as far as I can recall has enough as a citizen alone, but has proven himself pretty capable in the field and his campaign convinced me that he'd be a good choice for the office.

    RedRevenant is a fresh face to the field, and honestly it was a little bit of a toss up between him and Ras...however, I've gotten to know Red a bit through the IRC, and I while I believe Ras would be capable in this field, I also believe that Red would be as well.

    As for the others...

    Nox, I very much appreciated the humor in your campaign, as it's part of your overall personality.  However, I was a bit disappointed that there wasn't more effort in your campaign.  For someone who has been here as long as you have, I was expecting a bit more as to why you deserved the spot.  I appreciate seeing you run though.

    Ras: As I said, it was really a tossup between you and Red, the choice ended up being Red, my apologies.

    Chanku: Your answers to my question really didn't satisfy what I was hoping for.  As a legislative figure, you have to be impartial and open to everyone.  The fact that you made such a big deal about Gov in the Military IRC to where you're blaming the fact that you can't put him on ignore as to why you can't be on for updates to do your own job is disconcerting to hear, and I believe those types of behaviors translate poorly into any sort of position.  You also do have a history of verbally having a go at people whose ideas you disagree with, such as belittling even Wintermoot's ideas.  It's these kinds of destructive and negative behaviors that, as much as I respect you as a person, make me feel you wouldn't be a good choice against the candidates that I did vote for.

    Gov: I really want to give you a chance, but the fact that you waited until the day before voting to cast your thread...when you decided to stand for elections on the 25th (so essentially, a 5-6 day gap) is disappointing to say the least.  It doesn't give people much time to ask you questions and consider whether they should vote for you or not when voting has already appeared.  However, I stand by what I said in your campaign topic that while my assumptions for your desire to run may be're not proving them untrue by not taking initiative and getting things up and running at a more optimum time.  That, and you have the same issues as Chanku.  As much as you both talk crap about each other or try to get the other into trouble, you both are literally 2 sides of the exact same coin.  My concerns that I have with Chanku translate to you as well in slightly different forms.  You have a tendency to hound people and harass them and hurl insults to the point that it's gotten you banned from IRC multiple times...simply because you don't agree with what someone said/how they said it to you.  You also have a tendency to blow into a bigger problem than they should be and go to lengths to make people feel bad when you don't get your way.  As much as I want to believe you could put these things aside and remain civil in  a UH setting...past experiences (again both as the subject and from what I've seen on IRC/Chat) really tug the reality in a different direction.
    My Wintreath Resumé
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  • Count of Highever
  • 1. Gerrick
    2. Barnes
    3. BraveSirRobin
    4. North
    5. Rasdanation

    Choosing between Revenant and Rasdanation was too difficult, so I decided with a coin-toss. I listed my candidates by order of preference, but really, the top 4 didn't have much trouble convincing me.
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
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  • Gerrick
    Bravesirsickspins.. I mean BraveSirRobin

    I just think that these people either already proved themselves or deserve a chance
    3 people like this post: Laurentus, BraveSirRobin, Rasdanation
    I Hope You Have A Nice Day :]
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  • Scarlet Petal Floats
  • Underhusen December 2015 Ballot

    1) Barnes
    2) Gerrick
    3) BraveSirRobin
    4) Rasdanation
    5) North
    • Scarlet Petal Floats
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  • Underhusen February 2016 Ballot

    1. Barnes
    2. BraveSirRobin
    3. North
    4. Rasdanation
    5. RedRevenant/Sci

    Duke of Wintreath and Count of Janth
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  • North
    Citizen: 8 April 2015 - present
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    Skrifa of the 13th Underhusen: 13 December 2015 - 8 February 2016
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    Skrifa of the 18th Underhusen: 8 October 2016 - 7 December 2016
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    Skrifa of the 19th Underhusen: 7 December 2016 - 9 February 2017
    Ambassador to the INWU: 11 March 2017 - 1 March 2022
    Ambassador to the Versutian Federation: 18 August 2017 - 22 March 2018
    Thane of Integration: 29 September 2017 - 7 March 2018
    Speaker of the 24th Underhusen: 10 October 2017 - 7 December 2017
    October 2017 Wintreath's Finest: 4 November 2017
    Speaker pro tempore of the 25th Underhusen: 9 December 2017 - 7 February 2018
    Wintreath's Finest of 2017: 6 January 2018
    Werewolf XIV host: 20 January 2018 - 23 February 2018
    February 2018 Wintreath's Finest: 5 March 2018
    Thane of Embassy Dispatches / Foreign Releases and Information / Foreign Dispatches: 7 March 2018 - 15 March 2020
    Speaker of the 28th Underhusen: 10 June 2018 - 7 August 2018
    Second Patriarch of the Noble House of Valeria: 10 October 2018 - present
    Arena Game 6 Host: 28 December 2018 - 9 March 2019
    Librarian of the Underhusen: 29 January 2019 - 12 February 2019
    Speaker of the 32nd Underhusen: 12 February 2019 - 8 April 2019
    March 2019 Wintreath's Finest: 4 April 2019
    Librarian of the Underhusen: 12 April 2019 - 23 October 2020
    Commendation of Wintreath: 24 September 2020
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  • After looking through the campaigns, here are my votes:

    Note: Not posted in order of preference, I just beleive that just as North said,
    "I just think that these people either already proved themselves or deserve a chance."
    T'was the year of Wintreath!
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  • He Who Seeks
  • 1. North
    2. BraveSirRobin
    3. Barnes
    4. Govindia
    5. Chanku

    No order.
    • He Who Seeks
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  • I find it interesting that people aren't voting for themselves this time.
    1 person likes this post: tatte
    Citizen: 8 April 2015 - present
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    Skrifa of the 13th Underhusen: 13 December 2015 - 8 February 2016
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    Speaker of the 24th Underhusen: 10 October 2017 - 7 December 2017
    October 2017 Wintreath's Finest: 4 November 2017
    Speaker pro tempore of the 25th Underhusen: 9 December 2017 - 7 February 2018
    Wintreath's Finest of 2017: 6 January 2018
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    February 2018 Wintreath's Finest: 5 March 2018
    Thane of Embassy Dispatches / Foreign Releases and Information / Foreign Dispatches: 7 March 2018 - 15 March 2020
    Speaker of the 28th Underhusen: 10 June 2018 - 7 August 2018
    Second Patriarch of the Noble House of Valeria: 10 October 2018 - present
    Arena Game 6 Host: 28 December 2018 - 9 March 2019
    Librarian of the Underhusen: 29 January 2019 - 12 February 2019
    Speaker of the 32nd Underhusen: 12 February 2019 - 8 April 2019
    March 2019 Wintreath's Finest: 4 April 2019
    Librarian of the Underhusen: 12 April 2019 - 23 October 2020
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  • Hail Hydra!
  • Underhusen February 2016 Ballot

    1. Barnes

    2. BraveSirRobin

    3. Gerrick

    4. North

    5. RedRevenant

    Also no order.
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    Joshua Bluteisen
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  • Underhusen February 2016 Ballot

    1. BraveSirRobin

    2. RedRevenant/Sci

    3. North

    4. Gerrick

    5. Barnes
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