Believe it or not, we had a contest this month too!
RecruitmentWintermoot - 12210 points
tatte - 3200 points
xXTheHydraXx - 100 points
HannahB - 4 points
ResidencyWintermoot - 1050 points
tatte - 350 points
xXTheHydraXx - 5 points
CitizenshipWintermoot - 550 points (DominionofDranima, Slovakian States, Thaikrihsmae, Mysticalium, Legatris, Forgottone, DekuNut, Western Magellan, La Tosca, perutania, Snjorland)
tatte - 200 points (leroynukenson, Yaoke, Colombea, Dreamer)
TOTALWintermoot - 13810 points
@tatte - 3750 points
@xXTheHydraXx - 105 points
@HannahB - 4 points
The winner for this month is tatte! tatte, please feel free to post the prize you want from the game bag if you want one, and thanks for being such a great recruiter this month.