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(TABLED) Storting Recruitment Act
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    • I know this doesn't have much to do with the Constitutional Convention, per se, but it does affect the legislature.
    @Laurentus and @HannahB gave me the idea that the Storting should be more than a legislature, and should uphold community and civil service standards as well, so I devised a proposal to encourage civil service. The first thing that came to mind was recruitment, so Storting members can be responsible for instituting regional growth.

    Quote from: Storting Recruitment Act
    1. This act shall be entitled the Storting Recruitment Act.

    2. All Storting members shall recruit to not less than fifty (50) NationStates nations per term.
    3. Storting members who do not meet the fifty-recruitment requirement will be ineligible for reelection for one (1) term.

    I figured 50 was a small enough requirement to be significant while also being feasible in two months for most people, even without computers.
    « Last Edit: December 20, 2015, 07:05:38 PM by Sapphiron »
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  • You underestimate the clunkiness of BlackBerries. :P

    In all seriousness, what I meant by my remarks during the election wasn't really the repurposing of the UH. It was more to have an elected body, completely separate from the legislature, form up and do a lot of things in the region, basically like a Civil Service Board, or some such. The thought that went into this was that the most appealing thing about the UH was that they have elections, so anyone can run in them and have a say in the region.

    My idea at the time very much still relied on completely reforming the legislature and likely giving legislative power to the monarchy, as advised by the OH and Riksråd, while abolishing the UH and giving citizens direct access to their rights.

    Though now that I think about it, nothing would prevent any citizens from still making suggestions about legislation were we to reform the legislature that way.

    I mean, having a legislature that doesn't legislate, and does something else to justify its existence, is kind of missing the point.
    1 person likes this post: taulover
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  • The Storting is a legislative body. Which has nothing to do with recruitment.

    If you wanted to make a separate elected body that handles recruitment, sure, but I don't see how this proposal makes sense. Ability to spam telegrams is not related at all to legislating.
    1 person likes this post: Laurentus
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  • Not sure if I should post here or in the thread started by Chanku.   :-\

    But yeah, I don't support this for the reason Laurentus and taulover outlined. As long as the UH exists, it's a legislative body and nothing more.
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  • The UH is legislature, not recruitment.  We have nothing in the Fundamental Laws requiring people to advance through some sort of meritocracy.  We're just legislature.

    Now, if you wanted to create some sort of recruitment guild to promote regional growth, we could perhaps pass a resolution urging the Monarch to take action to create a Recruitment Guild of some sort, perhaps. 
    Sir Robin of Camelot

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  • I think when it comes to recruiting, the best thing to do is to figure out how to entice more people to recruit. We've had a few people recruiting since the recruitment contests started and that's been a big help...we're hovering around 360 nations from 244 just before the Zombie Apocalypse event. However, we can always use more, especially to cover times when others aren't usually around.

    Also, don't forget, civics isn't just about recruiting...there's writing articles for things, participating in our diplomatic corps, doing graphics for the site, leading a cultural effort...anything that makes this a better place for us and for the people we want to be here. :)
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  • Fair enough. I highly appreciate the recruiters, and they were the first thing that came to mind. I understand all of your points, though, especially @taulover's point about spamming telegrams and @Chanku's point on the other thread about it being technically illegal. I feel like I almost want to apologize for having brought attention to it in the first place.

    As for the other methods of civil service, I feel as if more discussion can be had on that, as if the legislature can have influence with that suck as monitoring or overseeing various Guilds for those purposes. But that's besides the point.

    Motion to table?
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  • I wouldn't apologize for it...we won't get anywhere if nobody posts ideas. :P
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  • While I actually like the idea behind this act, trying to simultaneously increase recruitment and I would like to think that pigeon holing the UH to merely legislation isn't always the best, because of course it will only ever be legislative if only legislation relating to legislation is passed...  :-\

    However... I am not a fan of the idea of requiring the Skrifa to do any recruiting... (Though saying that it would provide something to show that they are still active) ... But, no, they shouldn't be required to do anything like this, at least not for the time being.

    As such, and with the apparent unpopularity I second the motion to table.
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    « Last Edit: December 18, 2015, 08:55:41 PM by HannahB »
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  • As the bill has not went through the obligatory two-day debate period, no motion may be made.

    For the record, I don't see why the legislature should be forced to do manual recruit.
    • Scarlet Petal Floats
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  • Totally correct my bad. :-\

    I legitimatly thought this had been up for 2 days and was so sure of it, I didn't even check. This is what I get for ignoring the passage of time, or lack thereof. :))
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  • My bad, too, although we could technically motion to expedite it and then table it after time expires. Or just wait the five hours; that works too.
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  • Now that it's been two days, I'll start the motion to table.
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  • Now that it's been two days, I'll start the motion to table.

    I second the motion to table. :)
    • Nuclear Soldermancer
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  • Is everyone else in favor of tabling this bill?
    « Last Edit: December 20, 2015, 10:06:26 AM by Sapphiron »
    • Scarlet Petal Floats
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