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Wintrean Union [Factbooks]
Posts: 49 Views: 11239

  • Former Citizen
  • I really am sorry for being so slow with getting these threads up. Regardless, the long-awaited factbooks thread is up! Use this to establish whatever background information you would like about your nation. They may be as brief or lengthy as you wish, and the only information you're required to put is your military and government. All else is optional, but it's strongly recommended you at least have a brief history.
    « Last Edit: December 13, 2015, 05:01:55 PM by Bodobol »
  • Former Citizen
  • Talvias

    Talvias is a land of great environmental diversity. The Zereth Mountains in the east pierce the sky while the land around is blanketed in snow, and in the western strip of land are flat grasslands that can become quite hot during the summer months. Humid forests sprawl across the western islands and southwest mainland of Talvias. The climate is temperate, but the winters do have a tendency to be bitterly cold.

    The Eremis Strip (the section of land connected by two isthmuses) is the most densely-populated area of the nation. It makes up only ~20% of the nation's area but is home to around 20,000,000 people, almost half of the total population. The Zereth Mountains are on the opposite end of the spectrum, over half the size of Eremis but home to only 3,000,000 people.

    The Malour Lake makes up the center of Talvias, and much domestic trade revolves around it.

    Two islands lie to the west of Eremis, and they are Apris and Nescra (the larger and smaller ones, respectively). Apris is urbanized and densely populated, while Nescra is now uninhabted and and a site for tourists.

    Talvias consists of two primary ethnic groups, the Andars and Kreliks. Most of the history of the nation is just the story of the former, since the Kreliks were only conquered within the past two hundred years.

    The Andars are thought to have originated in the humid forests of the islands, where they evolved watergoing crafts and spread to the mainland. They spread first to the Eremis Strip, and then throughout the rest of modern Talvias (except for the Zereth region).

    Once a complex society was established, a monarchy that lasted for upwards of a thousand years was born. House Kazor, claiming to be a distant branch of the Wintrean House of Kestar, had a firm rule over the Eremis Strip, from which they expanded outward. Tribal settlements throughout the mainland fell like dominoes to the organized military of the Talvians. The only tribes to remain unconquered were the fierce Krelik fighters of Zereth, who successfully beat back invading forces and modernized of their own accord later.

    The modern capital of Lukali was established as a trading post during the reign of House Kazor. It quickly grew due to its proximity to Lake Malour. It was connected by an overland trade route to Burran, today another major city, which in turn had trade connections to the islands of Apris and Nescra.

    Both Apris and Nescra were captured after the rest of Kazorian conquests. Apris fell relatively easily, but the small populations of Nescra displayed a knack for guerilla warfare matched only by the Krelliks. They were, however, doomed by their smaller total population. In a period of history considered Talvias' national shame even today, the Kazorian forces proceeded to massacre the entire population of the island after conquering it. Even this genocide was in vain; Nescran wildlife harbored some diseases unknown to Talvians, and almost all who tried to resettle it died miserably. On paper, Nescra was Talvian territory. In practice, it was an ungoverned graveyard.

    Around 200 years ago, just before the decline and collapse of House Kazor, they launched their final conquest against the Kreliks, who had their own complex society by now but were technologically inferior. Although they fought hard and well, technological and numerical disadvantage sealed their fate. They were put to work in silver mines in the mountains, where countless Kreliks died.

    House Kazor fell to democratic revolutions just over a century ago. The new government had more liberal policies, and ceased the near-slave labor the Kreliks were put through. This was not to say, however, that Krelik people were treated equally; they were still regarded as less human than the Andars. Only within the last sixty years were laws passed to make them equal in the eyes of the law.

    The Asgov Liberation Army (ALA) is a terrorist group formed by discontented Krelik people soon after the democratic government took power (Asgov is the name for the province contianing the Krelik people). Finding that the new regime was not interested in their rights nor their liberation, they took matters into their own hands. Soon after their formation, they almost succeeded in breaking away. The new government was unequipped to deal with them and they were popular throughout the region. Their problem was an inability to organize themselves; no one was able to organize a way for them to actually secede. In time, they got this settled, but by then their membership had dwindled some and the Talvian government was more powerful.

    Since the passing of civil rights laws, membership has dwindled more, but the ALA still presents a serious threat in the region. Modern members consider the incorporation of Asgov into Talvias at all to be an unforgivable crime. They also cite the lack of social programs to help their disadvantaged position as reason to rebel. Although most Kreliks today do not support the ALA, attacks in the province are common and occasionally occur elsewhere in the nation.

    The Talvian Republic (TR) is a parliamentary democracy, with an 81-person parliament. Each province sends nine people to parliament every three years. The provinces are, divided by region:

    Apris and Nescra (islands)
    Alikov (Eremis Strip)
    Suderrey (Eremis Strip)
    Domor (Eremis Strip)
    Esteria (southern mainland)
    Theln (southern/western mainland)
    Avikas (northern mainland)
    Asgov (Zereth Mountains)
    Maniv (southeastern mainland)

    The current ruling party is the Prosperity Party, a centrist group with liberal-leaning social policies and a slightly libertarian economic platform.

    Political Parties
    The Prosperity Party (PP) came into being eighty years ago, originally founded as a party of Andars pushing for the equal rights of Kreliks. With the assistance of some prominent politicians at the time, they were able to form a coalition and take power, passing several controversial reforms. At that time, racial tensions were high as the terrorist organization known as the Asgov Liberation Army (ALA) was constantly active. Eventually, with tensions not sufficiently subdued after reforms were passed, the PP was forced to adopt more hardline positions to stay in power. Their policies became significantly more conservative, and they began focusing economic reforms exclusively toward Andars. As of late, their policies have once more liberalized with the population, although they are still accused of not paying enough attention to ethnic minorities. They have the most seats of any party in parliament, with 40.

    The Talvian Workers' Party (TWP) is a socialist-leaning organization formed two decades ago, founded at a time when the Prosperity Party was still fully conservative. TWP pushes for the total equality of all ethnicities and the raising of quality of life for the middle and lower classes. Based out of Domor, they became popular through a grassroots approach and today have chapters throughout all of the nation. Their popularity is currently soaring among rural areas, and they control a majority of MPs in x provinces. Today they are the opposition party, although it does not appear likely they will gain a majority. They currently control 25 seats.

    The Krelik People's Party (KPP) is a party based out of Asgov whose primary purpose is increasing autonomy for their home province. Their predecessor, the Zereth Autonomy Party (ZAP), was banned several years ago due to their repeated calls for Asgov's secession (an unpopular opinion on a sensitive issue, which, while not officially prohibited, is in practice a dangerous position to advocate in most of Talvias). On both social and economic issues, they take moderately libertarian positions. They make no mention of Asgov's secession, although it is widely known this is their endgame. Their head, Elric Cyndil, is currently abroad due to death threats he had been receiving at home. The party is widely suspeted to have ties with the ALA, but nothing has been confirmed. They currently control seven MPs - five from Asgov, and two from Avikas, which has a significant minority Krelik population.

    The Andars First Party (AFP) is a far-right organization founded by racial supremacists that dates back to the beginning of the Talvian Republic. At their peak, decades ago, they were the primary opposition party, holding 28 seats. Today they are looked down upon and ridiculed by most of the population, appealing only to extremist Andars. They advocate the expulsion of Kreliks from all provinces except Asgov, and keeping a tight grip over the province. Their basis for this is a belief that Kreliks are genetically inferior (a belief prevalent in Talvias's past) and, as they are believed to be inherently malicious, must be watched closely. They support militarizing the border and a policy of total isolationism, including the immediate withdrawal of Talvias from the Wintrean Union. They control four MPs, but this is an increase for them, as for a time they had no seats in parliament. Their popularity, while still confined to the fringe, has been on the rise again.

    Five seats in parliament are currently controlled by independent MPs.

    The Prime Minister is currently Ada Mestis of the Prosperity Party, born and raised in the city of Kerov, Avikas. She is currently 57 and has represented her province for the past 23 years. She has been a proponent for the furthering of ties between Talvias and the Union. She has used a strong hand in dealing with the ALA, declaring a national state of emergency when a bombing killed over 70 people in Lukali two years ago, and led efforts that caused the arrests of dozens of ALA sympathizers. Her supporters praise her for the job growth seen under her tenure and general increase in quality of life, while her opponents have accused her of discriminating against all Kreliks (even those without ALA ties), and of disrespecting the people's right to privacy.

    The Opposition Leader is currently Timin Savurey, a 71-year-old socialist from the small border town of Tekas, Maniv. He is half-Andar and half-Krelik, his parents both coal miners from the area. In his early teens, he was forced to flee due to intense local conflict between government forces and the ALA. Both of his parents in a bombing run just prior to his fleeing. He eventually found himself in Kerov, at the time an Andar stronghold, and he was able to pass fully as one. He stayed there, and at the age of 34 became mayor of the city, a position which he served for two three-year terms. He decided not to run for a third term so that he could run for parliament, and was elected by a narrow margin. He served as an independent for a decade, helping to found the TWP. Ever since then, he has been their speaker, currently in his 31st year in parliament. His Krelik parentage was not made public until a decade ago, when racial tensions had died down enough for such an admission to not be damaging. His policy direction involves pushing for socioeconomic equality through the expansion  of welfare and public education.

    A spreadsheet detailing which parties each province elects can be found here.

    Talvias is rich in oil and precious minerals, and much other income comes from tourism. Popular sites include Nescra, both a display of biodiversity and a solemn memorial to its native inhabitants; the Malour Lake, which is famed for its breadth and provides a route to much of the nation; and the Zereth Mountains, noted for their natural beauty (tourism here is hindered by the ALA, though).

    The GDP per capita is roughly equivalent to $27,000, but the local currency is the Dasir. A Dasir banknote is equivalent to about sixty cents. There is some inequality in wealth, but it is not extreme. Wealth of provinces is a sort of gradient; poorer in the east, becoming richer as one moves west.

    Demographics and Culture
    72% Andar
    12% Krelik
    7% Aprisian
    9% Other (immigrant groups, minor ethnic groups in the southeast)

    Each group has its own language(s) and dialects. The Andars speak Arseri, their native language. Speakers on the Eremis Strip and on the mainland speak different dialects, but they are mutually intelligible. As Arseri is the language of business throughout the nation, almost all people regardless of ethnicity speak it. Many Aprisians also speak Aprisian, a language distantly related to Arseri, and some Kreliks speak one of many dialects of Zerethi, a language isolate.

    There are small communities of Acarians throughout Talvias due to the nations' proximity to each other, as well as other small immigrant groups from throughout Wintreath.

    The Talvian Military currently consists of 191,760 personnel. It is divided into the Talvian Air Force (TAF), Talvian Naval Force (TNF), and Talvian Army (TA). Military based are located throughout the nation, though most are on the mainland.

    Major Cities
    Lukali (population 4,355,000) - capital of Talvias, and has been for centuries. Thriving cultural tourism industry, and situated on the Malour Lake. Located on the Eremis Strip.

    Averia (population 2,100,000) - provincial capital of Apris and Nescra, located near the northwest coast of Apris. Also has a thriving tourism industry.

    Kerov (population 1,850,000) - formerly one of the hubs of Malour Lake trade; since that trade has declined, much of the city's income comes from oil and tourism. Located on the eastern banks of Malour Lake.

    Esanor (population 1,220,000) - located on the western end of the Eremis Strip, near the strait seperating Talvias from Apris. It is the first stop for most immigrants, and in the past served as a trade connection between Apris and the Strip.

    Tkernov (population 457,000) - there are some cities larger than Tkernov not listed, but it is significant for being the largest Krelik city. Located on an open plain near the Zereth Mountains, it gets much of its income from mining and agriculture. It was founded by the Andars and Kreliks from across the region were relocated to it. As a result, the city has intermittent gang warfare and some very shoddy areas (though some other areas are very well-developed).
    « Last Edit: May 09, 2016, 03:53:06 AM by Bodobol »
  • Former Citizen
  • The Greatest Link
  • Witchmond

    Northern Witchmond is mountainous and colder than the rest of Witchmond.
    Southern Witchmond is one of the few tropical areas in Wintreath, containing the home of their national animal, the ferntail raccoon. Southern Witchmond also includes a few islands south of the mainland.

    Before Witchmond, about 1000 years ago, the subregion that Witchmond lives on belonged to the nation of Elmwood. A civil war erupted in this area and a few nations grew out of this war. One of which was Witchmond. At the time of conquest, Witchmond was just a group of allied states and they were a corrupt empire lead by a dynasty known as the Svi. About 150 years ago, the Svi lost reign and the Danation dynasty took rule. They were considerate, upright, and belived that everyone should have equal rights. They were also able unite Witchmond into a republic. They prioritized in defence, so that they don't get defeated by raiders, and was a wealthy nation. They participated in a few joined wars to support their allies and then that leads now, the Unionistic Period, when the Wintrean Union is at power.

    The Witchian government is made up of a council system, having a few representatives for each state. These states are:
    West Nordi - Western half of north Witchmond
    East Nordi - Eastern half of North Witchmond
    Ortyl - Eastern half of South Witchmond
    Uclyu - Western half of South Witchmond
    Tropce - Islands west of Witchmond
    Lovr - Islands east of Witchmond
    Rulers are now presidents, but the most popular party is the Danation family, they usually have good insights diplomatically. Current president: Cey Danation

    Witchmond is a rich nation with most sales consisting of:
    -Tropical food sales
    -Book publishing
    -Information technology
    -Fish sales

    Races, Language, and Culture
    81% Elmian
    7% Winter Nomadian
    6% Aprisian
    5% Krelik
    1% Other
    There is no official national language, although the most popular language among Witchmond is Elmian.
    Witchian culture is more modern, meaning that they are more rational and they also pay interest in military. There is no official religion.

    Witchians have to serve at least 1 year in the military to serve for their nation, giving Witchmond a giant army. They have state-of-the-art weaponry giving them an advantage over most nations. Although, they made an agreement to only use this army for defense unless is they are striking back at an attacker, or supporting an ally.

    Major Cities

    Salem is a northern small city, with the population of 978,000. Although, this city is the capital of Witchmond, having been where Witchmond started in Elmwood. It is in the Nordi valley.

    Witchmond's largest city and one of the largest in the Wintrean Union, with the population of 11,113,000. It is a large, industrial mega-city, with many businesses sprawling through the streets. They even have underground housing, holding about 1/8 of the city's population. Most events happen here.

    A fairly large city with the population of 4,122,000. Most national congress meetings take place here.

    The largest northern city in Witchmond, with a population of 3,589,000.

    The city of Waboi (Wa-Boo-Ee) takes up all of the largest island in Lovr, with the population of 4,003,000. The city is half native style, half non-native style.
    « Last Edit: December 24, 2015, 10:21:32 PM by Rasdanation »
    T'was the year of Wintreath!
    • The Greatest Link
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      Wintreath Nation
  • Former Citizen
  • The Greatest Link
  • Took me about an hour to do that factbook :P
    T'was the year of Wintreath!
    • The Greatest Link
    • Posts: 1,434
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    • To the Glory of Witchmond!
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      Wintreath Nation
  • Former Citizen
  • Took me about an hour to do that factbook :P

    You're a more efficient worker than me, it took me hours to write mine.  :-\

    Could the rest of you post some factbooks (or skeletons of)? I hate to pressure people, but the military and government information will be good to have for future reference, so people don't have to pull numbers out of their asses? :P
  • Former Citizen
  • The Greatest Link
  • Oh wow...
    T'was the year of Wintreath!
    • The Greatest Link
    • Posts: 1,434
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    • To the Glory of Witchmond!
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      Wintreath Nation
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • Yeah, sorry about that. I'm probably putting more thought into my factbook than I should. I'll try to get my government and military sections done soon -- maybe tonight.

    Duke of Wintreath and Count of Janth
    Patriarch of the Noble House of Burdock
    Curriculum Vitae
    Citizen: 15 November 2015 - present
    Recruitment Contest Winner: December 2015
    Recruitment Contest Winner: January 2016
    Secretary of the 14th Underhusen: 8 February 2016 - 8 April 2016
    RP Guild Councillor: 9 February 2016 - 24 February 2017
    Recruitment Contest Winner: April 2016
    Wintreath's Finest: April 2016
    Ambassador to Nesapo: 5 July 2016 - 13 March 2017
    Jarl of Culture: 30 November 2016 - 13 September 2019
    Wintreath's Finest: November 2016
    Wintreath's Finest: February 2017
    Count of Janth: 17 September 2017 - present
    Patriarch of the Noble House of Burdock: 17 September 2017 - present
    Recruitment Contest Winner: September 2017
    Duke of Wintreath: 13 September 2019 - present
    Wintreath's Finest: September 2019
    Skrifa of the 37th Underhusen: 8 December 2019 - 8 February 2020
    Wintreath's Finest of the Year: 2019
    Commendation of Wintreath: 27 June 2020
    Citizens' Council Member: 14 September 2020 - 8 March 2021
    Skrifa of the 43rd Underhusen: 9 December 2020 - 8 February 2021 🔥

    Alder of the Riksraad: 7 June 2021 - 17 June 2021
    Jarl of Culture: 17 June 2021 - 14 November 2021
    Alder of the Riksraad: 14 November 2021 - 1 March 2022
    Regional Stability Squad: 27 February 2023 - present
    • Posts: 4,104
    • Karma: 3,269
    • Regional Stability Squad
    • Pronouns
      Familial House
      Wintreath Nation
  • Former Citizen
  • Yeah, sorry about that. I'm probably putting more thought into my factbook than I should. I'll try to get my government and military sections done soon -- maybe tonight.

    No problem - like I said, there's no rush.
  • Citizen
  • Some Random Guy
  • North Gralend

    North Gralend was born in the aftermath of the bloody and long First Gralich Civil War. 200 years ago, sick of the oppression, decadence and incompetence of the mostly southern Imperial Conclave, an uprising in the North began that led to 15 years of all out total war that devastated an area known as the Hollow Lands.However, the North won and broke away from the Commonwealth, building a democratic socialist nation that was prosperous and peaceful, but always weary of their neighbor. 50 years ago, that changed. The South launched a bloody offensive into the North in the Second Gralich Civil War, killing all who opposed them. The North was initially on the backfoot, but after a series of successful offensives led by General Mark Edwards of the North, the war finally started to go the North's way, with the South in a retreat. Then something known as The Desolation occurred. The South was concerned about what would happen if the North made it into Southern territory so they came up with a gruesome plan named Action 44-19. They forever destroyed the Hollow Lands. They set off dirty bombs that left large swaths of it completely irradiated. What was not irradiated, the South burned. Towns, villages, people, everyone and everything died. In a week, half the population of the North died. The fires got so hot that the ground itself was turned to a thin layer of glass. Something inside the people of North Gralend cracked that day and was not fixed since. The North negotiated a Status Quo end to the war. That was not enough for the people of North Gralend, though. They wanted blood. Now, they've come to collect. The North declared all out war on the South, with the stated goal simply being "To collect what we are owed." The first shots were fired by the North, hundreds of thousands of artillery pieces (the North has had many years to fortify their lands.) fired on the South, mostly on major population areas. Troops are marching toward the South with vengeance on their minds. An old grudge match is about to begin....

    The Battle Of Tannhauser Creek, Second Gralich Civil War

    The North's military is state of the art and large. For 30 years, they've been building up a force to destroy the South. Their main avenue of attack is artillery, being very focused on killing and destroying things from a distance. Their air force is also state of the art, with fighters capable of going above mach 3 and bombers capable of flying around the world without refueling just shy of the stratosphere. That does not mean that their infantry is a joke, however. Armed with an assortment of weapons and the best armor money can buy, the North's military is capable, hard hitting and brutal. They also have access to chemical weapons and nukes, though the use of White Phosphorus was also recently approved.

    A picture of a North Gralend Trooper

    However, they have several weaknesses. Tanks are not their strong suit, theirs being slower and bigger but bettered armored than most other tanks. Their navy is also not much to brag about, they have a considerable amount of ships but theirs are of an inferior quality. They always try to make up with quantity, though. Their biggest weakness, however, is that their armies are simply not maneuverable. They take time to get moving and prefer to hunker down than maneuver. The current head of all armed forces is General Jacob Parish, a bloodthirsty and ruthless yet also cunning man.

    Current Strength:
    2.1 million regular soldiers
    63.9 million reservist soldiers and Militia
    7500 main battle tanks
    20000 APC's
    15000 mobile artillery pieces
    500000 fixed automatic anti air pieces
    1000000 fixed artillery pieces (mostly aimed at the South)
    9000 fighters, bombers and interceptors
    5000 troop transports
    10000 helicopters of all types
    7 Naval Ports
    9 Battleships
    14 Aircraft Carriers
    99 Cruisers
    73 Destroyers
    112 Frigates
    150 other large ships
    300 PT Boats

    The Government of North Gralend is split into the Confederate Senate, which has 10 representatives from each state and a total of 40 Senators. and the Presidents Office. The current President is Patrick Dahl, a man who came to power on a platform of revenge. His party, the Ultranationalist Party(UP), does not have a majority in the Senate, however, and are the smallest party there with 4 seats, all from the Hollow Lands. Three other parties exist, the Liberal Socialist Party(LS), the North Gralend Conservatives(NC) and the Northern Confederate Party(CP). All parties oppose the war except the Confederates and the Ultranationalists. Elections for the President and the Senate start next year, with 5 year terms. The Vice President is also the Speaker of the Senate, as is required by law and is elected by the Senate but is not an Ultranationalist. His name is Vice President Benson Der Vaas, typically called Ben Vaas, he is from the Confederate Party. He was elected by a coalition of Ultranationalists (who make up the smallest number of Senators at just 4) and the Confederates (who have the largest block at 18 Senators). He personally is ambivalent towards the war but publicly supports it. The public themselves are also in favor of the war, seeking vengeance for past wrongs.

    President of North Gralend and leader of the Ultranationalist Party Patrick Dahl (Hollow Lands)

    Patrick Dahl
    Patrick Valentin Dahl. 53 Years old. Former military figure, he was a Colonel in the North Gralend Citizen Guard, the North's version of the National Guard. His most famous command was in the Ruins Reclamation Police Action, 20 years after the Decimation. Refugees in refugee camps near the city of Ruin started to riot over anger about the then Government's policy of continued peace. Patrick Dahl was ordered to send in soldiers to maintain order but instead chose to simply surround the camps and lay siege. Many died as the rioters turned on each other but not a single Northern Soldier was hurt. Over 600 civilians were killed and 1400 injured. Instead of being punished he was promoted for "keeping his command safe" at the expense of civilian life. He joined the Ultranationalist Party 3 years later, eventually maneuvering himself to Party Chairman where he launched a successful Primary campaign and then won the General Election. Personally described as "intense, polite and determined" his policies have had a postive effect on Northern pride and the Economy.

    Vice President of North Gralend and leader of the Northern Confederate Party Ben Vaas (Camden)

    Ben Vaas
    Benson Der Vaas. 68 Years old. Venerable politician of the Confederate Party, Ben Vaas started out as the mayor of his home town before making the jump to national politics 30 years ago. He's been driving forces of many landmark bills in the Senate, including but not limited to The Class Restoration Act (funding for public schools), the Equal Marriage Act (providing protection for same sex couples and marriages), the Son of Northern Soil Act (tightening immigration control) and the People's Militia Act (allowing private militia's to exist). His most famous bill, however, was the Northern Heroes Act, which provided funding for all first responders to the Decimation, including police and fire departments. Such benefits were previously expanded only to soldiers. It was this act that he used to launch himself into the Confederate Primary, winning, before being defeated by Patrick Dahl. He was then subsequently elected by the Senate to the Vice Presidency in a coalition deal with the Ultranationalists. He is personally describes as friendly and polite but utterly ruthless if he does not like you.

    Leader of the North Gralend Conservatives and Party Minority Leader Senator April Blythe (Harvest)

    April Blythe
    April Hanover Blythe. 47 Years Old. First term Senator from the Province of Harvest. Previously Governor of Harvest. Harvest was the perfect state for the Conservatives, mostly agricultural and more right-ward leaning. April Blythe was elected Provincial Party Leader after her first term as Governor brought Conservative support to all time highs. At her height, there were 9 Conservative Senators from Harvest, the only exception being some little known Liberal Socialist named John Howe. When she stepped down as PPL to run for Senate, however, everything unraveled. When election day came and went, the Conservatives had lost the Presidency to the Ultranationalists, the Governorship of Harvest to the Liberals and all Senators from Harvest except April Blythe. She used this to successfully argue that her leadership was necessary to lead the Conservatives to victory again, earning the Party Leader's spot. Other than electoral victories, however, her time in the Governor's mansion and the Senate has been completely without distinction.

    Governor of Harvest and Leader of the Liberal Socialist Party John Howe

    John Howe
    John Francis Howe. 57 Years old. Governor of the Province of Harvest. While traditionally a Conservative stronghold, under leadership of John Howe, the LSP managed to completely dominate Harvest and take the Governors mansion. He achieved this by blending LSP and traditionally conservative policies, dirty tricks against Conservatives, manipulation, intimidation and by obfuscating facts. He encouraged the UP to push hard against the Conservatives and split the Conservative vote in Harvest while managing to bleed enough of their shared base to beat the Confederates. Personally, he is manipulative but effective at getting legislation he wants passed. Very few people know what he really believes, however.

    Senate Pluarity Leader and Confederate Party Leader in the Senate Senator Jenny Wilson (Fargo)

    The Ultranationalist Party is a socially libertarian and fiscally lassiez faire. They came to existence 40 years ago and swept into power quickly. Their main position is establishing Northern dominance over the region, uniting Gralend and adding Clifta to their sphere of influence. Some of the more hardline believers think that Clifta should be annexed but none of the sitting Senators or the President take this position. President Patrick Dahl is their current Party Leader. In the last General Election they received 27.1% of the vote for President but only 11.3% for Senate. They have 4 Senators (Senators Elbridge Gerry, Michael Howell, Janet De Bleake and Thom Taggert, all from the Hollow Lands.) They have no sitting Governors.

    The Northern Confederate Party is the single oldest Party in the North. The First President was a Confederate and they are responsible for making the North a Confederacy. Their position is Fiscal Centrism and Social Liberalism. They also advocate an active foreign policy that seeks peace and international cooperation. On immigration, however, they are the most conservative, seeking to limit immigration and emigration. The current Party Leader is Vice President Benson Der Vaas. He was previously a Senator from Camden, a Confederate stronghold. In the last Presidential Election they had 26.5% of the vote, coming in 2nd. The candidate was then Senator Ben Vaas. The Party leadership is publicly for the current war but a lot of the rank and file Senators oppose the war. They have 18 Senators (Senators from Camden: Dan DeLune, Kyle Wallace, Sarah Harper, Jennifer Dane Battle, Maggie Van Der Hoff, Jack Curtis, Lloyd Haas. Senators from Fargo: Jenny Wilson, JD Dowell, Pete Walker, Garrett Varris. Senators from Harvest: Garrett Falkner, Paul Wilks, Wilson De Eis, Royce Thummer. Senators from the Hollow Lands: Steven Sharp, Holly Hollander, Allen Royce) They have no sitting Governors.

    The Liberal Socialist Party is a far left wing Party. They believe in open government, open immigration, strict government control over business and lots of welfare. They were the youngest Party before the Ultranationalist Party at 110 years old. The current Party Leader is Governor John Howe and everyone knows the party intends to put him up as a Presidential Candidate. In the last Presidential Election they received 23.1% of the vote. Their candidate was Governor Allen Underwood. They oppose the current war. They have 10 Senators. (Senators from Harvest: Isaac Walters, Joan MacIntyre, Kendra Royce, Diane McDaniels, Freya Ford, Senators from Fargo: Helen Garland, Hector Mendoza, Senators from Camden: Sam McDale, Samantha Tanner) They have 3 sitting Governors, Governor John Howe of Harvest, Governor Allen Underwood of Fargo and Governor Philip Hertzog of Camden.

    The North Gralend Conservatives came to be to oppose the Confederate Party. They are Socially Centrist and Fiscally Conservative. The current Party Leader is April Blythe, a charismatic and young moderate. Just the kind of person the Party establishment wants to lead, if not the base. She previously was Governor of Harvest. Even though they hate the South they oppose the war. In the last election they received 22.3% of the vote. Their candidate was Senator Joe Underwood. The previous President was a Conservative who lost the Primary battle to Joe Underwood. His name was President Edward Walsh from the Province of Camden. They have 8 Senators (Senators from the Hollow Lands: Daniel Laughlin, Frank Boyd, Travis Baker, Seeley Underwood, Tom McDale, Joe Underwood, Senators from Harvest: April Blythe, Senators from Camden: Doug Anderson) They have one sitting Governor, Governor Kyle Crane of the Hollow Lands

    Geography and Culture
    Most of the North is lush and green, with 4 provinces. Camden, Fargo and Harvest are each generally breathtaking, especially in winter. The capital, New Haven, is in Harvest, the farthest city from the South. The 4th province, however, is a lot less nice. The Hollow Lands are pretty much dead. The only city left is Redemption, a city with no law, no power, no water and no hope.

    A typical sight in Redemption

    The people in Redemption are hardy, violent, paranoid and scared. They've been cut off from the rest of the North for years, the only contact being from airdrops. The rest of the Hollow lands are worse. Its all irradiated or glass. The Hollow Lands take up about 30% of the North and stretch the entire border with the South. Now, however, the radiation is weak enough for people to pass through.

    Five biggest cities:
    Gracemeria: 9380617
    Located in Central Gralend

    Ascension City: 7379197
    Located in South West Gralend

    Fairview: 7107396
    Located in East Gralend

    Carolina: 5907296
    Located in South Central Gralend

    Confederate City: 5702864
    Located in North Gralend

    Notable Cities:
    New Haven (Capital City of North Gralend): 3808700
    Located in North West Gralend

    Penance (capital of Fargo):1208577
    Located in Central Gralend

    Ruin(capital of Camden, formerly Davenport): 789643
    Located in East Gralend, only city not in the Hollow Lands to border Clifta

    Harvest City (capital of Harvest): 743733
    Located in West Gralend

    Redemption: Unknown (last consensus: 12958077, majority of the population deceased)
    Located in the Hollow Lands

    Danforth: 0(last Consensus: 11076296, population deceased)
    Located in the Hollow Lands

    Regret: 0(last consensus:9962607, population deceased)
    Located in the Hollow Lands

    Damnation: 0(last consensus: 9585263,population deceased)
    Located in the Hollow Lands

    Union: 0(last consensus: 9538862, population deceased)
    Located in the Hollow Lands

    Fort Tran:0(last consensus: 7028027,population deceased)
    Located in the Hollow Lands

    New Hanover: 0(last consensus, 6269108, population deceased)
    Located in the Hollow Lands

    Ravensbridge:0(last consensus:6006353, population deceased)
    Located in the Hollow Lands

    Piety:0(last consensus: 5756951, population deceased)
    Located in the Hollow Lands

    Malediction: 0(last consensus, 5002754, population deceased)
    Located in the Hollow Lands

    Aspera: 0(last consensus, 4646228, population deceased)
    Located in the Hollow Lands

    Willamette: 0(last consensus, 4489158, population deceased)
    Located in the Hollow Lands

    Angelus: 0(last consensus,4300516, population deceased)
    Located in the Hollow Lands

    Mourning: 0(last consensus, 4074858, population deceased)
    Located in the Hollow Lands

    Graves: 0(last consensus, 3709655, population deceased)
    Located in the Hollow Lands

    Pioneer: 0(last consensus, 3108646, population deceased)
    Located in the Hollow Lands

    New Fairview: 0(last consensus: 2070665, population deceased)
    Located in the Hollow lands

    Antietam: 0(last consensus: 1708642, population deceased)
    Located in the Hollow Lands

    Trumbull: 0(last consensus: 1307117, population deceased)
    Located in the Hollow Lands

    Ramsey: 0(last consensus, 1107534, population deceased)
    Located in the Hollow Lands

    Bastion: 0(last consensus, 1000073, population deceased)
    Located in the Hollow Lands

    Outlying towns, cities and settlements in the Hollow Lands: 0 (last consensus, 42859400, population deceased)

    McDale Springs (Ground Zero of the Desolation): 0(last consensus 101736, population deceased)
    Located in the Hollow Lands

    The people of the North used to be cultured, peaceful and honest folk. Now, they are bloodthirsty and consumed by vengeance. They want only the end of the South. They speak english and are mostly accepting of immigrants. Just not immigrants from the South.

    The Northern economy used to be a power house in manufacturing and industry and pharmaceuticals. Consumer goods from cars to electronics were made in North Gralend, a stamp of quality and reliability. Most of the factories and people were located in the Hollow Lands, however. After the war the economy collapsed with the destruction of most of the manufacturing base. Ever since then the Northern economy has been a shadow of its former self. A smaller manufacturing sector has risen in Harvest but it is a fraction of the former capabilities of the North. However, a new industry has come to life after the war, arms manufacturing. Currently, the arms industry dominates the economy.

    Functionally, the economy is a regulated free market with government and state owned business in the pharmaceutical and automotive industry.

    Southern Gralend

    The South is an old nation, born from the ashes of the Avonite Kingdom. After the Empires fall, Gralend rose to take its place. For hundreds of years, the Imperial Commonwealth was one of the most powerful nations in Wintreath, expanding north. Times have been tough on the empire, however. They lost the North in the First Gralich Civil War. They failed to take it back and became an international pariah in the Second Gralich Civil War. Now, the North is launching an invasion with a level of brutality that even has the South taken aback. If the South wants to survive a new way for the old empire must be found.

    The South has a small but powerful military, though it is officially called the Southern Defensive State Police. After the Second Civil War, they were forced to disarm to half their former size and scale back their navy to near non-existence. They are no walkover, though. Though they have no air force to speak of, they have anti air batteries in every major city, every large town and along every highway. Their soldiers are fiercely loyal to the Commonwealth.

    A Southern State Police Formation

    Though they are called a Police force, they are armed with modern weaponry are are trained in combat like soldiers. Ever since the start of the war, a draft was formed and a new army, the Southern State Militia, was formed. Armed with whatever the people happened to have and whatever they could scavenge, the SSM is disorganized, untrained but highly moralized to defend their homes.

    A drawing of some SSM members
    Current Strength:
    1000000 Southern State Police Officers
    100 Coast Guard Ships
    10000 anti air defense pieces
    Unknown number of SSM

    The capital is Commonwealth, in the Southern most reaches of the Commonwealth. The government itself is run by the Imperial Conclave, 12 people who have lifelong seats and are chosen by each other when a replacement is needed. The leader of the Conclave is the Archiron, voted by the Conclave (who are not allowed to vote for themselves), who had ultimate authority in the Commonwealth. The current Archiron is Arthur De Ruyter, a somewhat benign and laid back man being overwhelmed by the events unfolding. The head of the Police and the SSM, appointed by the Archiron, is Commissioner Kyle Fitzpatrick.

    Archiron Arthur De Ruyter

    Commissioner Kyle Fitzpatrick

    People and Geography
    Five biggest Cities:

    Commonwealth:  7368006
    Located in South East Gralend

    Imperator City: 5607198
    Located in South East Gralend

    Fealty: 5107527
    Located in North East Gralend

    Hanover: 4796107
    Located in Central South Gralend

    Perdition: 4418107
    Located in South East Gralend

    Notable Cities:

    Steadfast City(only city in the South affected by the Desolation): 0(last consensus: 2107585, population evacuated)
    Located 4 miles from the Hollow Lands

    Van Der Eis City(closest habited city to North Gralend): 3192865
    Located 13 miles from the Hollow Lands

    The people of Southern Gralend are afraid. Ever since Action 44-19 the threat of a Northern invasion has lead to a mass migration deeper into the country, away from the Hollow Lands. Hardy and humorless, they realize that the worst is inevitable and are terrified of the future.

    After the war, the North had massive trade embargoes put in place by the international community. Being a pariah, the South doesn't really have a trade partner. Instead, the economy is entirely government controlled. The biggest sector is clothes manufacturing.
    « Last Edit: January 20, 2017, 12:34:08 AM by North »
    I Hope You Have A Nice Day :]
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  • @North by my descriptions, I had mentioned the Elmwood kingdom. In how I imagined it, they owned the reigon of land that both Witchmond and South Gralend takes up, perhaps you could buff up the history section of South Gralend by adding in about 1000 years ago (I changed it to that in my factbook also) or sometime close to that, a civil war in Elmwood created them, and Gralend expanded north. Just thought I would mention this.
    T'was the year of Wintreath!
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  • I'll see what I can do.
    I Hope You Have A Nice Day :]
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  • Kk, just thought I would have some history line up a bit.
    « Last Edit: December 19, 2015, 02:04:21 PM by Rasdanation »
    T'was the year of Wintreath!
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    The United Acarian Empires

    Acaria originated from 1000's of years ago. Originally, it was a group of seafaring tribes who called themselves Acarians. They soon settled where the modern city of Acaria is today. The explored these lands and claimed them. Soon, they ran into the natives who lived here before they came.

    At first, relations were peaceful and they even traded with each other. The tribes even agreed to be integrated into Acaria's. Thus, the First Acarian Empire was born. The expanded into the region what is called Acaria today. Sometime during the Pre-Medieval Age, the unity ended and the different cultures separated in attempt to become their own empires. The different nations had different ideologies. Acaria believed that they were the rightful rulers of the land and supported a Constitutional Monarchy. Another faction believed in a code of honor and glory on the battlefield. Some people simply called this faction, the Knights. Another faction was a sea-faring land, who stayed relatively neutral and were friendly with the Acarians. A fourth fraction consisted of a very religious group. Sometimes they helped out the Knights but relatively stayed out of the region's affairs.

    Countless wars happened  for 100 years. Soon, another faction emerged. They called themselves the Drakonian Empire. They were so powerful and raised countless legions in secret. They ended up conquering the entire region of Acaria. They were lead by Zemas I the Great. They ruled and seemed to be unstoppable. However, they split in half. Their enemy called themselves the Dark Legion. A massive civil war erupted and millions were killed. The Drakonian Empire eventually came up on top but lost enormous power. The original factions soon saw this and pushed back the drakonians to their homeland. They then declared themselves neutral.

    200 years have passed and all was forgotten about the drakonians. A new city was allowed to be built in the neutral territory called Icaria. The town was strictly neutral. However, due to their proximity to Dragonia, they maintained close relations and the legends are most heard of there. The factions had small skirmishes and Acaria remained fragmented. A new faction soon emerged, and fought a civil war with the Knights. This group called for modernization and an end to the Council of Knights. Tensions were rising between the factions and Acaria expanded and integrated the Sea-Faring clans. The Drakonians were also arming themselves for another war, and secretly allied themselves with Acaria.

    The Great War soon started. The Civil War was still raging in the Knights' territory. With a pincer move, Dragonia and Acaria destroyed the other factions in 2 years. However, The King of Acaria died in the final battle and had no heir. Thus, Zemas II inherited their lands and Acaria was united once more. Acaria would not fragment in later years. With the end of the Great War, technological levels advanced in Acaria. Zemas II decided to not call it just Acaria, and called the empire The United Acarian Empires. It rised in status as a Great Power and decided to join the Wintreath Union.

    The Government is a Constitutional Monarchy. The Government has 2 main departments, the Duma and the Senate. The Senate is lead by a consul, voted by senators, and there are 303 senators. 3 senators come from each of the 101 designated provinces. The Duma is consisted of 100 nobles lead by the Emperor. The Senators decide on policies while the Duma usually handles diplomacy and war. Each noble is called a Grand Prince, which are selected from a Royal Line from different regions. The government has a thriving economy and is very strong, consisting of 103 trillion drakoes.

    There are currently 2.651 million in the Acarian Military. The Acarian Military is well balanced between its three branches, The Imperial Core, The Royal Air Force, and the Imperial Armada. Overall, the military is pretty large and well funded.

    Imperial Core
    There are currently 2.651 million active personnel in the military. Ground forces are trained in military bases and in academies.

    Tanks: 17,243
    Armored Fighting Vehicles: 42,173
    Self-Propelled Guns: 6,857
    Towered Artillery Strength: 7,623
    MLRS: 3,935
    Royal Air Force
    The Air Force contains 17,551 aircraft for available use. They are trained in multiple airbases situated around Acaria.

    Fighters/Interceptors: 2506
    Attack Aircraft: 3168
    Transport Aircraft: 4084
    Trainer Aircraft: 2183
    Helicopters: 5030
    Attack Helicopters: 580
    Imperial Armada
    The Armada contains 670 vessels in the fleet to cover Acaria's large coastal area. They are trained in multiple military ports.

    Ports: 63

    Aircraft Carriers: 24
    Frigates: 52
    Destroyers: 68
    Corvettes: 77
    Submarines: 79
    Patrol Craft: 370


    Population: 387,249,308

    Acarians: 59%

    Dragonians (not to be confused with half dragon people): 28%

    Mixed: 8%

    Foreigners: 5%

    Acaria is rich in history and culture. They treasure many aspects of the nation subsequently making it hard to describe each cultural aspect. They value the military, including the Navy, the Army, and the Air force. Acaria is also known to be the birthplace of many great works and innovations.

    Important People
    Emperor Zemas VI: Rules Acaria as monarch along with his brother. Zemas is more popular than Kosmas, but holds equal power with Kosmas.

    Emperor Kosmas Vladimir II: Rulesl Acaria as monarch along with his brother. He may be less popular than Zemas VI, but holds equal power. He also has considerable wealth and influence in politics.

    Consul Vitaly Demyan Konstantinov: Consul of the United Acarian Empire. Liked by many and is hardly opposed in politics.

    Delegate to the Union: Lysander Volenskii
    Description (personality, any other information you wish to include such as bios):
    Lysander is a noble hailing from the major trade port of Acaria, Aepheadrith. His family owned many estates in the area and one of the country's richest trading company. However, several raids have been done on company property by extreme socialists. He has decided to become Acaria's delegate to help deal with these problems.

    He is a strong-willed man who will stop at nothing to get his goal done. He can be very convincing at times and is also a man of logic.

    He owns a mountain home, and is currently a multi-billionaire. He has no heir of his line however.

    Important Cities
    Acaria: Capital of the United Acarian Empires and historical capital of the Acarian Empire. It is currently the most populated city in the UAE.

    Aepheadrith: Major trade port and economic power. This city is also rich in culture. The city is the 3rd largest in the UAE.

    Dragonia: Historic capital of the Dragonian Empire. 2nd most populated and a very important city for the military.

    « Last Edit: April 03, 2016, 01:23:05 AM by Commander_Zemas »
    I made a skeleton structure for my factbook.
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • Geramundo
    Geramundo is a presidential republic where the president is the head of state, head of government, and commander in chief. The president is elected by popular vote by the general populace and serves for one six-year term but may be elected to serve a second. The president appoints the prime minister and cabinet, but they may be removed by a vote of no confidence by the National Assembly, the unicameral national legislature.

    The National Assembly is made up of a proportional number of members based on the population of the five states (5 members per 500,000 citizens), which are:
    Aurelia – 10,000,000 – 100 members
    Skyhelm – 8,500,000 – 85 members
    Haestrom – 6,500,000 – 65 members
    Holstein – 6,000,000 – 60 members
    Sommersted Islands – 2,000,000 – 20 members

    The current meeting of the National Assembly is comprised of 330 members. Four out of five members are elected by their states’ populace from three groups: one half of the elected are from the traditional political parties, one quarter from the National STEM Association, and one quarter from the National Humanities Alliance. Each member serves one three-year term but may be elected to serve a second. The last fifth of the National Assembly members are chosen by lot; these members must pass certain basic requirements, have the choice to decline, and serve one year terms.
    Political Parties
    There are currently eight political parties holding a total of 132 seats in the National Assembly:

    1. Progressive Democratic Party (PDP) – 31 seats – a center-left party that is one of the oldest parties and is (and almost always has been) the largest party since its inception. Its ideology is a mixture of progressivism, social liberalism, and left-libertarianism, and it strives for a Civil Rights Lovefest.

    2. Liberal Libertarian Party (LLP) – 26 seats – a right-wing party that rose to act as a counterbalance to the more left PDP, yet promotes individualism rather than corporatism like the RAP. Its ideology is a mixture of libertarianism, laissez-faire, and fiscal conservatism, and it strives for a Capitalizt state.

    3. Green Ecology Party (GEP) – 24 seats – a left-wing party that has led the legislation that has caused Geramundo to have such an excellent environment and often works alongside the PDP. Its ideology is a mixture of environmentalism, social democracy, and libertarian socialism, and it strives for a Leftwing Utopia.

    4. Republican Agrarian Party (RAP) – 19 seats – a right-wing party that is also one of the oldest parties and originally represented farmers and small landowners but has come to instead represent corporate agriculture and large corporations in general. Its ideology is a mixture of corporatism, laissez-faire, and lobbyism, and it strives for a Corporate Bordello.

    5. United Center Party (UCP) – 15 seats – a center party that was created as a “third way” and an end the gridlock between the two opposing political coalitions, and it consequently often acts as the deciding vote. Its ideology is a mixture of centrism, social democracy, and fiscal conservatism, and it strives for an Inoffensive Centrist Democracy.

    6. Geramundo First Party (GFP) – 8 seats – a newly-formed center-right party that has spawned by the rising belief that a strong, authoritarian leader is needed to “fix” the nation and economy and has consequently received a lot of criticism. Its ideology is a mixture of authoritarianism, conservativism, and statism, and it strives for a Father Knows Best State.

    7. Socialist Labor Party (SLP) – 7 seats – a left-wing party that is largely composed of the (shrinking) working class and wants a large government to help provide for them. Its ideology is a mixture of state socialism, democratic socialism, and collectivism, and it strives for a Democratic Socialist state.

    8. Conservative People’s Party (CPP) – 2 seats – a center-right party that has declined almost to non-existence over the years because of the rise of more socially liberal parties. Its ideology is a mixture of social conservativism, constitutionalism, and fiscal conservativism, and it strives for a Moralistic Democracy.

    These parties form two coalitions: the aptly-named Left Union, formed by the PDP, GEP, and SLP; and Right Front, formed by the LLP, RAP, and CPP. The UCP, as a centrist party, stays out of the coalitions, seeing them as a means of separating people into two ideologically-charged groups. The GFP has not been invited to join the Right Front (though it often votes the same when it comes to fiscal legislation) because of its aim for an authoritarian president, while the leading Right Front party, the LLP, is staunchly libertarian.
    The Nation STEM Association and National Humanities Alliance
    The National STEM Association (NSA) and National Humanities Alliance (NHA) were created to represent the educated, intellectuals, and scholars of the nation, which many of the founders of Geramundo were. They each hold 66 seats in the National Assembly.

    The NSA is comprised of those who work and study in the STEM fields including natural scientists (physicists, chemists, biologists, and astronomers), technologists, engineers, and mathematicians. The NHA is comprised of those who work and study in the humanities and social sciences including philosophers, archaeologists, historians, sociologists, psychologists, anthropologists, political scientists, and geographers.

    The two organizations often work together to check the powers of the political parties and enable educated non-politicians to give input in the legislature.
    Geramundo is comprised of five states: Skyhelm, Haestrom, Holstein, Aurelia, and the Sommersted Islands. The first three states make up the heartland of Geramundo with Holstein in the north, Skyhelm in the center, and Haestrom in the south.

    The state of Skyhelm, named after the capital city of Geramundo, is a mountainous region with two large valleys that cut it north-south and east-west. The capital city is situated on the side of a mountain overlooking the intersection of these two valleys. The region is mostly covered in coniferous forests.

    The northern state of Holstein is mostly flat plains with some hills that cut the region in half. The terrain is ideal for farming and consequently why Holstein has become the breadbasket of Geramundo. Its location as the state nearest to the equator gives it the warmest temperature and long growing seasons.

    The southern state of Haestrom is less mountainous than Skyhelm but more hilly than Holstein with the western half of the region looking more like the former and the eastern half more like the latter. It is mostly covered in deciduous forests.

    The state of Aurelia lies on the eponymous Straight of Aurelia and connects heartland Geramundo to the sea. The region is mostly flat though slightly hilly and borders on the east with Witchmond.

    The Sommersted Islands are a cluster of islands to the southeast of Witchmond and northeast of Lernaea. The two largest islands, Nordø and Sydø, hold the majority of the state's population and are both dotted with deciduous trees and have a large hill in their centers.
    Geramundo has a reasonably sized as well as reasonably developed economy. Its major economic sectors include agriculture, tourism, and automobile manufacturing.

    The agricultural sector is very large, accounting for Geramundo's place as one of Wintreath's larger agricultural exporters. The flat region of western Holstein in northern Geramundo is characterized by large wheat fields. Wine production is located in the east on the Straight of Aurelia, while beef production ranges from western Aurelia to eastern Haestrom in the south. Geramundo's famous dairy products are concentrated in eastern Holstein. Fish mainly comes from either side of the Straight of Aurelia, while crab is found at the Sommersted Islands.

    The tourism industry is widely ranged: from the historic city and modern capital of Skyhelm to the ski resorts and ancient ruins of the mountainous center and southwest to the beautiful and tranquil rural regions in the north and east to the beaches and seaside resorts of the Sommersted Islands to the many bustling metropolises and picturesque towns in between.

    The automobile industry has become one of Geramundo's largest industries because of the rise in popularity of electric cars and cars that use alternative, more environmentally-friendly fuels other than conventional gasoline. It exports a great number of these automobiles as public transportation use is very common in Geramundo.

    The mining industry, which used to compete with the agricultural sector for most valuable, has been on the decline because of the increased concerns of its environmental impact as well as the destruction of the beautiful views. Historically, Geramundo's mountainous center and southwest were ripe with metals such as iron, aluminum, copper, and silver, though all but a few of the most efficient and hidden mines have been closed.

    The information technology and book publishing industries, however, are two of the fastest growing as Geramundo continues with its focus on education and technological research.
    The Geramundo Defense Force is comprised of roughly 25,000 active and 100,000 reserve personnel, though the bulk of the military is made of reserve soldiers in the five State Militias.
    State Militias
    The State Militias are the largest branch of the Geramundo Defense Force and are composed of 2,500 active and 100,000 reserve personnel. The reserve personnel are normal citizens who are paid to train weekly as militia members but may also have civilian careers. A total of 10,000 of the reserve personnel are in the five state Rapid Response Forces (2,000 per state RRF), which are the better trained and equipped mobile first responders to emergencies such as acts of terrorism and natural disasters.

    The regular reserve State Militia members are trained and equipped (though not as well as the RRFs or Peacekeepers) and may be assigned to serve as auxiliary units in the other branches in the case of war, though they work ideally and primarily as irregulars utilizing guerrilla warfare, sabotage, and ambushes.
    National Peacekeepers
    The Geramundo National Peacekeepers are composed of roughly 15,000 personnel and 50 tanks, 750 APCs and IFVs, 50 self-propelled guns, and 500 towed artillery pieces. The mountainous terrain accounts for the limited number of tanks and SPGs, though it is also the reason why there are so many towed artillery pieces – they are largely scattered throughout the mountains along with anti-aircraft guns. The APCs may also be used by State Militia auxiliaries, which explains their numbers.

    The Peacekeepers, outside of acting as a land defense force, also act in foreign affairs such as humanitarian aid as well as warfare outside of Geramundo.
    Special Forces
    The Special Forces, which is comprised of about 500 of the most experienced and best equipped members of the military, perform several special operations, including supporting counter-terrorism operations, gathering intelligence, identifying enemy activity, carrying out offensive operations against strategically important targets, providing support for rescue missions of important personnel, and providing protection for personnel and departments.
    Air Defense Force
    The Geramundo Air Defense Force is made up of 3,500 personnel and 30 attack helicopters, 20 fighters, and 20 attack aircraft. The attack helicopters are the specialty of the GADF because of the difficulty of flying traditional aircraft in the mountainous terrain of mainland Geramundo.
    Naval Defense Force
    The Geramundo Naval Defense Force is made up of 3,500 personnel and one frigate, three corvettes, and ten patrol craft. These ships account for a lower-tier navy, but they mainly protect the small island of Sommersted and to a lesser extent either side of the Straight of Aurelia. Outside of acting as a naval defense, the GNDF also provides search and rescue, enforces maritime law, and acts as a border control.
    Major Cities
    « Last Edit: April 04, 2016, 09:03:40 PM by Gerrick »

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    Jarl of Culture: 17 June 2021 - 14 November 2021
    Alder of the Riksraad: 14 November 2021 - 1 March 2022
    Regional Stability Squad: 27 February 2023 - present
    • Posts: 4,104
    • Karma: 3,269
    • Regional Stability Squad
    • Pronouns
      Familial House
      Wintreath Nation
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