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Citizenship Application
Posts: 6 Views: 593

  • Former Citizen
  • Imperatress of Alteriania
  • Section I: Basic Information
    1) What is the name of your Wintreath nation?
    2) Do you have nations in any other regions? If so, where? Also, do you serve in any official roles in any of them? If so, what are they?
    Not Currently
    3) Are you new to NationStates?
    In the past I had a multitude of nations and had even run a few regions.
    4) Would you like a mentor to help you learn your way around Wintreath?
    I would appreciate that very much.
    5) What timezone are you in?
    US, Central
    6) How did you find out about Wintreath? If you received a telegram, please include the nation that sent it so they can receive credit!
    Telegram, Wintermoot, the mentioning of lgbt was what interested me.
    Section II: Interests
    There are many things that you can get involved with here in Wintreath, both to help the region and just for fun! Based on your answers to the questions below, we will help you get involved in any aspect of the region that you're interested in so you can hit the ground running fast. Indicating interest here does not commit you to joining any aspect of the region, but will help us guide you to where you want to be here.

    1) Are you interested in being part of our regional military?
    Absolutely, it seems very entertaining
    2) Are you interested in forum roleplays (character, national, etc)?
    I am what would be considered a noob when it comes to roleplaying, I do however enjoy it.
    3) Are you interested in playing in our Minecraft server?
    Somewhat, I haven't played on pc in a while.
    4) Are you interested in general region-wide games, such as Civilization V? If so, what games would you like to see?
    Yes, I would like to see total war and xbox one and 360 games
    5) Are you interested in regional politics (elections, running for legislature, writing bills, etc.)?
    Somewhat, I would like to wait until I am accustomed to the region first.
    6) Are you interested in general community discussions?
    Very, I don't have much time between school and AP homework however.
    7) Are you interested in serving as a diplomat or an ambassador to another region?
    That seems like a wonderful idea, I enjoy that stuff a lot.
    8) Are you interested in regional journalism (writing articles for inclusion in regional publications)?
    No, I don't have the time unfortunately.
    9) Are you interested in creating graphics for the regional website?
    I am not skilled in that area.
    10) If you have any other interests you'd like to pursue in the region, please tell us about them! We can make just about anything happen as long as people are interested in doing it.
    I will probably decide once I am integrated into the region.
    Section II: Introductions and Questions
    Please take a moment to introduce yourself to your future region-mates, or ask us any questions that you may have.
    I am 16, I am also transgender(mtf) but have yet to transition. I am pansexual(gyneromantic)
    • Imperatress of Alteriania
    • Posts: 12
    • Karma: 0
    • Former Citizen
    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Welcome to Wintreath! Your application is approved...I hope you enjoy your stay here. :)

    @Point Breeze will assign a mentor to you when he sees this, but in the meantime feel free to post any questions you have here and we'll answer them. I hope you find yourself at home here...we have other transgender and pansexual people in the community, so hopefully you will. :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,500
    • Karma: 9,713
    • Weather: ❄️
    • Regional Stability Squad
    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
  • Former Citizen
  • Imperatress of Alteriania
  • I thank you most cordially for approving my application.
    • Imperatress of Alteriania
    • Posts: 12
    • Karma: 0
    • Former Citizen
    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
  • Former Citizen
  • Wintrean Press Secretary
  • Welcome @Jade! We're glad to have you, and I hope you enjoy Wintreath! If you need anything, feel free to let any of us know :)
    • Wintrean Press Secretary
    • Posts: 1,471
    • Karma: 684
    • credit to @DorkCollie
    • Former Citizen
    • Pronouns
      Familial House
      Wintreath Nation
  • Paragons
  • Welcome to Wintreath!  I think you'll fit in great here.  I'll ask @Emoticonius to be your mentor. 

    So tell us about your experience running regions!  That's one thing I've never had the pleasure of, despite my years in NS.
    • Posts: 1,760
    • Karma: 373
    • Paragons
    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
  • Former Citizen
  • Imperatress of Alteriania
  •  It was only a small region with about 12 nations, it was very locked down and was very informal so I don't actually have that much experience with it.  To be honest however I didn't really like it, too much work and stress
    • Imperatress of Alteriania
    • Posts: 12
    • Karma: 0
    • Former Citizen
    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
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