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From the Ashes: A Galactic Nations RP! (IC)
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  • Citizen
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  • Captain Gærn
    Satyron IV
    Sector (-25, 8 )

    "It is in your nature to fight. If you are not fighting amongst yourselves, you are fighting someone else. And up to this point, you have not seen anything except primitive species on your journeys. So you form this philosophy that it is your right to conquer and enslave anyone you meet.

    "The problem with this encounter is that you met a greater force. One you had only been able to imagine until now. You met resistance on a level you had never seen before, and you fell to it. Your ignorance and lack of experience has led you to sitting here and talking with me.

    "Your vision is too limited and displays how little your species has seen. The Damli have been spaceborne for a thousand years at most. We Aesir have been spaceborne for over a million years. We have seen things you can't even imagine, waged wars beyond your comprehension.

    "We brought you down so quickly from the experience of those times. And here you sit because, I think, you recognize that we could massacre your people if you put up resistance. Neither of us want to see them dead, so let us discuss the terms of your surrender."
    « Last Edit: September 15, 2016, 05:18:35 PM by Aragonn »
    Jarl Aragonn
    The Aesir Empire

    • Aesir Warrior
    • Posts: 2,406
    • Karma: 740
    • To sit back hoping that someday, some way, someone will make things right is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last - but eat you he will.
    • Citizen
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      Wintreath Nation
    Ashton Mercer
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  • icy hot
  • Ensign Keb Diden
    Surface of Satryon IV
    Sector (-25, 8 )

    Keb didn't move, but his voice signaled distress. "We are not surrendering to you. Not yet. I still fail to see what you are doing defending these people." Involuntarily, he remembered the Occultist's words, yet he continued on with only a moment's hesitation. "If you kill us or enslave us, I can assure you that there will be consequences. Even if what you say about your power is true, you can be killed. My comrades told me that the Lockhead shot down one of your dropships and severely damaged another. Defeating the entire Damli species, while possible, will not be easy for you. Millions, billions, maybe even trillions of your own will die. You are willing to risk this because of one planet? I do not understand."
    Ashton Mercer
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  • Avonite Reclamation Station 9, in orbit around Avon

    Captain Hik Fallenjager

    "You're Spode's First?" Hik spoke with a mixture of awe and disbelief. The figure nodded slowly. "Yessssss....Yessssss......... and we've enlighten finish Spode's work..... to enlighten all Avonites.....join us..... and you will become a servant of Spode.....join us......yessssss.....yesssssss." Hik was confused...but...they were Spode's First. They knew his will. And who was he to doubt Spode's will? He looked around at his bridge crew. They all nodded. "OK. We will join you."
    I Hope You Have A Nice Day :]
    • Some Random Guy
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  • Drekiheimr
    Sector (-23, 13)

    "She still resides in the main fleet in sector negative sixteen, fourteen. You may meet with her there if you wish."

    Captain Gærn
    Satyron IV
    Sector (-25, 8 )

    "You are thinking in terms too small. Your thoughts are stuck here on this planet and in the present. You need to expand your thoughts beyond what is right in front of you. You must learn to see beyond this before you even have a hope of understanding my actions.

    "And you will surrender. You will all perish if you continue to resist. Your handful of crew do not stand any chance against my Drekrekkr and two tanks. This is the only way you can live and make it back to your people."
    Jarl Aragonn
    The Aesir Empire

    • Aesir Warrior
    • Posts: 2,406
    • Karma: 740
    • To sit back hoping that someday, some way, someone will make things right is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last - but eat you he will.
    • Citizen
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      Wintreath Nation
    Ashton Mercer
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  • icy hot
  • Ensign Keb Diden
    Surface of Satryon IV
    Sector (-25, 8 )

    "I... I understand." Keb bowed his head. "I understood this whole time, yet it was a truth that I rather would have ignored, even in the face of death."

    Slowly, he stood up. Clear water lapped at the sands and grass rustled as a breeze rolled by. "You understand that this will be a difficult thing to relay to my comrades. I will do my best, however. Do your people know the concept of... honor? Fairness and just dealings in defeat to a surrendered enemy?"
    Ashton Mercer
    • icy hot
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  • Captain Gærn
    Satyron IV
    Sector (-25, 8 )

    She stood as well, the soft glow of the red optics in her helmet, the "eyes", unwavering.

    "The Aesir society was founded on a code of honor. We were nothing but warring tribes before the Code was envisioned. Much like how the Damli were composed of warring factions over a thousand years ago.

    "But yes, you and your crew will be treated well. If you wish, we may transport you back to your people. We will need coordinates for the jump if you or another can provide them."
    Jarl Aragonn
    The Aesir Empire

    • Aesir Warrior
    • Posts: 2,406
    • Karma: 740
    • To sit back hoping that someday, some way, someone will make things right is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last - but eat you he will.
    • Citizen
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      Wintreath Nation
    Ashton Mercer
  • Former Citizen
  • icy hot
  • Ensign Keb Diden
    Surface of Satryon IV
    Sector (-25, 8 )

    He paused. "Perhaps the best thing would be for you to leave the planet and wait." Keb drew circles in the sand in front of the Aesir, displaying a crude orbital map of the planet they were on.
    "In about seven sols, a rescue force will be dispatched to bring us back to the Fleet. These rescue armadas are twenty, thirty, maybe even fifty ships strong. They will not be happy when they see you, you should hide behind one of this planet's natural satellites. If they find you, they will attack you, and even if against all odds you managed to successfully fight back their numbers are such that they will be able to alert the Fleet to your presence, and they will destroy you. Do do not think of double-crossing us."

    Keb tilted his head to the side. "If you can take my word that we will not continue to attack the primitives for the time being, would this arrangement please you?"
    Ashton Mercer
    • icy hot
    • Posts: 744
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      Wintreath Nation
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  • Captain Gærn
    Satyron IV
    Sector (-25, 8 )

    "Any arrangement which leaves these primitives in harm's way does not please me." She paused. "However, we have insufficient forces in the area to counter your rescue force. This civilization, like many others, will fall.

    "But I will report this to my superiors. They should find this news disturbing and send greater forces this way. Perhaps we will be able to save at least some people. But as your people expand closer and closer to the Aesir Empire, we will resist more and more. Unless your people back down, war will be inevitable."

    Gærn turned back to her soldiers and away from Keb, careful not to swing her tail at him.

    "We will go, but we will not hide our ships. We will instead prepare to jump. Once your fleet has arrived and seen us, we will leave them a message before jumping away. Do you disagree with this course of action?"
    Jarl Aragonn
    The Aesir Empire

    • Aesir Warrior
    • Posts: 2,406
    • Karma: 740
    • To sit back hoping that someday, some way, someone will make things right is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last - but eat you he will.
    • Citizen
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      Wintreath Nation
    Ashton Mercer
  • Former Citizen
  • icy hot
  • Ensign Keb Diden
    Surface of Satryon IV
    Sector (-25, 8 )

    "If you are confident that you could escape before the armada could have time to respond violently, then I would have no problem with this." Keb stood up. The War Mantle shimmered. "I trust in the Admiralty to lead the Damli to prosperity. I... I hope this precludes your destruction. I can not say how this will end, and I have already overstepped my bounds of command in talking to you like this." He looked at the dying Lieutenant on the ground. "When you first speak with the Admirals, remember my words and my fears."
    Ashton Mercer
    • icy hot
    • Posts: 744
    • Karma: 226
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      Wintreath Nation
    From the Ashes NPC
  • Village Drifter
  • Tau's Puppet
  • Oribiting Thandio 2
    Thandio System
    Sector (5, -6)

    Nielsen's face fell as she saw the Romulan ships jump precisely onto the positions of their ships and begin firing. Of course, she thought. The ubiquity of good warp drives and cloaks in the Romulan navy made that the obvious strategy.

    Fortunately for the Wintreans, the damage was already done by then. Even a single Wintrean ship could carry out the destruction of all assets on a planet, given enough time. Nielsen did not have a ship; she had a fleet. Those precious few seconds it took for the Romulans to respond were enough to obliterate the most important factories and other facilities from the face of the planet.

    Nielsen grinned in satisfaction as the Romulan ships began hopelessly sacrificing themselves, in an attempt to protect the planet below. Energy weapons were directed to either hit other, unprotected targets or attack the ships themselves, while projectile weapons simply went around them. Of course, the task was not easy, as the rest of the Romulans continued a relentless attack on the outnumbered Wintrean fleet. As damaged ships fell to the planet below, the Wintreans reversed their usual policy of avoiding population centers and instead aimed for maximum damage upon the inevitable impact.

    As the battle raged on, Nielsen knew that they could not afford to completely destroy the planet. The Romulan fleets had already destroyed a significant portion of her fleet, and there was still the possibility of them firing another superweapon. The Romulans would be able to rebuild from the carnage; the question was whether it would be worth the cost. Once she assessed that enough damage had come to the planet below, Nielsen ordered the surviving ships to retreat. Warp-capable ships escaped beyond both natural and artificial gravity wells, then made hyperspace jumps to obscure interstellar space. The rest were largely consigned to their death, with some making suicidal attacks and others making mostly unsuccessful attempts to escape the interdiction field sublight.

    Nielsen's ship exited hyperspace in the middle of nowhere, alone. The other surviving ships had jumped elsewhere. Slowly, they began limping north, away from the battlefront.

    Frosthold Castle
    Frostlake City
    Sector (-3, 3)

    Monarch Wintermoot and his cabinet sat in the specialized conference room, receiving updates from the military engagements against the Romulans and Acarians. The battles in Dara, Varno, and Thandio raged on, while Trilia had surrendered without a fight. They had no confirmation that the small base on Trilia had been destroyed, but the crew there knew their job. The Romulans were now broadcasting propaganda footage of their victory on Trilia. Wasn't really that big of a defeat, but the Romulans certainly are portraying it as such, the Monarch mused.

    An aide entered the room, interrupting them. "Sirs, an Avonite from the diplomatic ship who identified himself as 'Ecstatic Sul Gravemind' is demanding a meeting with the Monarch," he said. "Claims to know something about the Romulans and that he can help in the war."

    "Whatever his advice is, he can wait," replied the Monarch. "In any case, the Avonite ambassador Jensen already met is on his way to the surface." The aide quickly relayed the response back to the guard outside the castle.

    Suddenly, a message flashed, alerting the cabinet of a new update:
    Quote from: Dispatch
    Romulan superweapon destroyed all life on planet Thandio. Partial implementation of Scorched Earth retreat complete. Very heavy casualties, survivors will rendezvous back at base.
    Silence filled the room as they comprehended the meaning of the words. Finally, the Monarch spoke.

    "Any news from the Acarian fronts?"

    "None, other than the declaration of war," the Minister of Defence replied.

    Wintermoot frowned. Usually, ambassadors would be exchanged through a neutral party. But Acaria did not have any ambassadors in Wintreath, meaning that Bergli was not safe... The last they'd heard from him was a progress report before the declaration of war.

    "Jensen, do you have the messages prepared for our foreign representatives?" the Monarch continued.

    "Yes," the Foreign Minister responded. "I have already sent it."

    Outside the Castle

    "Mr. Sul Gravemind, you seem to be implying that you are the representative of a single person, not your government. Is this accurate?" Without waiting for a response, the guard continued, "In any case, I must once again stress that the Monarch is currently unavailable. Furthermore, I do believe that Admiral Innsmouth is currently making his way down to the planet, and unlike you, he has gone through the proper protocols."

    Science Institute at Frostlake

    The message from Frosthold Castle reached the Science embassy.

    Trilia Scientific Research Station
    Sector (5, -6)

    The Romulans herded Dr. Lajunen and the other scientists into the headquarters building. Sounds of gunfire could be heard in the distance.

    What are they firing at? thought Lajunen. The icebergs? The thought of Romulan soldiers seriously invading this desolate wasteland amused her.

    Wintrean Diplomatic Convoy
    Protheus, Allied States of Lernaea
    Sector (-18, 1)

    The diplomatic mission soon arrived at the Lernaean capital. They broadcast a message asking for further instructions.

    As they did so, a message arrived from Frosthold, informing them of the attacks by the Acarians and Romulans. Øye appended to their message, asking for a meeting at the Lernaeans' earliest convenience.

    Diplomatic Convoy to Science
    Vivaldi, Democratic Empire of Rationalist Science
    Sector (-12, 24)

    After a considerable time of travelling, the diplomatic mission reached Science's capital. They opened communications with the local authorities asking for further directions.

    Wintrean Diplomatic Mission to the Aesir Empire
    AFS Jörmungandr
    Sector (-16, 14)

    Lundgren took a shaky breath, and then responded, "We were devastated by the past war, as you know, but we have been rebuilding. Until recently, our government has been pursuing a rather isolationist policy. Under the leadership of our current Monarch, though, a more reform-minded faction is learning from our past mistakes and is seeking out to build ties with our fellow nations, whether they be former friends, enemies, or newcomers.

    "Unfortunately," she continued, "there is also a considerably large portion of our populace and government that wants to reestablish the imperialistic policies of our past."

    As they reached the Wintrean ship, Lundgren's comlink suddenly beeped, notifying her of a message from Frosthold. As she read it, her face paled.

    "The Acarians and Romulans, under the guise of peaceful cooperation, have attacked us and are razing our planets," she said.
    « Last Edit: November 20, 2016, 10:24:59 PM by taulover »
    From the Ashes NPC
    • Tau's Puppet
    • Posts: 22
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    • Village Drifter
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  • Some Random Guy
  • Frosthold Castle
    Frostlake City
    Sector (-3, 3)

    Ecstatic Sul Gravemind

    "Ecstatic, not Mr, Sul Gravemind." He tilted his head. "A shame. No, I do not represent a single person. I represent the Spode Commonwealth. We wished to have a meeting of the minds. The Romulans are a mighty foe, for sure, but not invincible. Oh well. I suppose Innsmouth is going to meet your Monarch? Very well. If you would be so kind as to pass this message to your Monarch."

    He leaned in close and whispered.

    "The plans of Mice and Men are fickle things but the will of Gods are eternal. And the Gods are coming back."

    Admiral Ark Innsmouth

    The message from Irk Flowchaser was quite clear. He knew what he had to say to the Monarch. He closed his eyes to compose himself. This was going to be difficult. He exited the shuttle and approached the guard. "Hello, Admiral Ark Innsouth here. I would like to meet the Monarch please."

    Sector negative sixteen, fourteen, AES Redoubt

    Captain Kli Waverider

    The Redoubt jumped out of hyperspace near the Aesir fleet. A hail was sent out. "AES Redoubt to AFS Jörmungandr, come in"

    Somewhere inside Avonite space and time

    ? ? ? ? ? ?

    One by one, planets fell to Spode's First. The inhabitants where enlightened. They spoke as one. Heard as one. Saw as one. Now, his will would finally be seen. He'd tried to help them. Tried to make them perfect. But these beings....they were imperfect. They could not be perfected. They could not lose their old forms. So they were to be like this, forever.....

    They would prove him wrong.
    « Last Edit: September 25, 2016, 02:59:23 AM by North »
    I Hope You Have A Nice Day :]
    • Some Random Guy
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  • Aesir Warrior
  • Drekiheimr
    Sector (-23, 13)

    A message was sent to the Science vessel:

    "Science vessel, meeting with the new Jarl may be beneficial to expediting your embassy request. She remains aboard the AFS Jörmungandr at the same spatial coordinates."

    Jarl Brunnhilde
    AFS Jörmungandr
    Sector (-16, 14)

    "These imperialists will find the Aesir completely unwilling to be within the scope of the Wintrean domain again. However, I can promise talks between our two nations. Peace and trade can be worked out."

    When she heard the news about the attacks, she hissed and her tail swished back and forth.

    "Romulans... They're the scorpions of the galaxy. Turn your back and they'll sting it, injecting their deadly venom. Such a dishonorable people... If you wish for reinforcements, I can put this armada to use. It was originally assembled to be an invasion force, but it can be reassigned to defending your nation against these absurd attacks."


    The comms officer snapped to attention as his console showed the Avonites attempting contact. He opened a channel with the Avonite vessel.

    "This is the AFS Jörmungandr. State your reason for contacting us."

    Captain Gærn
    Satyron IV
    Sector (-25, 8 )

    "Your words shall be noted in my report. If one of my people are able to talk to your Admirals, my experiences here will be kept in mind."

    She walked back to her troops before turning back to face Keb once more.

    "Shall we leave your wounded member here with you or take him with us?" she asked as she gestured to the maimed lieutenant.
    Jarl Aragonn
    The Aesir Empire

    • Aesir Warrior
    • Posts: 2,406
    • Karma: 740
    • To sit back hoping that someday, some way, someone will make things right is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last - but eat you he will.
    • Citizen
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      Wintreath Nation
  • Former Citizen
  • Hail Hydra!
  • Diplomatic Convoy to Romulans
    Near Romulan Border

    Donna piloted the craft towards towards the Pevtha's hanger. Her heart was still beating out of her chest. I can finally meet some aliens! she thought. As her shuttle touched down inside the Romulan's hanger, she signaled her ceremonial guard to stand in place as her doors opened and she took her first steps on foreign territory.

    Wallace White - Diplomat to Aesir
    Sector (-18, 1)

    "The flow of goods sounds good! Sorry to hear about the chairs though, I guess I'll just have to make do. Also, I'll have command find some suitable locations for you to choose from. Just give me a sec," replied White.

    Wallace pulled out a tablet and punched in the request, and waited. A couple moments later, the tabled chirped. He looked down and said, "Ah, here are your choices. There's this nice piece of real estate next to Science's embassy, and if you want a more rural area, there is a place a couple clicks from here. Take a look!" He handed over the tablet to Herjall and awaited a response.

    Diplomatic Convoy to Wintreans
    Sector (-3, 3)

    A convoy sent from Protheus arrived at the coordinates given to them by the Wintreans and broadcast a signal awaiting further instructions.

    ISA Headquarters
    Undisclosed Location on Protheus
    Sector (-18,1)

    Garriot received a transmission from the Wintreans looking for a meeting. He transmitted coordinates to the Wintreans as to where to land and meet.
    « Last Edit: October 14, 2016, 01:21:43 AM by xXTheHydraXx »
    You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.
    - Mae West
    • Hail Hydra!
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    • I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good.
    • Former Citizen
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      The Noble House of Valeria
      Wintreath Nation
    Ashton Mercer
  • Former Citizen
  • icy hot
  • Ensign Keb Diden
    Surface of Satryon IV
    Sector (-25, 8 )

     Ensign Keb looked down at Lieutenant Ledif for a long while. "We will take him. You would not be able to even cremate him properly if he died, let alone save his life." He picked up the dying Damli in his arms. "The rescue armada will be here in seven planetary rotation's time. I do not know what they will do to this planet once they learn what happened. Fate willing, it will be another world for the Exodite Dominion. Goodbye." The War Mantle convulsed as Keb began to walk away.
    Ashton Mercer
    • icy hot
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  • Ambassador Herjall
    Sector (-18, 1)

    "It's been my experience that people in power prefer more intrinsic things within their halls. While these chairs may be fragile, they do have an appealing look to them. Aesir chairs do not share this in general, thus my comment.

    "As for the location of the embassy, both of those locations appeal, but I will choose the land beside the Science embassy. I will relay the location to my people, and they will do the work.

    "Thank you for your time here," she said as she stood. "I must go to oversee the construction. We can work out the finer details of the trade at a later time."

    Captain Gærn
    Satyron IV
    Sector (-25, 8 )


    The Captain made a few timed clicks to her soldiers and left with them. They retreated to the other side of the lake, Tacticals moving through the water and Berserkers making jumps around the lake to quickly reach the other side. The Berserkers left the area first while the Einherjar remained in place. The Tacticals, along with the Captain, left before the Einherjar finally moved from their stances and turned to leave. Finally the Grey Wolves began to back up and left as well.

    Valkyries and Berarr dropped and landed. Once loaded, the Drekrekkr and tanks were lifted back to their ships. The ships then set a course to the outskirts of the star system, and Captain Gærn began preparing her message.
    Jarl Aragonn
    The Aesir Empire

    • Aesir Warrior
    • Posts: 2,406
    • Karma: 740
    • To sit back hoping that someday, some way, someone will make things right is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last - but eat you he will.
    • Citizen
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      Wintreath Nation
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