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From the Ashes: A Galactic Nations RP! (Factbooks)
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • My Dear Jean-Luc!
  • Dammit inconsistent statistics are so annoying.
    ^^The struggle is real ;]
    Sir Robin of Camelot

    "Whilst the men of Caenia were scattered far and wide, pillaging and destroying, Romulus came upon them with an army, and after a brief encounter taught them that anger is futile without strength."  -Titus Livius, Ab Urbe Condita

    (Ravenclaw is the best!)

    Résumé/A History of Robin on NationStates
    Citizen: 4 June 2015 - present
    Member of the Hvitt Riddaral: 21 August 2015 - present
    Strifa of the 12th Underhusen: 8 October 2015 - 13 December 2015
    Speaker Pro Tem of the 13th Underhusen: 13 December 2015 - 8 February 2016
    Speaker Pro Tem of the 14th Underhusen: 8 February 2016 - 8 April 2016
    Speaker of the 16th Underhusen: 10 June 2016 - 11 August 2016
    Ambassador to Europeia: 5 December 2016 - present
    RP Guild Councillor: 23 February 2017 - present
    Ambassador to The North Pacific: 11 March 2017 - present
    Speaker of the 21st Underhusen: 10 April 2017 - 10 June 2017
    Delegate of Wintreath: 10 June 2017 - 15 March 2020
    Strifa of the 23rd Underhusen: 10 August 2017 - 10 November 2017
    Thane of Ambassadors: 10 October 2018 - 10 December 2018
    Commendation of Wintreath: Sept 24 2020

    New Hyperion:
    Citizen: 27 November 2015 - present
    Patrician: 12 January 2016 - present
    Lord of Development: 5 February 2016 - present

    (I stole this format from tau, but who am I not to copy a great system? :-) )

    Ne Crustumini quidem atque Antemnates pro ardore iraque Caeninensium satis se impigre movent; ita per se ipsum nomen Caeninum in agrum Romanum impetum facit. Sed effuse vastantibus fit obvius cum exercitu Romulus levique certamine docet vanam sine viribus iram esse.
    • My Dear Jean-Luc!
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • Count of Highever
  • @Laurentus Is it fine if I also include Mass Effect races?
    Yeah, I don't mind. :)

    It might make sense for our two nations to have some sort of mutual ancestor then, though.
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
    Satan sit saam sy kinders en kyk hoe kom die son op. 
    • Count of Highever
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • My Dear Jean-Luc!
  • @Laurentus Is it fine if I also include Mass Effect races?
    Yeah, I don't mind. :)

    It might make sense for our two nations to have some sort of mutual ancestor then, though.
    Like does anyone else have a Star Trek race then?  I think a mutual ancestry would be fun... (I could also add Nemoidians for Star Wars)
    Sir Robin of Camelot

    "Whilst the men of Caenia were scattered far and wide, pillaging and destroying, Romulus came upon them with an army, and after a brief encounter taught them that anger is futile without strength."  -Titus Livius, Ab Urbe Condita

    (Ravenclaw is the best!)

    Résumé/A History of Robin on NationStates
    Citizen: 4 June 2015 - present
    Member of the Hvitt Riddaral: 21 August 2015 - present
    Strifa of the 12th Underhusen: 8 October 2015 - 13 December 2015
    Speaker Pro Tem of the 13th Underhusen: 13 December 2015 - 8 February 2016
    Speaker Pro Tem of the 14th Underhusen: 8 February 2016 - 8 April 2016
    Speaker of the 16th Underhusen: 10 June 2016 - 11 August 2016
    Ambassador to Europeia: 5 December 2016 - present
    RP Guild Councillor: 23 February 2017 - present
    Ambassador to The North Pacific: 11 March 2017 - present
    Speaker of the 21st Underhusen: 10 April 2017 - 10 June 2017
    Delegate of Wintreath: 10 June 2017 - 15 March 2020
    Strifa of the 23rd Underhusen: 10 August 2017 - 10 November 2017
    Thane of Ambassadors: 10 October 2018 - 10 December 2018
    Commendation of Wintreath: Sept 24 2020

    New Hyperion:
    Citizen: 27 November 2015 - present
    Patrician: 12 January 2016 - present
    Lord of Development: 5 February 2016 - present

    (I stole this format from tau, but who am I not to copy a great system? :-) )

    Ne Crustumini quidem atque Antemnates pro ardore iraque Caeninensium satis se impigre movent; ita per se ipsum nomen Caeninum in agrum Romanum impetum facit. Sed effuse vastantibus fit obvius cum exercitu Romulus levique certamine docet vanam sine viribus iram esse.
    • My Dear Jean-Luc!
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    All i have is race that are protoss but under a different name XD
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • My Dear Jean-Luc!
  • Dammit inconsistent statistics are so annoying.
    Also tau look what I found I thought it was relatable:  :)

    « Last Edit: December 03, 2015, 03:10:13 AM by BraveSirRobin »
    Sir Robin of Camelot

    "Whilst the men of Caenia were scattered far and wide, pillaging and destroying, Romulus came upon them with an army, and after a brief encounter taught them that anger is futile without strength."  -Titus Livius, Ab Urbe Condita

    (Ravenclaw is the best!)

    Résumé/A History of Robin on NationStates
    Citizen: 4 June 2015 - present
    Member of the Hvitt Riddaral: 21 August 2015 - present
    Strifa of the 12th Underhusen: 8 October 2015 - 13 December 2015
    Speaker Pro Tem of the 13th Underhusen: 13 December 2015 - 8 February 2016
    Speaker Pro Tem of the 14th Underhusen: 8 February 2016 - 8 April 2016
    Speaker of the 16th Underhusen: 10 June 2016 - 11 August 2016
    Ambassador to Europeia: 5 December 2016 - present
    RP Guild Councillor: 23 February 2017 - present
    Ambassador to The North Pacific: 11 March 2017 - present
    Speaker of the 21st Underhusen: 10 April 2017 - 10 June 2017
    Delegate of Wintreath: 10 June 2017 - 15 March 2020
    Strifa of the 23rd Underhusen: 10 August 2017 - 10 November 2017
    Thane of Ambassadors: 10 October 2018 - 10 December 2018
    Commendation of Wintreath: Sept 24 2020

    New Hyperion:
    Citizen: 27 November 2015 - present
    Patrician: 12 January 2016 - present
    Lord of Development: 5 February 2016 - present

    (I stole this format from tau, but who am I not to copy a great system? :-) )

    Ne Crustumini quidem atque Antemnates pro ardore iraque Caeninensium satis se impigre movent; ita per se ipsum nomen Caeninum in agrum Romanum impetum facit. Sed effuse vastantibus fit obvius cum exercitu Romulus levique certamine docet vanam sine viribus iram esse.
    • My Dear Jean-Luc!
    • Posts: 6,611
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    • We Meet Again, Mon Capitaine!!
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      The Noble House of Valeria
      Wintreath Nation
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • Seeker of Knowledge
  • (I could also add Nemoidians for Star Wars)
    You must have this character:
    1 person likes this post: BraveSirRobin
    Citizen: 8 April 2015 - present
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    Skrifa of the 19th Underhusen: 7 December 2016 - 9 February 2017
    Ambassador to the INWU: 11 March 2017 - 1 March 2022
    Ambassador to the Versutian Federation: 18 August 2017 - 22 March 2018
    Thane of Integration: 29 September 2017 - 7 March 2018
    Speaker of the 24th Underhusen: 10 October 2017 - 7 December 2017
    October 2017 Wintreath's Finest: 4 November 2017
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    Wintreath's Finest of 2017: 6 January 2018
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    Librarian of the Underhusen: 12 April 2019 - 23 October 2020
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    Aura Hyperia/New Hyperion:
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    Other positions: Hyperian Guardsman, Hyperian Marine (Rank: Scout)
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  • Hail Hydra!
  • @Laurentus Is it fine if I also include Mass Effect races?
    Yeah, I don't mind. :)

    It might make sense for our two nations to have some sort of mutual ancestor then, though.

    What do you want to make it? I was thinking about using Asari, Salarians, and Turians.
    « Last Edit: December 03, 2015, 04:18:56 AM by xXTheHydraXx »
    You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.
    - Mae West
    • Hail Hydra!
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  • Count of Highever
  • Make it all three, I guess. We could add flavour to our histories and say they made up the Council races for their sector of space, and in your part of the galaxy they could still be the ones in charge?

    My asari, turians and salarians faced the type of extinction level event early in our history that can best be compared to the Rachni Wars, that's why they aren't the predominant races anymore, but my government structure is actually inspired by the turian one.

    EDIT: Also, tau, you simply must see this. I think you might like the salarians. :)
    1 person likes this post: Hydra
    « Last Edit: December 03, 2015, 06:23:37 AM by Laurentus »
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
    Satan sit saam sy kinders en kyk hoe kom die son op. 
    • Count of Highever
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  • Aesir Warrior
  • Quick and to the point. I like it. Though the broken speech can get on my nerves ^^'
    Jarl Aragonn
    The Aesir Empire

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    • To sit back hoping that someday, some way, someone will make things right is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last - but eat you he will.
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  • I've modified my Fótdrengr a bit.
    Jarl Aragonn
    The Aesir Empire

    • Aesir Warrior
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    • To sit back hoping that someday, some way, someone will make things right is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last - but eat you he will.
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  • My Dear Jean-Luc!
  • Quick test I'm having trouble with my factbook display—

    The Romulan Star Empire

    The rulings of the Emperor are absolute, unless vetoed by the Romulan Senate.  Emperors are chosen by a majority vote of the Senate and rule for 10 year terms, without exception.  The Emperor also nominates the Praetors of the five Fleets, and the Praetors assume their duties after approval by the Imperial Senate.
    The central legislative body of the Empire and it's dominion, the Senate is composed of 375 Senators of the People in the Romulan Senate who then elect 25 Senators of the Empire to form the Imperial Senate.  The Imperial Senate may pass emergency measures that are active only until the full Senate may be convened to extend or alter the measures taken by the Imperial Senate in the name of the full Senate.
    Fleet Praetors
    The five Fleet Praetors are technically appointed by the Senate, but increasingly they seem to be choosing the Senate.  The Power of the Empire resides in the fleet, and any who oppose it (or its Praetors) are seen by many as enemies of the Romulan State
    Provincial Governors
    Though appointed by the senate (one chosen by each province's 25 Senators), they often are the party leader of the favoured political party of the province.  There are 15 in all, one for each province of the Romulan Empire.
    The Romulans are a proud, scientific people, but they surprisingly have little regard for other intelligent life forms.  This xenophobia has caused them to generally shy away from most official diplomatic negotiations, preferring to employ their intelligence service, the Tal Shiar, as their "diplomatic" arm in galactic affairs.  The Romulan Empire also collects, stores and analyses all of the information that it can obtain almost religiously.  Military service is compulsory for five years after a young Romulan turns 19, but their service may be deferred by the military until after they have graduated from Academy at the age of 24.  The Romulans also have a very strong moral and ethical code, and there is little doubt or hesitation exercised in most situations as to the correct course of action.  The Romulans also enjoy paintings, sculptures and complex, traditional music.  The mentality of the people is very focused on building to last—most residential and cultural buildings in the Romulan Empire are centuries, if not millennia old. 
    Imperial Technology
    Romulan Technology is what the empire prides itself most upon, and its pre-galactic civil war technological databases are some of the most well-preserved in the galaxy.  (Will expand, but for now I'll just abbreviate and say Star Wars/Star Trek combo-ish)

    Spacecraft and Starbases
    Civilian Spacecraft
    Though the civilian fleet might not receive as much funding as the Romulan Star Navy, they really do not need to.  Most trade is handled by a few major corporations within the Empire, most notably the Romulan Trade Federation and the Imperial Corporate Continuum.  They both have rather large trade vessels at their disposal, and also have been accused of converting vessels into warships to extract trade concessions from numerous worlds.  Of course, these corporations both vehemently deny these claims. 
    RTF Ring Carrier
    The RTF Ring Carrier is officially classified as the Capitalism-class RF-3312 Heavy Freighter.  These massive cargo vessels are capable of transporting 25 million metric tons of cargo across vast intra-imperial hyperspace routes.  They are generally crewed by 1500 personnel of the RTF and are capable of defending themselves with their armament of 28 Quad-laser cannons.  They have onboard provisions for 500 days, but the general trade tours that they take are usually no more than 300 days.  They are equipped with heavy deflector shields and a class 2 hyperdrive.  Some captains have also installed backup Warp 7 capable warp drives, but these modifications are quite rare. 
    ICC Cargo Cruisers
    The Imperial Commerce Continuum is an organisation that devotes nearly 90% of its annual profits towards expanding itself, and its fleet is the largest in the empire as far as number of vessels go.  The ICC also owns more than 300 worlds in systems within the empire that are rich in minerals and heavy metals.  ICC mines produce nearly 70% of ore employed throughout the Romulan Star Empire.  ICC Cargo Cruisers come in four versions of the same basic design.  The most numerous are the 550 meter long Aurum-class Ore Transports, which ship ICC ore throughout the empire and beyond, even trading into the Wintreath Remnant. Next are the Viator-class Passenger Cruisers, capable of transporting 30,000 to 80,000 passengers from planet to planet, depending on the duration of the journey that they have been modified for as well as the class of the passengers.  Thirdly, there are the Denarii-class Traders which, as their name would suggest, create profit for the ICC through the purchase and selling of various goods throughout the empire.  Finally, the ICC operates Legium-class "Payment Recovery" Cruisers.  These vessels hold nearly 25,000 battle droids, are armed with 26 Heavy Disruptors, and are armoured by ablative adamantium in to complement their already upgraded heavy dual-deflector shielding.  Legium class vessels are generally enough to make any debtor pay up, and if they cannot repay the ICC, they are awarded employment on a mining rig on an ICC world or asteroid. 
    Military Spacecraft
      The Star Navy is the most well funded institution in the empire, with almost 80% of heavy industry being military starship construction.  Approximately 30% of the Annual Romulan GDP is poured into the Star Navy, and not even a penny of that is wasted.  The result of this massive, and some in the empire would call illogical, spending is one of the most modern, capable fleets in the galaxy. 
    Strike Craft
      Romulan Strike Craft are generally built to be easily disposable and cheap to build in large quantities.  As a result, most Strike Craft deployed by Imperial Warships are piloted by onboard computer systems that are designed to attack any non-Romulan vessel designated as hostile by their host ship.  They come in the following classes:
    Talon-class Drone Interceptor
    The primary Romulan space superiority craft, Talon-class Drone Interceptors are capable of four hours of continuous combat without the need for refueling.  Talon Drones communicate with their host ship's central computer for orders, but in the event the central computer cannot be reached, all non-Romulan vessels are considered hostile targets by the Talon's programming.  They are mass produced in foundries across the empire and are generally deployed in swarms.  They are carried aboard most Romulan vessels and on all Romulan Space Stations.
    Scorpio-class Drone Strike Bomber
    The Scorpio-class Drone Strike Bomber is the most widely deployed Strike Bomber in the Empire, and it is most often employed in squadrons of seven to hunt down illegal smuggling operations within Romulan space.  As a result, they have the capacity to operate within programmed mission guidelines and have more sophisticated programming than the Talon-class Interceptors.  They each carry two wing-mounted plasma disruptor pulse cannons and a load of ten photon torpedoes.
    Gladius-class Manned Superiority Fighter
    Javelin-class Manned Heavy Strike Bomber
    Dominia-class Shuttlecraft
    Romulan Cruisers
    There is a lot of variation in the appearance and function of Romulan light and medium warships.  Because the Star Navy views specialised battleships and heavy cruisers are inefficient, they prefer to make their lighter, less expensive warships more specialised. 
    Terminus-class Light Warship
    The smallest warp-capable vessel in the Romulan Star Navy, the Terminus-class Light Warships are approximately 130 meters long, crewed by 85 personnel, and commanded by a Centurion.  Terminus-class vessels are generally employed only for routine customs inspections, quelling minor rebellions by miners in uninhabited systems within the empire, or for scouting enemy territory.  Their armaments include four disruptor banks and two forward and one rear torpedo launch tube.  They also carry cloaking devices, as they generally are no match to any vessel greater than 150 meters in length.  This vessel design has been in service for over a century.
    Janus-class Interdiction Cruiser
      Quite aptly named by the Star Navy, the Janus-class allows entrances—and exits, provided that they're cleared by the Tal Shiar.  Crewed by 600 Tal Shiar personnel and armed with a gravity well projector in addition to standard armament, Janus-class vessels are generally used to spring traps on unsuspecting enemy fleets, prohibiting their escape as the other Romulan forces close in for the kill. 
    Harpy-class Close Fire Support Cruiser
    Romulan Harpies are heavily armed and rather compact, generally being employed to screen vulnerable capital ships with overwhelming firepower.  They are approximately 350 meters in length, crewed by 510 and also assigned a 80 strong Security Contingent.  They are capable of cloaking and very numerous throughout the fleet, and favoured commands.  Their desirability might stem from their often long assignments away from the rest of the fleet on enemy cargo raiding patrols, where the Commander and the crew are generally awarded 60% of the captured goods.
    Draco-class Destroyer
    One of the sleekest vessels in the fleet, Draco-class Destroyers are crewed by 335 and approximately 160 meters in length.  Their armament consists of six heavy disruptor banks, 16 Talon-class Interceptors, 8 Scorpio-class Bombers, 4 Dominia-class Shuttlecraft, and five torpedo tubes (Three forward, two rear).  Their defenses include standard deflector shielding and a cloaking device that can operate for short, 12-hour periods of time before the vessel must de-cloak to recharge their batteries.  Their maximum speed is Warp 9.99996 with their transwarp drive, but they also can be outfitted with Class 1.4 hyperdrives as well. 
    Lucio-class Destroyer
    Designed to cope with the need for a greater number of vessels in the fleet while maintaining the crew numbers needed to support it, the Lucio-class Destroyers are 140-meter long vessels crewed by 147 and carry armament of six heavy disruptor banks, 16 Talon-class Interceptors, 8 Scorpio-class Bombers, 2 Dominia-class Shuttlecraft and five torpedo tubes (Three forward, two rear).  Lucio-class Destroyers are heavily automated, with many ship systems being operated and maintained by the main computer.  Their defenses include standard deflector shielding supplemented by  ablative deuranium/adamantium armour and a cloaking device capable of operating for 24-hour periods of time before requiring recharge.  All Lucio-class Destroyers have been equipped with Class 1.4 hyperdrives and backup standard warp engines capable of Warp 7.5.
    Tutela-class Minelayer
      The 320-meter long Tutela-class minelayers are crewed by 129 and capable of deploying 1152 mines at a time that are cloaked and hidden in subspce, which are then either manually activated by a Romulan Fleet Command or pulled out of subspace by attraction to the metals in the hulls of enemy ships.  Tutela-class minelayers are quite often deployed to hundreds of locations across the empire which the five Fleet Commands determine as moderately strategic.
    Raptor-class Torpedo Frigate
      The Raptor-class Torpedo Frigates are Imperial Naval Vessels that are capable of long-range combat and planetary/colonial bombardment with their modified torpedo tubes and large armament of torpedoes.  Raptor Torpedo Frigates are generally 220 meters in length, crewed by 237 and armed with 6 medium disruptor banks, 4 accelerated long-range bombardment torpedo tubes and 3 standard torpedo tubes (2 forward, one rear).  Their defences include a cloaking device, deflector shielding and ablative armour. 
    Fidens-class Escort Destroyer
      Near the end of the last decade, the Romulan Fleets put in a request to the Imperial Starship Design Bureau for a dedicated escort vessel that was well armoured and had good firepower, but was small and compact enough to be highly manoeuvrable, capable of dodging enemy projectile weapons through the combination of a light ship with the most powerful impulse drives in the fleet.  The result?  The Fidens-class Escort Destroyer, a 140-meter long warship manned by 40-80 personnel (max. capacity=150) and equipped with four heavy pulse plasma disruptor cannons, two heavy disruptor banks, and two torpedo launchers (1 forward, one bacl).  The Fidens-class Escort Destroyers also have a small contingent of four Dominia/B Shuttlecraft (heavily modified Dominia design capable of fitting in small storage spaces). 
    Tal Shiar Excursor-class Light Surveillance Cruiser
      A smaller vessel that almost never decloaks, the Tal Shiar's Excursor-class vessels have little need for much in the way of offensive or defensive systems, although the 80-man, 172-meter cruisers are generally given almost minimal shielding (light deflector shielding without ablative deuranium armour) and only a few ambush-related offensive weapons (11 light disruptor arrays, forward and back torpedo launcher), they do carry four warp-capable (warp 5) runabouts that are capable of conducting close-range surveillance and sabotage.  Excursor-class vessels are equipped with cloaks and contain some of the largest sensor arrays ever installed on a Romulan warship.

    Romulan Capital Ships
    Romulan Capital Ships are the pride of the Romulan Fleet, and are maintained by their crews as though they worked in heaven itself.  A position on a Capital Ship is hard to come by in the Star Navy, as the qualifications required to crew such a vessel are five years in the Star Navy and an exemplary record.  All Romulan Capital Ships have some basic defensive systems that allow their continual function even when main power and half of their subsystems are offline.  These include emergency force fields and, when the field emitters have been knocked out by further bombardment, physical bulkhead doors. 
    D'Deridex Class Battlecruiser
    The most numerous capital ship in the Romulan Fleet, the D'Deridex-class Battlecruiser design is more than a century old, the battlecruiser design and fleet are constantly being updated and refitted to compensate for weaknesses exposed combat with other vessels.  At approximately 1050 meters in length, it is also one of the largest vessels in the Star Navy.  D'Deridex-class vessels have crews of 1450, security details of 250, and the capability to support a half-Legion invasion force (9216 Troopers) and their support contingent (2784 personnel).  The D'Deridex class shuttlebay is large and quite versatile, and the strike craft contingent carried by the vessel depends largely on the mission of the particular vessel. 

    Though designed originally around a transwarp drive system, (approximately equivalent to a Class 1.8 Hyperdrive) some D'Deridex cruisers have been modified to include a Class .6 Hyperdrive capable of use within hyperspace lanes that still exist within the Romulan Empire and along the sole hyperspace lane that is known leading from Romulan Space to the Wintreath Remnant and the Galactic Core. 

    D'Deridex class vessels also are armed with various (anywhere from 19-27) disruptor banks, 4 heavy disruptor arrays, 9 torpedo tubes, a quantum ballista, a shield inversion beam emitter, and a tractor beam emitter. 

    All D'Deridex Battlecruisers employ cloaking devices, in accordance with the age-old Romulan Military Maxim, "If Knowledge is Power, then to be Unknown is to be Unconquerable."
    Valdore Class Patrol Cruiser
    The Valdore class patrol cruisers were developed in response to frequent territorial violations recently by minor civilisations at the boarders of the empire, and are extremely effective in their role.  A bit smaller and much more nimble than its cousin the D'Deridex, Valdore class vessels are approximately 650 meters long and carry a crew complement of 950 and a security contingent of 350 to board vessels illegally entering the empire.  Valdores are equipped with a class .6 hyperdrive, backup transwarp systems and a cloaking device.
    Tavara Class Battlecruiser
    After the introduction of the Valdore class, the High Command of the Romulan Star Navy quickly realised the effectiveness of the nimble cruiser in combined fleet operations, and they requisitioned a much more heavily armed cousin that retained much of the Valdore's manuverability.  Three years later, the Tavara-class Battlecruiser was born.  With the armament of a D'Deridex and nearly the speed of a Valdore, the Tavara is arguably the most advanced vessel type in the empire.  The Tavara class is approximately 725 meters in length, is crewed by 850, and carries contingents of Tal Shiar SpecOps Soldiers (50) and Naval Infantry (2 Brigades of 256)
    Scimitar Class Battleship
    The Scimitar Class is the heavy hitter of the Romulan Fleet, and packs the deadliest armament ever installed on a Romulan Warship, a Thalaron generator.  In addition to this nasty device, the 1.2 km long, 1.5 km wide battleship crewed by 2344 and capable of deploying an entire Legion (18432 Troopers) and support personnel in an invasion is bristling with traditional weapons: 78 disruptor banks, 45 torpedo tubes, and a huge hangar.  Scimitar Hangars contain at a minimum 512 Talon Interceptors and 1024 Scorpio Strike Bombers in addition to the support fleet necessary to deploy a Romulan Legion to the surface of an unsuspecting world.  The Scimitar Class has not been equipped with a cloaking device, as the Thalaron residual radiation interferes with the function of cloaking devices, making any attempt to create a ship with both a Thalaron generator and a cloaking device a hopeless cause, with even the best cloaking technology still glitching out and covering only part of the vessel in question part of the time, even with the smallest hints of Thalaron radiation aboard the vessel.
    Falchion Subclass
    Sister class of the Scimitar-class battleships, the Falchion Subclass has the ability to cloak, as they carry no Thalaron generators.  The space generally allotted to the Thalaron generators has been converted into a backup shield generator independent of the main Falchion shield grid.
    Dominus Class Command Carrier
    At 5.6 kilometers in length, the Dominus Class Command Carriers are easily the largest dedicated military vessels in the empire.  Generally employed in fleet formations as the main carriers of invasion forces, they are very vulnerable when isolated from the rest of their fleets.  They are crewed by 14330 Romulan Naval Personnel and are capable deploying six full legions and their legionary support contingents from their hangars.  They also carry a drastically varying array of strike and support craft. 
    Tarpeia-class Dreadnought
      The only completely dedicated battleship of the Romulan Fleet is the Tarpeia-class. (The Tarpeia-class is named for the Tarpeian Rock, the most recognisable name in the empire synonymous with death, as it is where all high-level traitors to the Romulan Empire are executed.)  At 2.4 kilometers in length and equipped with a triad of the most powerful redundant deflector shield grids in addition to two meter thick ablative deuranium/durasteel armour, the Tarpeia class has amassed a reputation as a merciless executor—never do Tarpeia class vessels respond to hails when they are assaulting an enemy planet. 

    Standard "pacification" operations, as the Tal Shiar likes to call them, generally include the Tarpeia-class Dreadnought performing the operation opening up on a disloyal/enemy colony/planet/station/asteroid/city and decimating it (destroying 1/10 buildings, generally the most important defensive ones, but in the event that those buildings cannot add up to the 10% threshold, the commander of the Dreadnought will generally order the rest of the quota to be satisfied by targeting buildings at random).  After this decimation is complete, the Tarpeia launches three legions of troopers to the ground to round up and execute any persons found that are unwilling to submit to the rule of the Empire.  After this takes place, the operation is considered over and all personnel are given permission to return to the Tarpeia.  The fear of these operations keeps many neighbouring sectors in line with the Romulan way. 

    Tarpeia-class Dreadnoughts are armed with 20 ion cannons, 8 heavy plasma pulse turbodisruptors, 10 heavy tractor beams, 68 heavy disruptor banks, 224 medium disruptor banks, 588 light disruptor arrays (anti-fighter) and 8 shield inversion beam emitters.  Tarpeias also have large hangar bays capable of hosting various ground vehicles in addition to 288 Gladius manned interceptors, 144 Javelin manned heavy strike bombers, ~50 ground vehicle transports, and 64 Dominia-class Shuttlecraft.  They also have two secondary hangar bays that are compact and filled entirely with drone craft (768 Talon Interceptors and 512 Scorpio Bombers total).
      Romulan Starbases, as they are called, are heavily defended centres of construction, training, commerce and communications throughout the empire.  They generally include sheltered starship construction facilities, advanced hospitals capable of treating huge numbers of wounded personnel, large civilian tradeports, civilian shipyards, housing, legion training centres (generally just a staging area, with war games taking place on nearby moons and asteroids), communications hubs, Tal Shiar listening posts, and War Theatre Command Centres.  They are normally populated by millions of civilian inhabitants of the Romulan Empire, and 10 legions are tasked with the defence of each Starbase. 

    Defensively, the outer physical shell of the base has five entrances leading to the main unarmoured interior where most of the Starbase activity is carried out.  This outer hull is composed of ablative deuranium/adamantium armour approximately 8.4 meters thick, and shielded by the most powerful deflector shield grids that the Romulan Empire may produce.  However, because of the great cost of building these monuments to imperial power and majesty, they are never constructed close to the boarders of the empire, and generally only exist in locations deemed vital to Imperial Defence Command or deep within the Romulan Empire's population centres. 

    Military Command Structure
    The Supreme Commander of the Romulan Military is officially the Emperor.  However, the Emperor rarely directly commands the military forces of the empire personally these days, as the Imperial Office is generally forced to focus on internal affairs, such as economic security and logistical problems within the Romulan Star Empire. 

    Because of the huge number of duties given to the Emperor, the Imperial Consul of War is charged with leading the Romulan Military in the Emperor's stead.  The Consul of War then appoints the Council of War from members of the Military Meritocracy (Generally Navy Admirals, Tal Shiar Colonels and Legion Legates of the Romulan Army).  The Council of War then is employed as an advisory board to the Consul of War, and with the Council's help determine Romulan Military Policies. 

    The highest rank within the Romulan Star Navy is that of Fleet Praetor, who commands one of the five primary Romulan Imperial Fleets.  Each of these fleets is then divided into five Sector Fleets, which are commanded by an Admiral.  Each Sector Fleet is divided into four to ten sub-fleets called Battle Fleets.  Battle Fleets are led by Vice Admirals, and divided into varying numbers of Task Forces commanded by a Rear Admiral, which include a varying number of starships, generally given to a Commander.  The intraship rank system for commissioned officers is as follows:  Commander, Subcommander, Centurion, Lieutenant, Sublieutenant and Ensignant. 

    The Tal Shiar is the Romulan Intelligence Service, and is without a doubt the most brutal and unforgiving organisation in the empire.  The Tal Shiar maintains hundreds, if not thousands, of listening posts in (and outside of) Romulan Space, listening not only to foreign governments, but to imperial citizens as well.  They are tasked with maintaining and ensuring loyalty to the Emperor and the Senate, and will stop and nothing to achieve their goals.  They have practically limitless jurisdiction within the Empire, and often just the threat of turning a captured prisoner over to the Tal Shiar will make them confess.  Their ranking system is as follows:  General, Colonel, Captain, Major, Lieutenant, Sublieutenant, Polisium, Subpolisium, Inspector, Subversive, Informant, Recruit. 

    The Romulan Army is the ground component of the Romulan Military, and is generally very effective at conducting efficient operations with very little notice or support.  They also defend and patrol the cities and worlds of the empire, under Tal Shiar commanders.  The Army ranking system is as follows:  Imperial Legate, Legion Legate, Legate, Sublegate, Prefect, Full Centurion, Centurion, Subcenturion. 

    Important Figures in the Romulan Empire
    Emperor Toridex
    His Imperial Majesty Augustus Toridex has been Emperor for 14 years, and throughout his term his party has enjoyed a strong majority in the Romulan Senate and great support of his policies throughout the Provinces of the Empire.  Son of the great Emperor Talenerex and Senator Sental of Romulus, Toridex enjoyed a life of great privilege until the age of 24, when he was selected by the Tal Shiar for service to the empire. 

    The first decade of his service in the Tal Shiar, Toridex was greatly successful, and rose from the rank of Subpolisium to Colonel.  After spending five years at this rank and twice declining a promotion to General, he retired from military service and was granted an villa of 1000 acres in the Romulan state of Panentine.  (Misc Fact:  Romulus, the Romulan homeworld, is divided into 25 states, each selecting a Senator and forming the Imperial Province of Romulus.)  After a decade of integrating into the Palentine community, Toridex followed the footsteps of his parents and was elected into the Romulan Senate, where he immediately was awarded a position in the Imperial Senate, a result of the connections that he had made while in the Tal Shiar as a Colonel.  After spending seven years in the Senate, he was appointed Emperor, succeeding the rather mundane Emperor Cae'n Del'cares. 

    After five years of rule as Emperor, Augustus Toridex began pouring vast quantities of Imperial Denarii into infrastructure throughout the empire while simultaneously creating strategic outposts on the outskirts of Romulan space.  Accused of running a deficit budget by the predominantly Vulcan Treasury Ministry, his response was to invade and plunder no less than ten neighbouring inhabited sectors with the 3rd Fleet of the Star Navy, to ensure the continual financing of his vast infrastructure projects.  Now in his second term as Emperor, and 70 years old, Emperor Toridex has announced that he will not seek a third term as Emperor, instead planning to retire and spend time on his Palentine estate with his grandchildren and the rest of his family.  His party, however, the Imperial Party of Expansion and Unity, is determined to continue his policies of aggressive construction and expansion for as long as the empire can. 
    Tal Shiar Commandant D'Deridex VII
    A relative of D'Deridex the Great of Romulus, General D'Deridex VII is the direct first-born male line descendant tasked with maintaining the honour and legacy of the legendary Emperor, now centuries dead.  Becoming a Tal Shiar General at the age of 38 and the Commandant of the Tal Shiar at the same time Toridex was elected Emperor, D'Deridex the Seventh has known the Emperor for years, and is generally considered to the most likely successor of Toridex as Emperor.  D'Deridex the Seventh has also overseen one of the most ambitious intelligence network expansions ever seen, expanding the knowledge of the Tal Shiar to include data from nearly half of the Wintrean Galaxy. 

    D'Deridex VII is also Toridex's Consul of War, and was the one who first proposed the raiding of the nearby systems with a combined forces of the Tal Shiar and the Imperial Third Fleet that was highly successful and allowed the Toridexian Administration to continue its massive infrastructure and defensive investment. 
    The  Fleet Praetors
    The current Fleet Praetors of the Star Navy disapprove of what they believe as negligence on the part of the Emperor:  In his infrastructure investment, the Romulan Star Fleets has only seen incremental expenditure increases that only slightly outpace inflation in the empire.  The leader of the Fleet Praetors at this time is Praetor Demera, and she is also likely the successor of Emperor Toridex, leading to great tension between her and Commandant D'Deridex.  This competition has however increased the amount of combat authorized by both the Tal Shiar and the Imperial Fleets, to the dismay of neighbouring inhabited systems. 

    History of the Empire
    The Romulans were among the last races to submit to the rule of the Galactic Wintreath Hegemony, and in the Galactic Civil Wars, the Romulans were quick to reassert their dominance of space that they considered to be their own.  At the outbreak of the wars, Commander Dar'nex of the Romulan Sector Defence Fleet re-founded the recently conquered Romulan Star Empire, and declared himself Emperor. 

    In the years after the destruction of the war, the Romulan Star Empire invested heavily in military equipment and supplies to expand its influence in the galaxy, and the investment was not a bad one.  In the first century after the demise of the great Pangalactic Frozen Realm of Wintreath, the Romulans steadily expanded, conquering no less than twenty-six neighbouring planets and vastly increasing the population and scope of the empire, eventually increasing its territory to encompass fifty sectors and 132 Class-M worlds. 

    For the past two hundred years, the Romulans have focused on increasing their populations and decreasing the number of aliens within the empire, to great effect.  The Empire is now very predominantly Romulan, with a large Vulcan minority, and the capabilities of Imperial heavy industry is perhaps the greatest in the galaxy, their largest shipyards encompassing entire surfaces of moons.  (The largest starship yard in the Empire, Navis Constructione Facilitatem, is on a moon of Scipio, the 5th planet of the Romulan home system, named Caesar Tel'dex.)

    Now, the Romulan Star Empire once more has its eyes set on conquest, their omnipresent goal of achieving domination over more systems continuing to stress the industrial and military capabilities of the empire, and the ever-vigilant Tal Shiar reports a galaxy ripe for conquest...
    Demographic Breakdown of the Empire
    84% Romulan
    13% Vulcan
    02% Human
    01% Other Species

    35.6% Industrial (Incl. Military Heavy Construction)
    02.2% Agricultural
    26.3% Research/Education
    06.3% Medical
    13.7% Military (Direct Personnel)
    15.9% Other (Services, Arts, Etcetera...)

    Note: found and fixed the problem with my formatting.  I misspelled "spoiler" once....

    « Last Edit: December 03, 2015, 10:43:26 PM by BraveSirRobin »
    Sir Robin of Camelot

    "Whilst the men of Caenia were scattered far and wide, pillaging and destroying, Romulus came upon them with an army, and after a brief encounter taught them that anger is futile without strength."  -Titus Livius, Ab Urbe Condita

    (Ravenclaw is the best!)

    Résumé/A History of Robin on NationStates
    Citizen: 4 June 2015 - present
    Member of the Hvitt Riddaral: 21 August 2015 - present
    Strifa of the 12th Underhusen: 8 October 2015 - 13 December 2015
    Speaker Pro Tem of the 13th Underhusen: 13 December 2015 - 8 February 2016
    Speaker Pro Tem of the 14th Underhusen: 8 February 2016 - 8 April 2016
    Speaker of the 16th Underhusen: 10 June 2016 - 11 August 2016
    Ambassador to Europeia: 5 December 2016 - present
    RP Guild Councillor: 23 February 2017 - present
    Ambassador to The North Pacific: 11 March 2017 - present
    Speaker of the 21st Underhusen: 10 April 2017 - 10 June 2017
    Delegate of Wintreath: 10 June 2017 - 15 March 2020
    Strifa of the 23rd Underhusen: 10 August 2017 - 10 November 2017
    Thane of Ambassadors: 10 October 2018 - 10 December 2018
    Commendation of Wintreath: Sept 24 2020

    New Hyperion:
    Citizen: 27 November 2015 - present
    Patrician: 12 January 2016 - present
    Lord of Development: 5 February 2016 - present

    (I stole this format from tau, but who am I not to copy a great system? :-) )

    Ne Crustumini quidem atque Antemnates pro ardore iraque Caeninensium satis se impigre movent; ita per se ipsum nomen Caeninum in agrum Romanum impetum facit. Sed effuse vastantibus fit obvius cum exercitu Romulus levique certamine docet vanam sine viribus iram esse.
    • My Dear Jean-Luc!
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  • Regional Stability Squad
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  • Also, I found some really nice scale pictures with Star Wars/Star Trek/Warhammer 40k:

    Really big chart with lots more stuff

    « Last Edit: December 03, 2015, 11:03:39 PM by BraveSirRobin »
    Sir Robin of Camelot

    "Whilst the men of Caenia were scattered far and wide, pillaging and destroying, Romulus came upon them with an army, and after a brief encounter taught them that anger is futile without strength."  -Titus Livius, Ab Urbe Condita

    (Ravenclaw is the best!)

    Résumé/A History of Robin on NationStates
    Citizen: 4 June 2015 - present
    Member of the Hvitt Riddaral: 21 August 2015 - present
    Strifa of the 12th Underhusen: 8 October 2015 - 13 December 2015
    Speaker Pro Tem of the 13th Underhusen: 13 December 2015 - 8 February 2016
    Speaker Pro Tem of the 14th Underhusen: 8 February 2016 - 8 April 2016
    Speaker of the 16th Underhusen: 10 June 2016 - 11 August 2016
    Ambassador to Europeia: 5 December 2016 - present
    RP Guild Councillor: 23 February 2017 - present
    Ambassador to The North Pacific: 11 March 2017 - present
    Speaker of the 21st Underhusen: 10 April 2017 - 10 June 2017
    Delegate of Wintreath: 10 June 2017 - 15 March 2020
    Strifa of the 23rd Underhusen: 10 August 2017 - 10 November 2017
    Thane of Ambassadors: 10 October 2018 - 10 December 2018
    Commendation of Wintreath: Sept 24 2020

    New Hyperion:
    Citizen: 27 November 2015 - present
    Patrician: 12 January 2016 - present
    Lord of Development: 5 February 2016 - present

    (I stole this format from tau, but who am I not to copy a great system? :-) )

    Ne Crustumini quidem atque Antemnates pro ardore iraque Caeninensium satis se impigre movent; ita per se ipsum nomen Caeninum in agrum Romanum impetum facit. Sed effuse vastantibus fit obvius cum exercitu Romulus levique certamine docet vanam sine viribus iram esse.
    • My Dear Jean-Luc!
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  • There's no Star Trek in there :P
    Jarl Aragonn
    The Aesir Empire

    • Aesir Warrior
    • Posts: 2,406
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    • To sit back hoping that someday, some way, someone will make things right is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last - but eat you he will.
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  • My Dear Jean-Luc!
  • There's no Star Trek in there :P
    2nd and 3rd pics  :)
    « Last Edit: December 03, 2015, 11:10:43 PM by BraveSirRobin »
    Sir Robin of Camelot

    "Whilst the men of Caenia were scattered far and wide, pillaging and destroying, Romulus came upon them with an army, and after a brief encounter taught them that anger is futile without strength."  -Titus Livius, Ab Urbe Condita

    (Ravenclaw is the best!)

    Résumé/A History of Robin on NationStates
    Citizen: 4 June 2015 - present
    Member of the Hvitt Riddaral: 21 August 2015 - present
    Strifa of the 12th Underhusen: 8 October 2015 - 13 December 2015
    Speaker Pro Tem of the 13th Underhusen: 13 December 2015 - 8 February 2016
    Speaker Pro Tem of the 14th Underhusen: 8 February 2016 - 8 April 2016
    Speaker of the 16th Underhusen: 10 June 2016 - 11 August 2016
    Ambassador to Europeia: 5 December 2016 - present
    RP Guild Councillor: 23 February 2017 - present
    Ambassador to The North Pacific: 11 March 2017 - present
    Speaker of the 21st Underhusen: 10 April 2017 - 10 June 2017
    Delegate of Wintreath: 10 June 2017 - 15 March 2020
    Strifa of the 23rd Underhusen: 10 August 2017 - 10 November 2017
    Thane of Ambassadors: 10 October 2018 - 10 December 2018
    Commendation of Wintreath: Sept 24 2020

    New Hyperion:
    Citizen: 27 November 2015 - present
    Patrician: 12 January 2016 - present
    Lord of Development: 5 February 2016 - present

    (I stole this format from tau, but who am I not to copy a great system? :-) )

    Ne Crustumini quidem atque Antemnates pro ardore iraque Caeninensium satis se impigre movent; ita per se ipsum nomen Caeninum in agrum Romanum impetum facit. Sed effuse vastantibus fit obvius cum exercitu Romulus levique certamine docet vanam sine viribus iram esse.
    • My Dear Jean-Luc!
    • Posts: 6,611
    • Karma: 1,897
    • We Meet Again, Mon Capitaine!!
    • Regional Stability Squad
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      Familial House
      The Noble House of Valeria
      Wintreath Nation
    Added more info to my factbook! This is hard work lol.
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