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Say What's On Your Mind
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  • Count of Highever
  • I am kinda fed up with some of my managers at my current job. It seems like one in particular is so afraid of being unpopular that she won't ever take a firm hand with employees who really need it, and she keeps promising she's going to start doing so, but just continues to let things slide. When  I talk to her about this, she agrees a firmer hand should be taken, only for nothing to come of that either.

    Any advice? I don't relish the idea of going over her head.
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
    Satan sit saam sy kinders en kyk hoe kom die son op. 
    • Count of Highever
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  • My Dear Jean-Luc!
  • I am kinda fed up with some of my managers at my current job. It seems like one in particular is so afraid of being unpopular that she won't ever take a firm hand with employees who really need it, and she keeps promising she's going to start doing so, but just continues to let things slide. When  I talk to her about this, she agrees a firmer hand should be taken, only for nothing to come of that either.

    Any advice? I don't relish the idea of going over her head.

    What would Billy do?  :P

    But honestly depending upon how much this is harming productivity, taking it to the boss would be the next best thing to do, even if you're friends with her.

    As the Ferengi would put it, "Never place friendship above profit."  (That is, if your ultimate goal is to see the company succeed.  Now, if corporate exploitation is not your ultimate goal, and hopefully its not, then I'd tell her to ask upper management about the situation herself, and then if she still doesn't change her management style, go to management yourself.)
    Sir Robin of Camelot

    "Whilst the men of Caenia were scattered far and wide, pillaging and destroying, Romulus came upon them with an army, and after a brief encounter taught them that anger is futile without strength."  -Titus Livius, Ab Urbe Condita

    (Ravenclaw is the best!)

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    New Hyperion:
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    (I stole this format from tau, but who am I not to copy a great system? :-) )

    Ne Crustumini quidem atque Antemnates pro ardore iraque Caeninensium satis se impigre movent; ita per se ipsum nomen Caeninum in agrum Romanum impetum facit. Sed effuse vastantibus fit obvius cum exercitu Romulus levique certamine docet vanam sine viribus iram esse.
    • My Dear Jean-Luc!
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  • Sometimes you just feel like beating the crap out of annoying people, dont you?
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  • Yeah, but sometimes that person is your grandmother.
    Red Mones
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  • When you liked it better when a particular person was just trying to constantly get in your pants rather than giving you all their social and political opinions as if they were fact. v_v
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    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
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  • I feel like I haven't connected with anyone lately...I should connect with someone...

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
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  • Honesty, I'm kind of a shitty person in a lot of ways...I basically let any form of talent I have go to waist, I find it hard to get and stay motivated (and when I am motivated I seem to be easily demotivated). I am inconsistent at best as well. To be fair the main reason why I've even probably been playing for NS without having taken a break at this point is because of two things: my fear of being left behind, and Warzone Sandbox.

    Honestly, I have a strong fear of being left behind, of being useless and not necessary anymore. This is probably part of why I am so vehement in certain policies or actions, because I am, at some level, afraid that I'll be left behind. That I'll become useless and unnecessary. I desire a purpose, and when I get one I crack under the pressure and stress. I begin to become lazy and complacent until I end up doing nothing.

    The other thing is Warzone Sandbox, honestly this isn't just that region, but also the Warzones themselves. They are interesting and amazing in a way. The regions, the governance and culture is rather unique. It's familiar, but also different. Warzones have a sense of Warzone Unity (or Pan-Warzoneness, among other names). in which all of the Warzones do work together, to a point. Part of that is because the Warzones kinda have too. However Warzones themselves, due to their properties, also lead to people becoming tired of things. It is because those in the Warzone need to subject themselves to things like Gameplay and the like, they just can't ignore things like that. Our very existence is reliant upon a section of GP, which is the R/D game. Within the past year the seemingly unchanging government of Warzone Europe changed with a whole new government being elected. I have seen many people I considered friends slowly leave the Warzones themselves, if not the game. Honestly I'm starting to burn out, but I can't bring myself to stop. If I leave everything I have built for over the past year will crumble. All of the hard work of, not only me, but many of the citizens of Warzone Sandbox (along with some help from people from New Hyperion and Wintreath, and other regions) will go to waist. If I leave the Warzones now, Warzone Sandbox will go back to instability...and I can't let that happen. However no one really wants to get involved with a Warzone because it's a Warzone. In the end, in this section I may just be talking out of my ass, I seriously don't know...

    Ultimately, this means I can't actually take a break from NS, or Wintreath, for as long as I should because it means (at least to me, mentally) throwing away everything I've worked for over the past few years (one year for WZSB and four years for Wintreath). I mean hell, I need to take a break now more than ever due to real life circumstances...yet I can't. Perhaps it's a bit of an addiction, perhaps it's habit, or perhaps it's fear, maybe it's a bit of all of them, or just two. I don't know...but I do know this situation is untenable...honestly I don't know what to do...

    also sorry for the long post...I honestly don't know why I am even typing this up, or posting it. It's just me rambling and making a stream of consciousness post in here because I have nothing better to do. Maybe I'm just looking for attention or something, I dunno.

    Edit: Clarification, WZEU's government has technically remained the same, it's just it has basically entirely different people.
    « Last Edit: February 22, 2017, 04:01:44 AM by Chanku »
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Honesty, I'm kind of a shitty person in a lot of ways...I basically let any form of talent I have go to waist, I find it hard to get and stay motivated (and when I am motivated I seem to be easily demotivated). I am inconsistent at best as well. To be fair the main reason why I've even probably been playing for NS without having taken a break at this point is because of two things: my fear of being left behind, and Warzone Sandbox.

    Honestly, I have a strong fear of being left behind, of being useless and not necessary anymore. This is probably part of why I am so vehement in certain policies or actions, because I am, at some level, afraid that I'll be left behind. That I'll become useless and unnecessary. I desire a purpose, and when I get one I crack under the pressure and stress. I begin to become lazy and complacent until I end up doing nothing.

    The other thing is Warzone Sandbox, honestly this isn't just that region, but also the Warzones themselves. They are interesting and amazing in a way. The regions, the governance and culture is rather unique. It's familiar, but also different. Warzones have a sense of Warzone Unity (or Pan-Warzoneness, among other names). in which all of the Warzones do work together, to a point. Part of that is because the Warzones kinda have too. However Warzones themselves, due to their properties, also lead to people becoming tired of things. It is because those in the Warzone need to subject themselves to things like Gameplay and the like, they just can't ignore things like that. Our very existence is reliant upon a section of GP, which is the R/D game. Within the past year the seemingly unchanging government of Warzone Europe changed with a whole new government being elected. I have seen many people I considered friends slowly leave the Warzones themselves, if not the game. Honestly I'm starting to burn out, but I can't bring myself to stop. If I leave everything I have built for over the past year will crumble. All of the hard work of, not only me, but many of the citizens of Warzone Sandbox (along with some help from people from New Hyperion and Wintreath, and other regions) will go to waist. If I leave the Warzones now, Warzone Sandbox will go back to instability...and I can't let that happen. However no one really wants to get involved with a Warzone because it's a Warzone. In the end, in this section I may just be talking out of my ass, I seriously don't know...

    Ultimately, this means I can't actually take a break from NS, or Wintreath, for as long as I should because it means (at least to me, mentally) throwing away everything I've worked for over the past few years (one year for WZSB and four years for Wintreath). I mean hell, I need to take a break now more than ever due to real life circumstances...yet I can't. Perhaps it's a bit of an addiction, perhaps it's habit, or perhaps it's fear, maybe it's a bit of all of them, or just two. I don't know...but I do know this situation is untenable...honestly I don't know what to do...

    also sorry for the long post...I honestly don't know why I am even typing this up, or posting it. It's just me rambling and making a stream of consciousness post in here because I have nothing better to do. Maybe I'm just looking for attention or something, I dunno.

    Edit: Clarification, WZEU's government has technically remained the same, it's just it has basically entirely different people.
    I don't think those things make you a shitty person...I don't think you're a shitty person at all. But perhaps what you need is an objective and experienced perspective on some of these matters.

    Personally I think you've had good ideas over the years, and your maturity and attitude toward people has definitely improved over the last year, but the one thing that I think still holds you back is that you don't pursue those good ideas or take advantage of the positions that you have in the region. You were recently part of an Underhusen that was disappointing even by Underhusen standards (though in fairness  you share that disappointment with four other people), and I'm afraid what people will most remember about your tenure as Jarl of Defense is your tirade against the Grey Wardens over a warzone. But the good thing is it's not too late to change that if that's what you want to can still run with good ideas, you can still apply yourself to the positions you have in the future. For what it's worth, I've always had faith that you have the ability to do those're smart, you have a unique perspective on things, and I get the sense that you have the same drive and need for accomplishment and purpose that I have. The only question is if that's what you want to do, or if you'd rather just be a part of the community and not take on those responsibilities (which there's nothing wrong with either).

    As for Warzone Sandbox, I think you have to decide whether it's something that you legitimately find fulfilling or if it's just a case of escalation of commitment. Before I joined NS, I was involved with this one game for almost a decade...first as a player, then as a staff member, and then as owner of a server and kinda owner of the game. It wasn't a large game by any means, but as I took leadership over more aspects of it there was a lot of drama and being backstabbed and hurt, but I kept with it because I was afraid that leaving would be an admission that all the time and effort and heart I'd put into it had been a waste of time. Once I actually made the decision to leave and put it behind me though, the opposite actually happened...I wondered why I hadn't done that years earlier. I realized the only time I wasted there was the time I was still putting into it even after it'd stopped being fun and started something more dreadful to me.

    And the lessons I learned from that experience made me able to leave Spiritus at the right time later on, when similar things started to happen and being involved there became more hurtful than fun.

    I know it's not entirely the same situation as what you're facing, but on a basic level it what you're getting out of Warzone Sandbox worth what you're putting into it? Or even more if you're looking to build it up? The fact is, it's harder to build a region up in NS now than ever before...stamps have completely fucked over the NS ecosystem, so that instead of competing with other people putting a lot of hard work and time into their regions, you're competing with people who are able to throw away ~$40 a month to have NS recruit for them, and fuck whether they've put any time or effort into their region or not. And even with Wintreath, for all the work that I put into it, I don't think it would have been a success without people like Charax and Leuth and all the friends that joined and helped me. I was very fortunate to have friends that had the same vision as me and wanted to come over with me and help me build an awesome community and region. If this is something you want to do, you're going to have to dedicate a lot of time, effort, and energy towards it...but I will say that personally building Wintreath has been a very worthwhile and fulfilling endeavor to me, and doing that in Warzone Sandbox could be for you as well if you want to put all that into it and take the chance that it doesn't work out.

    In the end, I just think it's a matter of being honest with yourself and feeling what you're getting out of Warzone Sandbox, Wintreath, NS, and any other aspects of your life that you feel similarly about. I think once you come up with honest answers, where to go from there will become pretty clear.
    « Last Edit: February 22, 2017, 07:51:21 AM by Wintermoot »

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
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  • I split the best death/brain uploading discussion and moved it here in the Hall of Great Discussions.
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  • Thanks, @Gerrick! :D
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    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
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  • Nocturnus Cantankorous
  • So I was browsing through the book of faces the other day when I noticed a friend of mine had shared and commented on a post holding up Vladmir Putin as an icon of sorts for boosting up the Russian economy. I asked him how he felt about the fact that such gains were made along with the suppression of and violence against sexual and religious minorities. His response was litterally, "sometimes the few have to suffer for the many to prosper" Now I'm not really sure how I feel about this friend. He also responded with, "That'll never happen in the USA." I find it concerning that people are okay looking the other way as long as an issue doesn't harm them. I mean, does anyone else think that's an awful way to think? Or am I just crazy?
    • Nocturnus Cantankorous
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  • "sometimes the few have to suffer for the many to prosper"
    That should never be an approach to anything ever.
    Red Mones
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  • I split the best death/brain uploading discussion and moved it here in the Hall of Great Discussions.

    But it's still on my mind.. AAHHHHHH
    • Queen of Love and Beauty
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  • I split the best death/brain uploading discussion and moved it here in the Hall of Great Discussions.
    But it's still on my mind.. AAHHHHHH
    Discuss, my friend! There you have free reign to talk about it without feeling like you're stifling other conversations here. I have cleansed you of your guilt. You're welcome. :D

    Duke of Wintreath and Count of Janth
    Patriarch of the Noble House of Burdock
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    Patriarch of the Noble House of Burdock: 17 September 2017 - present
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  • I split the best death/brain uploading discussion and moved it here in the Hall of Great Discussions.

    But it's still on my mind.. AAHHHHHH

    Was that a pun?
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