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  • Did everyone also think I was serious with this:

    Dear Americans,

    Please Vote for Trump. I'd like to buy myself some stuff online as your currency plummets.

    Shit. I may have just caused the end of the world. All because I didn't use a smiley.
    I honestly thought you were serious. I honestly considered buying a shit load of Jaffa Cakes when the British Pound fell during the whole Brexit thing...
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • Alright, so let me say this once for future reference: I am not serious most of the time. I just have a deadpan delivery style.
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  • Laurentus, we have you to thank for a Trump presidency. JUST KIDDING I BLAME HILLARY.
    Fuccckin' Hillary.
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  • Alright, so let me say this once for future reference: I am not serious most of the time. I just have a deadpan delivery style.
    Deadpan? I would say your delivery is just plain boerish
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    Justinian Ezkantion
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  • Alright, so let me say this once for future reference: I am not serious most of the time. I just have a deadpan delivery style.
    Deadpan? I would say your delivery is just plain boerish

    That is a beautiful pun and I hate that I love it.
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  • *Budum tish*
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  •  :-\ I know a lot of my American friends are annoyed and upset at the USA's presidential election result, but don't get stuck down on it, you need to pick yourself up and keep moving on. You're all going to have trouble getting through the next 4 years if you get stuck in a rut over this. Stay strong my friends and don't loose yourself in anger, sadness or dismay. :)

    Video from a YouTuber I like with a good message on this:
    • Nuclear Soldermancer
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  • Indeed, the possibility exists, however small it is, that Trump will be a good president, and just appealed to the lowest common denominator to get elected.
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  • The problem with just hoping everything turns out is that elections actually mean something when it comes to the issues. Take LGBTQ rights for example, an issue that this community unsurprisingly strongly supports. We just put a party in complete power whose platform defends a parent's right to force conversion therapy on their children and explicitly calls for the reversal of marriage equality. We elected a Vice-President who is one of the foremost voices against transgender rights and who as Governor of Indiana promoted and strongly defended a law allowing businesses to deny LGBTQ people service, supposedly in the name of "religious freedom". If these people's dreams were to be realized, it would at best make LGBTQ Americans into second-class Citizens and strip them of essential rights that others have.

    And as soon as Trump takes power and the Republican Senate confirms his nominee for Supreme Court, those people will have the power to make their dreams into reality. As it is, so far this year 25 transgender people have been murdered in America. The leading cause of death among LGBTQ youth is suicide. How can we tell them things will probably be ok in this situation? These people are fearful for their rights and in some cases for their very well-being, and they have reason to be. And these are fears that for different reasons are echoed in virtually every minority community in America.

    Perhaps we can't loose ourselves in anger, sadness, or dismay, but neither can we rest on our laurels and hope just that everything turns out alright. What is needed is a resistance that makes it is difficult as possible for that government to curtail the rights and liberties of Americans. If and when that government proposals laws and rules that would do so, there must be a legislative resistance from all remaining Democrats and any Republicans willing to put principle ahead of party loyalty. There must be a popular resistance so that it's known that the people will not take the curtailment of their rights sitting down...the popular resistance must be attentive, focused on what's happening in the Trump government, and loud in their objections and denunciations when proposals cross the line. Those that support any agenda that strips the rights of any group of Americans or attempts to disenfranchise any minority must know that they do so at their own risk when their own elections come up.

    And let's not forget, the majority of Americans voted for Hillary Clinton in spite of her many flaws as a candidate. Trump only "won" because of an outdated, arcane system that artificially inflates the power of sparsely-populated rural states in Presidential elections. His agenda does not carry the support of the majority of people, and legislators cannot assume that they are safe in attempting to advance it. Should Trump and his supporters attempt to impose their social agenda, they must be held to the fire and be held accountable for their actions and intentions.
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    « Last Edit: November 10, 2016, 03:49:13 PM by Wintermoot »

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • Yes, I completely agree with everything you said Wintermoot , no argument from me, but I'll try and explain what I was meaning in a big ramble that probably won't make sense...

    Imagine you are stuck in a economic dead end, you are poor and every year you and your families income is going down and down you've lost all hope and every year you see the same type of people running for office making the same promises and getting elected and there seems to be no point, no hope, then a candidate comes a long and promises you and people like you the world, he promises everything, and the same people you've come to despise, hate him... Who are you going to vote for... that candidate or one that represents everything you've come to despise about your political system.

    All I am saying don't deride and insult the people that voted for Trump, a lot of them are bigots yes, but also a lot of them are just trying to do what they think is best for them (even though they are most probably wrong). And don't blame them or Trump for the outdated and broken system that put him in that position... feel free to blame him for his shitty policies and opinions, but the system that lets him exist isn't his or anyone alive today's fault.

    People like me and you feel let down, right? Well I am fairly certain the people that voted for Trump would be saying the same things if Clinton won, many of them aren't hateful bigots they feel persecuted and under-represented as we do; they have as little control over their situation as we do, so if someone voted the way you don't like then ask them why, have a reasonable discussion with them, don't just hand-wave them and brush them aside like some kind of nuisance

    This election was incredibly close about 0.1% difference between the overall votes; calling half your country bigots and breaking friendships and with them like I've seen a lot of on Facebook and Twitter isn't going to get people anywhere, it's only going to make the divide larger, make tensions higher, and make both sides less understood.

    If we want people to stop hating each other we must lead by example, if we want people to come together and understand other people's situations then we must lead by example. Putting them down is only going to make their belief that they made the right decision stronger.

    As an LGBTQ person who has dealt with hate, persecution and suicide I do know what it's like and I am scared for my friends in the states, much like after the British EU exit vote there will be an uptick in bigotry and intolerance towards people like us... but the way we respond to that is not with violence, threats and derision; we do what we want done to us, we will be open, tolerant, understanding and try to educate people that we are not the problem they think we are.

    I believe Trump will go down in history as one of the worst if not THE worst president in the history of your country, but that doesn't mean all hope is lost, that isn't the end of the world, you've got to hamper his stupidity with reason, you've got to counter his ignorance with knowledge, and defend against his intolerance with understanding and empathy...

    And ofcourse, OFCOURSE stand up for your rights! If anyone tries to curtail them or remove them; DO NOT let them, stand up and let the world know that the people will not let that happen; that people will not stand idly by. Keep your eyes on the ball not the other players, and never give up the moral high-ground... you've got to get through this time, it will be hard, I am worried for a lot of people... that's why I ask you to stay strong, there can be light at the end of the tunnel, you, me, we've all just got to try out best to get there in once piece; and we won't be able to do that if we turn potential allies against us.

    In the video I linked, Philip Defranco shows a clip from the Republican National Convention, a massive hall full of republicans and Trump supporters, and what did they do when Trump said he was going to protect LGBTQ people... they cheered... and they didn't just cheer everything he said through-out the night there were boo's and jeers but not for that...

    That is how I feel, I wish you all the best of luck in all things.
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  • Indeed, the possibility exists, however small it is, that Trump will be a good president, and just appealed to the lowest common denominator to get elected.
    I find it slightly off putting that you consider the common people as something lesser. How dare the plebs rise up against their betters, eh?
    Also, @Wintermoot, I think Pence was chosen as assassination insurance. If some crazy liberal blows Trump's head off, they've put one of the most anti gay people on earth into the world's highest office. Thus, nobody would dare to do it.
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  • Nope, not the common people, the basest parts of human nature. The insults, the sexism, the racism, the bigotry. And the fear of foreigners.
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  • In your second paragraph, you basically describe the rise of the Nazi Party in 1930s Germany. You realize, that, right? :P

    After the drafting of the Constitution, one of our Founding Fathers' fears was that everything they had just fought for would be lost because a cunning and charismatic person would prey on the fears and ignorance of the Citizenry to empower themselves at the cost of the rights of the same Citizens who voted them into power to begin with. That's why many of them emphasized the importance of education, because they believed that an educated Citizenry would be resistant to such attempts.

    But the American education system has almost no worth. It's become so focused on math and science (with poor results) that history, civics, and other social studies are barely covered. When they are, the narratives presented are so streamlined and generalized that students get nothing out of it other than a sense of boredom. You've seen those clips where Americans don't know anything about history or geography but know all about pop culture, and we laugh at them...but it's really terrifying, because these are the same people that vote.

    Is it surprising that we've elected a reality show host as President? Or that this reality show host proudly proclaimed that he loves uneducated people? And just how many times are we going to have to repeat history because we fail to realize the importance of teaching it and of understanding it? History is literally the story of where we came from and why things became the way they are today. How can someone be a responsible Citizen without knowing those things?

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • Also, @Wintermoot, I think Pence was chosen as assassination insurance. If some crazy liberal blows Trump's head off, they've put one of the most anti gay people on earth into the world's highest office. Thus, nobody would dare to do it.
    Actually, I think it was reassurance for the Christian Right...Trump was actually a social liberal and a Democrat at one time, and many "social conservatives" were weary about supporting him. He had won the primary, but obviously he wouldn't have won the election if they'd sit home or voted for a third party.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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