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Say What's On Your Mind
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Ashton Mercer
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  • icy hot
  • I love Google because it's really bad at being an evil company. Like they own pretty much 100% of America's search data and web statistics, and instead of selling them off or doing something really shady with them, they're all just like "hey guys lets make some internet balloons".
    Ashton Mercer
    • icy hot
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  • I wish I had a rabbit ;-;
    1 person likes this post: HannahB
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  • I need sleep.

    Snowflakes? Snowflakes.
    • Divine Shepherd
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    Ashton Mercer
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  • icy hot
  • I wish I had a sleepy rabbit.

    3 people like this post: HannahB, Lumenland, Caddy
    « Last Edit: September 09, 2016, 04:28:23 PM by Ashton Mercer »
    Ashton Mercer
    • icy hot
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  • My Dear Jean-Luc!
  • I wish I had a killer rabbit!   ;)

    3 people like this post: Laurentus, HannahB, Caddy
    Sir Robin of Camelot

    "Whilst the men of Caenia were scattered far and wide, pillaging and destroying, Romulus came upon them with an army, and after a brief encounter taught them that anger is futile without strength."  -Titus Livius, Ab Urbe Condita

    (Ravenclaw is the best!)

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    (I stole this format from tau, but who am I not to copy a great system? :-) )

    Ne Crustumini quidem atque Antemnates pro ardore iraque Caeninensium satis se impigre movent; ita per se ipsum nomen Caeninum in agrum Romanum impetum facit. Sed effuse vastantibus fit obvius cum exercitu Romulus levique certamine docet vanam sine viribus iram esse.
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  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • I wonder if someday we'll be genetically engineered to photosynthesize, as a backup to having to eat.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • Happy Birthday Bacon!  You're 17 and an awesome meowpuppy! 

    I just posted a video to Facebook, go ahead and take a look guys <3
    Democratic Republic of South Nivogal
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  • Nocturnus Cantankorous
  • I wonder if someday we'll be genetically engineered to photosynthesize, as a backup to having to eat.

    I hope not. That would require I spend time in the sun....which is evil.
    • Nocturnus Cantankorous
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  • You could always get one of those indoor garden lamps :P

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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    Ashton Mercer
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  • icy hot
  • I wonder if someday we'll be genetically engineered to photosynthesize, as a backup to having to eat.
    Unlikely. Even with the best photosynthesing plants, the surface area of a human on a clear day could only capture enough sunlight to fulfill a fraction of our energy requirements. Plus, we would still have to consume water and minerals that we couldn't get from the air or sun, so really we will always need food.

    Source: some documentary i watched or something what am i a walking encyclopedia
    Ashton Mercer
    • icy hot
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  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • But what if we focused the sunshine, like they're doing with solar power now?

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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    Ashton Mercer
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  • icy hot
  • But what if we focused the sunshine, like they're doing with solar power now?
    Well, then we wouldn't even be remotely human anymore.
    Ashton Mercer
    • icy hot
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  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • That could very well be the future...where we're more technological than biological.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • That could very well be the future...where we're more technological than biological.
    3 people like this post: Laurentus, BraveSirRobin, Ashton Mercer
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  • But what if we focused the sunshine, like they're doing with solar power now?

    Then each of us would need a massive amount of mirrors around us at the time, so I guess you could have a photosynthesis room where you all go if you don't want to eat... but you gotta remember it's not very efficient, plants need to do it for basically half the day in order to get enough energy to sustain them, and literally all they do is grow, we move around and jump up and down.

    I think a much more interesting idea is using electrical power to provide biological and chemical power inside us. Oh you could either eat, or just plug yourself in be feeling full of energy and ready to go in no time. :)
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