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  • Pardon me for asking, but what on earth is LGBT leadership?

    Most likely leaders of local LGBT charities and groups, I would imagine.
    • Nocturnus Cantankorous
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  • Pardon me for asking, but what on earth is LGBT leadership?
    leaders in the local LGBT community and the mayor's LGBT Advisory Board.  One of whom is a former EOD Marine who specialises in understanding improvised threats

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  • Pardon me for asking, but what on earth is LGBT leadership?

    I imagine it's whoever's on top.
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  • I imagine it's whoever's on top.
    Hehe...good one! :D

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  • Christ, Saphris sucks. Starting to to think this was a mistake.
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  • The fact of the matter is, nothing will change because as a culture we're used to it now...I still remember when I was a kid and school shootings were considered horrific, but now we just shrug because they're so common. The only reason this shooting is getting so much attention is because it set a record for most people killed in a mass shooting, which will only serve to encourage those that want to do something like this for the media attention.

    Unfortunately, you have two sides on this issue that are very entrenched and refuse to give any ground at all or compromise in any way and simply have no good faith in each other, so there's no way to move anything.

    I think that, regardless of your views on the issues that come up when these shootings happen (gun control, religious influences, etc.), apathetic resignation isn't the way to go. LGBT rights - while, in America, we still have a lot of progress to make in that regard - almost certainly would not be at the level they're at if people were silent about it. Publicized events like this should always be handled delicately and not enthusiastically used to further a platform, but they do provide important talking points for them. The fact that we have so many shootings shows that we need more discussion, not less.

    But your second paragraph does raise a very valid point, and honestly I think that's sort of the fault of a mixture of the culture of social media - perhaps even the internet as a whole - and the current political atmosphere of America. We're more polarized now than we have been in decades (someone feel free to correct me on this, I was born in 2001 and as such have little-to-no experience of past decades  :P ), and it's not getting better. It's so easy to find echo chambers nowadays that one can spend hours each day having their beliefs reaffirmed by people equally as closed-minded as themselves.

    Personally, I don't know where I stand on some of the issues at hand. I want to support gun control, but I'm concerned about the logistics of enforcing stricter controls when there's already hundred of millions of guns throughout the nation (including 1.5-3.5 million assault rifles alone, according to Slate). I need to do more research before I have a solid opinion on that.

    I've been deeply worried about one thing ever since the attack: this is almost certainly going to result in more Islamophobic rhetoric in the media and online (something ISIS wants), and I really hope the actions of one sick fuck don't have repercussions on the population of peaceful Muslims in America. There's been so much rhetoric of that sort here since a few months after I was born - and it's been worse in Europe recently - and this isn't going to help matters. :\

    I think the best thing we can do as a society is to offer our support for those affected, get rid of any focus on the shooter - including publication of his face and name* - and carry on with our lives as we did before. Keep going to pride, keep going to clubs (or wherever else you prefer to spend your time), and keep living. Glorification (even through infamy) and fear are the motives at the heart of attacks like these, and so our best response is to deny them both.

    I'm in Florida for the summer, so I might see if there's any way I can give blood or something, but I don't think they'll let a lanky 14-year-old kid donate so I might be out of luck in that regard. I'm going to keep an eye out to see if a list of items to donate or something of the sort is published.

    * - Just to clear up any ambiguity, I don't think we should have laws against such publication. Such a prohibition would be a direct infringement of our First Amendment rights. But I think it should be part of a commonly agreed code of ethics among journalists not to publish those things. After the shooting of Christina Grimmie - rest in peace - there were articles with pictures of the shooter next to pictures of her. I don't know how that could strike anyone as okay, and not see it for the immense show of disrespect it actually was.
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  • Censorship certainly hasn't helped anyone in human history. If there's a problem, people need to hear about it, or else the people in our governments become much bigger threats than any terrorist organisation.

    That said, the term "moderate Islam" is completely meaningless, and this problem is not going to go away as long as we pretend that many religions are okay. Christianity, Judaism and Islam certainly aren't. I have never encountered any Christians, Muslims or Jews who were both fiercely devout to their teachings, AND what I would call fair and open-minded people. I encountered many people claiming to be Christian, who followed almost none of their customs, and straight up ignored just about every violent, oppressive and unfair part of their idiotic holy text to end up being so tolerant and open-minded, or else tried to find major loopholes to reconcile their sense of fairness and decency with their holy texts, and in so doing, creating so many gaps in their logic that it frightens me, since these people were otherwise some of the smartest I've come across, but refused to see the errors in their logic when contemplating their faith.

    I have known many others to be raised by parents so devout that they were not allowed to be present in the class in grade 9 for sex education, who were not allowed to learn about others' religious beliefs (and this was really quite mysterious to me), and who certainly weren't allowed to even contemplate the big bang theory and evolution, despite all the evidence for evolution we've accumulated. I firmly believe that there is no divide between being religious and being delusional. Or at the very least lying to yourself a great deal.

    What was also troubling was the correlation between these people's fervent religious beliefs and how amazingly racist they were. All of them were absurdly racist, and refused to acknowledge conclusive proof that all races are born equal. I suppose it could be because they're so used to blindly following their faith that anything that competes with their world-view is just filtered out and ignored, but I can't make any type of link beyond simply noticing this correlation, which amusingly doesn't exist when looking at atheists and agnostics. Certainly, some are bigoted, but not nearly as many (relatively speaking) as were such heavily conservative people.

    THAT is what we must change. I'm not suggesting we burn all the holy texts and go full soviet union on anyone who's religious, but I am suggesting that we not hesitate to call someone out and challenge them on their religious bullshit. I am also fully in support of no religious ceremonies being allowed in schools. An opinion that has certainly led to no small amount of trouble between me and my family.

    Anyway, I've gotten completely side-tracked. I was only planning on sharing these two articles when I saw the discussion at hand, and began this rant.

    And this one I stumbled upon last year, but which fits with the topic at hand.
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    « Last Edit: June 14, 2016, 06:14:50 PM by Laurentus »
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  • I wasn't saying that we should be silent about important issues, but we need to be realistic about the way things are now. We have two entrenched sides that will not give an inch...whose bases punish the few who even try to negotiate or compromise. There's no principle or reason behind's just two sides that don't want the other to 'win'. Politics in America are more polarized than at any point since before the Civil War, and in that climate it's not likely to get any movement on anything that involves the government unless one of the parties wins a blowout victory in the election this year.

    For the record, my prediction is that Hillary Clinton will win the Presidency and the Democrats will retake the Senate, but that the Republicans will retain control of the House of Representatives. I think Trump will pull the Republican party down, but not enough to enable someone as unpopular as Clinton to lead the Democrats to majorities in both chambers.

    I think if there's room for any movement at all because of this shooting, it's against the FDA ban on men who have sex with men being able to donate blood. It's outrageous that this ban, adopted in the 1980s when fear over AIDS was at its height, still exists 30 years later in spite of all the progress that has been made by the gay community, and in spite of the now common knowledge that heterosexual activity can transmit HIV as well. This ban is nothing but discriminatory, and it's particularly cruel that gay and bisexual men are banned from donating blood for the victims of this tragedy.
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    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • My comment about censorship was in reply to Bodobol.
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  • RIP My name changing. All I've left in my wake is a lot of very confusing mentions.
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  • Aww! So @a lot of very confusing mentions is never going to be thing?
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  • You know, all my life, teachers and parents and other students (when they needed me for teamwork anyway) kept telling me how smart I am and how successful I'm gonna be. I've never thought of myself as anything other than decidedly average, or even slightly below average. I always excuse my successes by pointing out to other, external factors. I got good grades in uni not because I'm smart, but because uni is easy and has zero standards, for instance.

    How then do I reconcile that with the fact that the majority of people don't find college that easy? Simple. I may be average or a bit dumber than average, but everyone else is a complete moron who would be hard-pressed to answer 2 + 2 correctly. The things I know, I think they are the bare basics of what anyone should know and I'm always surprised when I have to explain anything I know to other people because I think they should know it too. You don't know that Botswana's capital city is Gaborone (pronounced à la Dutch)? Have you ever looked at a damn map? It's written right there!

    Praise has always bothered me. First, because it embarrasses me. Second, because I don't really draw anything positive from it. I think it's meaningless because it makes me feel like a farsighted guy getting his eyesight praised by a bunch of blind people. Then again, I'm pretty much immune to criticism too. Generally, I don't really care one whit what the plebe thinks about who I am or what I do. Sometimes I get indignant that it dares to criticize me, but only when what they propose would be stupid even to somebody without my personality defects.

    If I had highly inflated self-esteem I would probably be a narcissist, but as I wrote, I'm just average, or slightly below par depending on the day.

    That really hinders my development because I'm reluctant to take advice from others while at the same time I think most of what I do is shit, I just do it less badly than others.

    My personality and my cognition are just flawed in so many ways that sometimes I doubt I can thrive in the modern world, and I know that's not something I can change. Today's globalized world is all about teamwork and people skills and tolerance to alternate ways to do things. I have none of that. Teamwork for me means that I do all the real shit and send the peons to do the menial shit like bibliographies (and correct it anyway), my people skills are awful because I do not really know what tact is and as for tolerance...well people would probably rightly call me a xenophobe if I didn't dislike my own people just as much as foreigners. I'm just a misanthrope.

    There used to be jobs for misfits like me. Lighthouse keeper or some shit. Now there's nothing. I feel kind of out of place.
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  • My best friend used to be a bit like you, and today he's one of the friendliest people I know. It takes work, but you can change if you want to.
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  • You do sound a little self involved. I mean, there's just so much condescension in everything you just typed. But I can't really offer any advice. It' something you've gotta learn to change. Instead of sneering down at folks for their stupidity, look as it as a chance to educate and raise the general level of cognitive function in the world. Instead of focusing on yourself and how they hinder you, look at from their point of view and learn to appreciate your gifts. I don't know, sounds like you're whining about talents most people would kill for.
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  • Today's globalized world is all about teamwork and people skills and tolerance to alternate ways to do things. I have none of that.
    There is always menial and physical labour with less social skills required.

    I like working in a truss factory, even though we work in pairs. The work process stays basically the same, so everyone knows what to do and can just do their jobs. Our sawyers work alone.

    There are plenty of jobs with little to no social contact required, but you may need to lower your standards to find them. Real life tends to lack the romanticization people carry in their dreams.
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