Post #7115
March 24, 2014, 09:34:11 PM
This region is one of the best places I've been in in my life. I've met so many wonderful people here. This might be the prelude to my resignation though.
Govindia you can go fuck yourself. I won't wish you dead, I won't wish you failure, I will just tell you to fuck yourself. I do not wish you to die alone, no one deserves that, or to fail, no one deserves that either, but I will wish that you grow up and learn how to interact with people in a sane fucking manner. I would also like you to consider something: how many regions have you been kicked from? You know what they all had in common? You. Maybe you're the problem, not Unibot or whomever else you rant against, not myself, maybe, just maybe, and this is a kray-kray idea, maybe it's you.
Leuth, Wintermoot, Denth, Reon, Chanku, Nox, cunning, and the other ones I can't remember right now, I thank you all for being amazing. I apologize for this outburst and I am sorry I have lost respect in your eyes. I love you all, and wish you the best if I do leave.
Life doesn't suck, the world is amazing, there's so much out there. It's people that sour the experience.