Post #71361
April 09, 2016, 11:16:02 PM
So, there was this guy that I used to work with years ago. At some point we became friends on Facebook, and about a year ago he told me that he was really bicurious and had had thoughts about me...we talked some, and cybered a few times, but because our lives were such that we could never meet nothing else has happened.
Fast-forward a year, and pretty much he just talks to me when he's horny now, and it's annoying as hell. I know that I'm open about sexual topics and that I particularly enjoy casually fooling around with friends, but if it's at the point that all you talk about is sex and wanting to hook up and shit, then you're no longer really a friend, and at that point it's just annoying and a huge turn-off. If I wanted to be involved with someone who was just after the sex, I'd meet up with some random hook-up off a site, ffs. I'm a person and I want to have bonds and feelings for the people that I've opened myself up to...I'm not a slab of meat to contact when you need to get off. >_>