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  • You can also try, but they employ people as 1099s ....
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  • You can try what I'm going to do next school year, which is become a substitute teacher. I don't know about West Virginia, but here it's pretty easy to get a license (though a long process initially), subs are in high demand, and the pay is about $100 per day. Plus it's flexible in that you choose which days to accept work.

    He could go the Substitute paraeducator-paraprofessional route.  All he'd have to do is pass some tests/have 72 credit hours (doesn't matter what they're in), or his Associcate degree.  But Paras (at least here) make anywhere between $13 or more an hour.  Since school shifts are generally a full 8.5-ish  hours, that's $104 a day at the minimum.
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  • You can try what I'm going to do next school year, which is become a substitute teacher. I don't know about West Virginia, but here it's pretty easy to get a license (though a long process initially), subs are in high demand, and the pay is about $100 per day. Plus it's flexible in that you choose which days to accept work.
    Funny thing is that our school district is actually hiring substitute teachers at the moment. It's apparently open to anyone with a college degree, and the school district will reimburse you for the certification fee if you serve for at least five (consecutive or nonconsecutive) days. But then you'd have to move out here and find a completely different job instead of trying to make up hours, and that'd cost a lot more than the $100/day pay.
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  • You can try what I'm going to do next school year, which is become a substitute teacher. I don't know about West Virginia, but here it's pretty easy to get a license (though a long process initially), subs are in high demand, and the pay is about $100 per day. Plus it's flexible in that you choose which days to accept work.
    Funny thing is that our school district is actually hiring substitute teachers at the moment. It's apparently open to anyone with a college degree, and the school district will reimburse you for the certification fee if you serve for at least five (consecutive or nonconsecutive) days. But then you'd have to move out here and find a completely different job instead of trying to make up hours, and that'd cost a lot more than the $100/day pay.

    He could check to see what is in his area.

    He should also be open to seeking employment elsewhere, who will gladly pay more for his skills.  He's honestly being underpaid.
    Democratic Republic of South Nivogal
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  • You can try what I'm going to do next school year, which is become a substitute teacher. I don't know about West Virginia, but here it's pretty easy to get a license (though a long process initially), subs are in high demand, and the pay is about $100 per day. Plus it's flexible in that you choose which days to accept work.
    Funny thing is that our school district is actually hiring substitute teachers at the moment. It's apparently open to anyone with a college degree, and the school district will reimburse you for the certification fee if you serve for at least five (consecutive or nonconsecutive) days. But then you'd have to move out here and find a completely different job instead of trying to make up hours, and that'd cost a lot more than the $100/day pay.

    That's partly why I mentioned being a Para.  Essentially they're like teachers since some types of Paras take care of their own groups of students.  But you don't have to worry about a certification fee or college degree, since it's more an "entry" title.  But since you're working with students and they do extensive background checks to make sure you're not a druggie/alcoholic/pedophile/criminal, the pay is higher than minimum wage, and if you get a full time gig, the pay is even higher PLUS you get all of the benefits that a teacher would get.

    That's the real plus side to working in a school district is the benefits.  They want to make sure you're at your absolute best since you're working with students.

    I actually worked as a substitute para for 3 years.  It's quite a fun experience.
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  • WOOOO!

    Alright so I got Multiplayer working, somewhat decently, for my game port...still can't save or load, but multiplayer is almost done!

    Edit: I'm also loving this
    « Last Edit: April 07, 2016, 02:30:37 AM by Chanku »
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • Thanks for the suggestions! I checked the substitute thing, but unfortunately in WV you have to have a Bachelors, and I only have an Associates. And yeah, I'm definitely going to be checking all my options, but it's hard to find a job in tech in southern West Virginia. My supervisor is applying for jobs in North Carolina, but she can afford to relocate if she gets a job there, whereas I can't. =/

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  • My teacher was trying to get one guy in my class to say the word dic (said as dick) because it's a latin word he wanted to teach us, so he pointed at me and then back at the guy.
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  • Thanks for the suggestions! I checked the substitute thing, but unfortunately in WV you have to have a Bachelors, and I only have an Associates. And yeah, I'm definitely going to be checking all my options, but it's hard to find a job in tech in southern West Virginia. My supervisor is applying for jobs in North Carolina, but she can afford to relocate if she gets a job there, whereas I can't. =/

    Wait, does that include wanting to be a Paraeducator/Paraprofessional?  I'm surprised they'd ask for an actual Bachelors for that.  At that point, why wouldn't someone just go for a Bachelors in Education or the actual teaching certificate?  Since both would take the same amount of time as just a general bachelors, and both would qualify you for being an actual substitute teacher...let alone a full one. :\
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  • Alright, I need to ask.  What in the world is a "Paraeducator" or "Paraprofessional"?

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  • Alright, I need to ask.  What in the world is a "Paraeducator" or "Paraprofessional"?
    According to Google:
    a person to whom a particular aspect of a professional task is delegated but who is not licensed to practice as a fully qualified professional.
    I'd guess it's because of all those positions like "paralegal" and "paramedic" so now it's just extended to most professions in general.
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  • Alright, I need to ask.  What in the world is a "Paraeducator" or "Paraprofessional"?

    They're the paid equivalent to a Teacher's Aide, in a sense.  More precisely, they're there to help students who either are more learning impaired, or are developmentally disabled.  They're the people you see working in Special Education classrooms along with the teacher.  You'll also see them working in regular classrooms as well, normally helping out so the teacher can teach their lessons without having to stop or slow down.  Sometimes they'll also help out with recess or in the lunch rooms, but their main duties lie within the first two mentioned areas.
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  • I can prove nothing but I'm convinced that the last mission in FH2: Fast and Furious was unbeatable with Easy and Medium difficulty settings. ??? I wasted a ton of time before giving Hard difficulty a try and won on the first try. The only differences between Medium and Hard are Driving Lines and Opponent Difficulty. Oh my god the amount of fustration, those sons of
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  • They laid off two people in IT where I work last night...what was a 9-person unit is now 6, but at least so far I still have a job.

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  • Moot, that sounds pretty terrible. :/

    How did things get to this point?
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