Post #58501
January 31, 2016, 05:14:04 AM
So I've been working out for a little over a month, and although I feel like I'm not doing much, I have to admit just how hard it's's no joke, seeing how hard it is for people on weight loss shows. It's not just a matter of doing some stuff or eating're fighting all the habits and the emotions and mindsets that got you there in the first place, and it's hard.
What's making it hard for me is my sleep schedule and work. In my perfect world, I would wake up early enough to do a quick workout and have breakfast, then get ready for work...but in reality I get up 30 minutes before I have to leave for work because I stay up so late. I've always been a night owl...I remember when I was 5 and had a 9pm bed time, and I never wanted to go to bed, because I felt like I was missing out. Once I turned 18 I stopped having a bedtime, and since then I've never gone to bed before midnight unless I was just sick or something. But now this causes another problem, in that I'm always napping by the end of the week, especially since I don't guzzle down soda anymore...and once I get home, have dinner, shower, and nap, I don't want to work out. -.-
I feel like I've done decently, but I still have a lot of fighting to do...