Post #36831
June 06, 2015, 03:36:18 PM
I was at work yesterday night and during one of a night shift's very frequent intermissions I borrowed a copy of some tabloid called "Photo-Police" from the rack.
Some of it is about missing people, people the police are looking to "question" and badly written crime reports by hack "journalists", but most of it is actually a softcore porn insert coupled with mail-order dildo ads. Yeah, I don't get it either.
Anyway, point being, this issue's titillating story was about some woman who graciously accepted to model for nude pics and tell us all about her sexuality. It was called "mes clitos de seins" (my clit-like breasts) and it was basically 2 pages about how playing with her large breasts while flicking the bean made them hypersensitive and that by a process of psychological reinforcement, any time someone or herself touches her breasts, she is overcome with the need to have an orgasm and gets to work immediately. She calls herself a nymphomaniac. No doubt her boyfriend is quite happy with that.
So that's apparently what happens when chicks play with their tits too much.
She did have a nice pair, though. Wouldn't mind touching that.