Post #36282
June 01, 2015, 03:56:30 PM
So I bombed my first HTML5 MOOC quiz, a 65%, and 70% is required for passing. I did learn that the W3C is still obsessed with getting webpage authors to provide 'semantic context' to just about everything you include. Instead of a simple div element, you get to decide if it's a header, footer, section, article, aside, main, or div. And then there's microdata, their attempt to give direct meaning to every detail of content by tagging it with some description. For example:
<section itemtype="">
Greetings, my name is <span itemprop="name">Jason</span>, and I am a <span itemprop="jobTitle">programmer</span>
Nobody will see the changes, but apparently if a search engine crawls it they'll pull it for better searches or something. So basically a bunch of changes that do not improve the functionality of a website at all. I think I'll do better the rest of the course now that that's out of the way and we can move on to actual new functionality.