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Say What's On Your Mind
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  • I was just looking at binaural beats yesterday! Do they work?

    I'm a bit wary, because I...found this Hemi-Sync stuff *cough* and on their website, they make really unlikely claims, like how there's a beat for past life regression and astral projection and curing everything from high blood pressure to allergies. When I visit forums to see what the deal is, people just talk about New Agey bullshit like the third eye and how Hemi-Sync allows them to see auras. It screams of pseudoscientific, ineffective woo to me. Snake oil in audio form, in other words. I hate New Age.

    I just wanted the ones that help with sleep. I don't want to learn about my past lives. :\
    « Last Edit: December 23, 2014, 04:09:44 PM by Seroim »
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  • I would say your experience may very. That particular track works very well for me in relaxing, recovering from mental stress and anguish, and reviving me mentally...when I have a stress headache, I can literally feel the beats attack my headache until it's reduced to nothing, as weird as that sounds, lol. Others have told me that track merely relaxes and puts them to sleep. I can accept that binaural beats can have an impact on your mood and mindset...I don't believe in much past that. If it does relieve high blood pressure, it's probably by reducing stress and helping one to relax.

    I would try it and if it doesn't work for you, try a few others before forgetting the whole thing. I looked through many binaural tracks and this is the one that works best for me...some even irritated me. It's best that you use earphones if you can, because binaural tracks typically send different things through the left and right channels for best effect. That's all I can really say about it.

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  • Heeeeeeeeeres Johnny! With some studies! <- that's a pilot experiment. It's not a full study and can only be sort of counted. Still interesting though.   <- more proper but only with 8 participants and was particularly looking at meditation and binaurals!
    Yeah! Science!
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  • But aren't you Reon? Who is this Johnny guy?


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  • You know... Like Ed McMahon used to say...
    Face the facts of being what you are, for that is what changes what you are.
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  • It's good to know there are some effects, even if they're not the insane shit the Hemi-Sync site claims (listen to this MP3 and you'll learn about your past life! Yeah, right.) But these effects seem to be able to be produced with regular meditation anyway.

    I'm actually rather interested in conspiracy theories, UFOs and the paranormal, and I have a good library of books on the subject, but it seems that unlike most people that are into this stuff, I've kept a little something called critical thinking.

    I've read a really good book on Roswell lately and I think it's impossible to claim that nothing special happened there. Too many people saw it, handled the crash remains (composed of badass things like aluminum foil-looking stuff that can't be bent at all, and thin sheets of metal that instantly retake their form like water with no visible creases when crumpled and released, both were handled by multiple witnesses), the cover-up was much too intensive with military hanging around for months picking up every single tiniest remain and the Air Force scaring witnesses into submission by threatening them and their families, too many ex-military people testified to weird shit, both while they were alive, on their death beds (death bed confessions are considered particularly legit in law) and in their wills. The military's standard "weather balloon" answer, experimental, top-secret or otherwise, has always been substandard and insulting to people's intelligence.

    Ex-military also say that they recovered alien bodies, including a live one that later died, saw them and even performed autopsies, but I'm unconvinced as to that part. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. It would take much more than testimony to get me to believe that. Following the Drake Equation, I have no trouble believing that ET is out there on their planets, and that some of these ET species are intelligent (after all, it's a huge Universe we live in) but I'm not convinced that they're coming here and saying hello. I reserve my judgment about what happened at Roswell until there's further proof, but something happened there.

    The subject quickly tends to deteriorate into really kooky shit, like project SERPO that claims we've actually sent soldiers to an alien planet aboard an alien craft as part of an exchange program (proven a hoax) or the zillion of abductees/contactees that seem to me the product of sleep paralysis, attention seeking or simply insanity for the vast majority, with a few unknowns. I don't think aliens need to abduct people and stick probes in their asses to study them. It appears to me that were aliens studying us, looking at our genome and simply observing us would be sufficient to learn all that they need to. Worse yet are the David Ickes of this world claiming that all our leaders are evil shape-shifting reptilians hell-bent on making humankind a slave race, or the Däniken/Sitchin-style "alien astronauts teaching us how to be civilized" proponents. Come on.

    Louis Theroux did a really good feature on the UFO movement. He went hunting extra-dimensional aliens with some guy, shooting his gun with his mind. Obviously, there was not a one.

    It's the same thing with paranormal stuff. I don't believe in life after death, but I don't disbelieve it either. A lot of people in my family went brain-dead then came back saying they had seen stuff (the OBE phenomenon), most prominently my own mother and grandmother, and I've read a few books about it. The scientific explanations don't convince me as for most of these to be true, the neocortex needs to be functional, which isn't the case in a lot of people reporting OBEs. All that proves though is that the cause is unknown. Maybe consciousness is able to be separated from our brains, maybe not, so again, I reserve my judgment. One thing is clear to me, it's that if life after death exists, religion's got it wrong as everyone, sinner or not, from any or no religion, seems to get to view a slice of heaven.

    As for the other stuff like PK, telepathy, astral projection, remote viewing, medium stuff, you'll see zillions of people claim that they can do freaky shit with their minds. The TV mediums are the absolute worst. They are disgusting, evil, subhuman scum preying on vulnerable people who have lost people dear to them by using crude psychology to cold read their audiences and make believe that they can talk to dead people. If I had my way, Lisa Williams and her ilk would be rotting in jail. No disclaimer can fix that wrong.

    It speaks to me that despite this kind of paranormal stuff being much more easily testable in a controlled setting and falsifiable than UFOs, for example, that there's little to no scientific proof or literature on the subject that isn't flawed. Personally, if I could move stuff with my mind, I'd take the James Randi challenge immediately and not only get rich, but prove this stuff exists for real for humanity's sake.

    The Internet is making this stuff way more dangerous than it used to be because like minds conglomerate on message boards and just say stupid shit that passes as gospel among these people. An individual human can be smart, but in a group, the vast majority of us turn into rabid, thoughtless animals. Just look at Black Friday. Conspiracy/paranormal message boards are the Black Friday crowds of the Internet. Maybe there's some truth on there, but the effort required to separate all the dense piles of shit to get to the unlikely gold nugget make the effort a bit worthless. Books are much better sources of information as long as you've got that critical thinking skill.

    That's why I was so leery of binaural beats. Even if something is legit at its base, there's always some douchebag who will take that base and raise it to ridiculous, unlikely levels, which casts a shit stain over the whole thing. Meditation is a victim of that too even though no one can deny meditation is effective at what it does. New Age shit makes a fortune out of doing that. I detest New Age shit.
    « Last Edit: December 23, 2014, 10:34:07 PM by Seroim »
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  • Much Men.
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  • Today has been very much a...drifting...sorta day.

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  • You've been out in your car drifting Moot? Sounds dangerous.

    I got my bluetooth keyboard I bought for myself for work today. It's pretty nice. I got it for $24 when it is normally $75. So yay.
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  • No, I meant more like mentally drifting. I spent 24 hours just playing Corruption of Champions and sleeping, and not doing or thinking of much...

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • So, tomorrow at 9AM I will be at work for the first time since December 12th. During my long break, I've gotten most of the way through Dragon Age: Origins, spent way too much time being amused at my four 30+ inch dicks in Corruption of Champions, and at least explored Prison Architect, Divinity (gifted to me by Joshua Bluteisen), and Tropico 5 (gifted to me by another friend), all of which are great games I'm going to have to make time to play fully in-depth soon. I've also picked up some choose your own adventure games from Choice of Games...I was disappointed two years ago when they went paid only and only supported Google Play, but was thrilled that they got into Steam recently so I could buy their stuff.

    I kept my pledge to only have one dessert a day while off for the holidays, and even managed to control my dessert portions...on most days. ;) Knowing that I'm trying to lose weight, my grandparents gave me a treadmill for Christmas, and I've done a decent job of doing 45 minutes on it a day...just put my iPad on it, plug in my earphones, and throw on an episode of Star Trek while I walk. :P I just hope that I continue to have the will to make time for it when I'm spending most of my time at work.

    I feel like during the break I've made the best of our regional situation during the winter lull...our FA is straightened out for the first time since Charax left and is regularly engaged with our partners, Pengu is doing some wonderful stuff with the classic games and Werewolf, and I'm working on retooling the Cabinet and hope to have announcements soon. We also had our Anne Frank operation, and I think it was the best showing the Hvitt Riddaral has made in months. I've seen what the team of Chanku and Govindia can do, and I hope they will apply that outside the ops to growing the military while their mandate continues. And more...I started a sort of principles/ideas sheet for what I feel our regional values and directions are and ideas based on that, and I work on it a bit every day. Things could be better, but things could be worse too, and I may be biased but I think we're doing some very smart things with what we have, and if all goes well we'll be ready for the end of the lull.

    I can't write about this time without mentioning Daphne...the news that she's been placed in hospice broke my heart, and there isn't an hour that goes by without her on my mind wishing and hoping for her recovery and return to us. There's so much more behind those words, but they're not things I feel like posting...I'm sure a lot of you understand and feel the same.

    But in the end, I feel this break has been successful...I feel rested and at peace with all that has gone on in the past year. I no longer feel the need to dwell on the things I felt the need to dwell on before, and I feel ready to just...go out there and be the best person I can be. As with everyone else, I will make mistakes...some of which I may even regret, but I know that my heart is true and my intentions good...even if I fail sometimes or I'm not able to live to some people's expectations or I take rash actions due to my emotions, I'll be able to sleep at night if both those things remain true.
    « Last Edit: January 05, 2015, 07:45:07 AM by Wintermoot »

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • That's a good way to look at it.
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  • Is there an alternative way to look at it? :P

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • Absolutely awful scenes in Paris tonight. Thoughts go out to the people who were killed and injured and their families. Something these cowardly terrorists will never understand is when they attack the very pillars of civilisation like this, it only serves to strengthen us. Good to see Muslims strongly condemn the attacks. These attacks are not in their name. They might of been offended by cartoons that this magazine drew, but that is never ever a reason to take another life.
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  • Indeed not...religious sensibilities should be appreciated, but freedom of speech is fundamental and it's important that we be able to tolerate opposing views and sensibilities. Attempting to exterminate those who hold different sensibilities is an act of barbarism, and the entire civilized world should condemn and take action against those that would do so.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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