Today is the first day of my vacation, which I'm on until January 4th, and I'm starting to think of the things I want to do during the break. Of course there's the usual NS/Wintreath and all kinds of gaming, but I kind of want to do more. Like...I'm going through online courses again. I used to watch and participate in lots of online courses, but as things happened in real life I didn't feel like it...first getting ill for a long time, then the events that led to me having to move and find a new house, and then just being too busy.
But today I found two courses I want to 'take' during my vacation:
Harvard CS50It's been a long time since I took an introductory computer science course, and even they it was quite mediocre, so I thought it would be nice to take a refresher, and I can already tell this is quite a course. This is the way that the CS field should be taught, especially to people not necessarily interested in it yet...often Intro to Computer Science and Intro to Programming courses are dry, boring, and mediocre, but even the first lecture was actually fun to set through. The conceptualization of concepts such as how binary and ASCII are used were great, and there was just a fun element to the course.
Upon reading more about the course, apparently it's become the most popular course in the school, with all sorts of events that draw all kinds of people...and they had cake after the first lecture. I'm so jealous.

Really looking forward to going through this one...
JusticeAlso through Harvard (although made in 2009), this is something I've wanted to go through for a long time, but have not had the time far I'm liking listening to the discussion-based teaching as the students in the course explore given situations and come to conclusions about why a particular thing is believed to be right or wrong for some or most people. So far it seems to be more an examination of morality, but I've only gone through the first episode so any case, also a very impressive course. I can already tell I'll be bringing some stuff from this into our serious discussion forum.

I already have two more courses picked out for next month too. ^_^