Am I the only one that doesn't want to be wealthy?
I'm poor as shit currently and my family is poor as shit. I still like my life just the way it is. I mean, sure, sometimes I dream of winning the jackpot or something, but then I reflect on what I would do with it, and that would be jack shit. I'd sit on my millions, invest them and live off the interest to never have to work a single day of my life. I'd be so, so lazy if I were wealthy, so I think maybe I shouldn't be.
Usually, money usually naturally comes in the way of lawyering in Canada (not so in the US), so I'm thinking either I do that Jesuit stuff I've talked about or I pledge myself to donate enough of my salary so that it really comes down to 50-60k per year in my pocket. It's all I need, really. Hell, it's all anybody needs.
I don't like wealth. Wealth corrupts. I'm ever distrustful of rich people, especially since that stupid fucking ruling in the US, that affluenza crap thing. mean that's a load of horse shit. Probation for killing 4 people while driving drunk as a sack of dicks, because mister was born in a rich family. Sure, money corrupts. That doesn't mean you can get away with killing people.