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  • Ok...let me rephrase...

    People don't have this problem when they fuck around with guys. ;) :P
    Relationship issues happen to everyone, even cats

    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
    What an interesting post to quote to respond to his first point. Are you saying you fuck around with cats?
    No.  Cats have relationship issues too!  Youtube it!

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  • I refuse to let things spoil my day because The Evil Within is out.


    My roommate has been sinking hours into it lately.  I'm preoccupied by Shadow of Mordor, so I haven't had a chance to play it.

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  • I've been doing some junking around in Borderlands the pre-sequel... It's borderlands 2, with different abilities... Very few things have actually changed... Even some of the same bugs are in the game.
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  • I've been doing some junking around in Borderlands the pre-sequel... It's borderlands 2, with different abilities... Very few things have actually changed... Even some of the same bugs are in the game.
    what system?   I have it for 360.

    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

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  • Yeah Pre-Sequel comes off as slightly disappointing to date. I like the new weapons and the new characters are very fun to play, the low-grav thing is interesting and makes the game more tactically flexible...but it's not enough for a full priced game. This is Borderlands 2.5, not 3. It's like the expansion packs of old. Why is it 60$? 40$ would have been more like it.

    Not to mention the humour falls flat sometimes, although there were brilliant spots like the "cuties" quest, it was quite smart and I liked the underlying message, but I still think it's less funny than 2. Less offbeat, less ridiculous, but overall not necessarily smarter. And it's buggy as shit. I encountered a game-breaking bug I was only able to negate using another bug, else I would have had to restart my game. Events often don't trigger properly, and the hitboxes seem all over the place.

    To date I haven't seen much variation in enemies either, it's torks, scavs, lost legion, shoggoths, kraggans or these rakk wannabe things. There are too many melee mobs which are just painfully easy to kill (they have less HP than ranged ones, I mean WTF) and little more than an annoyance, get a good spike shield and you can cruise control much of the game. The bosses are easy as hell too, I had to cheese quite a few in BL2 but that never happened here.  I've not completed it yet, but the game seems awfully short too, there aren't a lot of side quests nor main quests but the latter are long as fuck (lots and lots of obvious filler) which is kind of annoying, especially given the paucity of fast travel points. The spawn points of mobs seem cheaper too, often you'll have badasses spawning behind you with a lot of other fodder in front which I don't remember happening much in BL2. It reminds me of DA2, in fact the whole game reminds me of DA2 : it's an okay game on its own, but compare it to the previous one and it's obvious it's all just filler : artificial difficulty, same environments, unsatisfying bosses. I'm still having fun but I was hoping for more.

    That being said, I will be very, very angry if there's no innate UVHM mode...I'm not there yet but I hope it won't be a DLC again. That would be a huge money grab, given that BL2 really starts in UVHM. Then again it's not like Gearbox isn't known for milking the fuck out of their games with DLC.
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  • Yeah Pre-Sequel comes off as slightly disappointing to date. I like the new weapons and the new characters are very fun to play, the low-grav thing is interesting and makes the game more tactically flexible...but it's not enough for a full priced game. This is Borderlands 2.5, not 3. It's like the expansion packs of old. Why is it 60$? 40$ would have been more like it.

    Not to mention the humour falls flat sometimes, although there were brilliant spots like the "cuties" quest, it was quite smart and I liked the underlying message, but I still think it's less funny than 2. Less offbeat, less ridiculous, but overall not necessarily smarter. And it's buggy as shit. I encountered a game-breaking bug I was only able to negate using another bug, else I would have had to restart my game. Events often don't trigger properly, and the hitboxes seem all over the place.

    To date I haven't seen much variation in enemies either, it's torks, scavs, lost legion, shoggoths, kraggans or these rakk wannabe things. There are too many melee mobs which are just painfully easy to kill (they have less HP than ranged ones, I mean WTF) and little more than an annoyance, get a good spike shield and you can cruise control much of the game. The bosses are easy as hell too, I had to cheese quite a few in BL2 but that never happened here.  I've not completed it yet, but the game seems awfully short too, there aren't a lot of side quests nor main quests but the latter are long as fuck (lots and lots of obvious filler) which is kind of annoying, especially given the paucity of fast travel points. The spawn points of mobs seem cheaper too, often you'll have badasses spawning behind you with a lot of other fodder in front which I don't remember happening much in BL2. It reminds me of DA2, in fact the whole game reminds me of DA2 : it's an okay game on its own, but compare it to the previous one and it's obvious it's all just filler : artificial difficulty, same environments, unsatisfying bosses. I'm still having fun but I was hoping for more.

    That being said, I will be very, very angry if there's no innate UVHM mode...I'm not there yet but I hope it won't be a DLC again. That would be a huge money grab, given that BL2 really starts in UVHM. Then again it's not like Gearbox isn't known for milking the fuck out of their games with DLC.
    Gearbox does care about their gamers though.  See: Michael Mamaril.

    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

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  • I have it for the PC, Govindia. I'm not a big console guy.
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  • Eldritch Emperor
  • I refuse to let things spoil my day because The Evil Within is out.


    My roommate has been sinking hours into it lately.  I'm preoccupied by Shadow of Mordor, so I haven't had a chance to play it.

    I had to nab it, being a survival horror aficionado (and having a torrid love affair with the king of the genre). I took a bit of a three-hour break, both for snacks and to finally get SW:KotOR (1 and 2, wowiee!) finally working on my machine again (to Hel with Win H8).

    But I'm loving it. I'm biased, for certain, and I'll probably have to do another playthrough where I try to not squee so much and give an honest review. But that won't be for quite some time.  :))
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  • I desperately want the evil within. Hard to get someone to buy me horror games, never really been certain why.
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  • I for one stay away from horror games, thank you very much. :P

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • I kissed a girl, and I liked it. ;3

    Date went well tonight ^.^
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  • Oooooh, Jone and some girl sitting in a tree, k-I-s-s-i-n-g!
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  • It was actually sweet. As yucky as that sounds coming out of my mouth ;3.

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  • So is she preggers yet? :P

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
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  • She was preggers before I kissed her ;3
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