I finally got my nude mods on Fallout New Vegas working, it took a little bit of work to figure out what was wrong, but goddamn if I didn't fix it.
I'd check out nude Cass, while we're all hushing and hunting shitheads.
I helped a friend write a boilerplate contract for her freelance web designing business last night. Took me until like 11PM, started at 8PM. I had to drink some coffee (which I never do) and smoke a whole bunch just to be able to think, because I hadn't slept much at all last night.
I am now an expert on negligence suits and fraudulent misrepresentation when it comes to estimations of costs. I've literally read up on that for hours. I made her add a definition of her estimating method and explain its limitations. I made it a requirement to get a new estimation once the scope of the project changes, with renegotiated terms. I also made her add a penalty clause for cancelling the contract.
I made her limit the terms of the ownership transfer of the work to her clients. I had her add two sub-clauses on the use of the work by the designer in a portfolio and that a very small shoutout to her as a designed at the bottom of the page may never be deleted. If they had full rights they could have blocked either.
We set up the terms for maintenance and small tweaks. I made it as to require another estimation for tweaks and changes, and they must be submitted all at once for her convenience. Apparently some clients just keep coming in with changes
ad vitam aeternam and she was really frustrated with this. Now it's a subcontract.
I also made her add a boilerplate jurisdiction clause because she has a lot of international clients, so in case of a lawsuit it should be settled in the courts servicing her location, as well as a sub
lex fori that should enforce application of local law, although these two can always be overturned by a judge, it seems. Although it's a principle of common law regarding long distance contracts that the courts that have jurisdiction are those of the offerer's domicile, I'm of the opinion that it's always better to put it in writing, since contracts are the law of the parties and it seems that where she lives, jurisdiction matters are not written in law.
I kinda enjoyed doing it too. Writing that contract was really fun. It was like a puzzle, or maybe looking for holes in the pipe to clog, and it seems I'm pretty good at it. It's a pretty good contract if I do say so myself. Not written in Legalese, covers all of what I think is pertinent, and protects her pretty well. It was a productive evening, and I'm quite proud of myself. Just thought I'd share.