Oh Puh-leeze...." metric ton of homeless people, drug dealers and other potentially dangerous people..."
You sound like a parochial country rube....which, of course, is how we urban Americans would view you small-town Québeckers 
Bro you can't deny the homeless problem in Montreal, they're absolutely everywhere in most neighborhoods. Whenever I walk out I'm accosted maybe once every 2 minutes by some homeless dude who wants some money. I mean, I'm happy to give some, but eventually my change runs out.
Same thing with the dealers, I mean if I wanted drugs, I wouldn't even have to look for them, I'd just have to walk around St. Catherine or St. Denis, or head to the UQÀM or the bus terminal, and they'd find me instantly. The dealers are ubiquitous. Try finding even weed in Quebec City's streets...it's doable but it's way harder, it's not even comparable. I've never been offered any drugs in the streets of Quebec City in the 2 years I've lived there. In one weekend in Montreal, I was randomly offered weed, speed, ecstasy, coke, crack, Viagra and heroin, multiple times, and trust me I don't look like a druggie at all. It just seemed like random potshot offers and I've always wondered how these people never seemed to get busted by the police. I don't even know if it's the neighborhoods I stay at, they've always seemed to be "dodgier" but not necessarily "dodgy". I mean, we're talking about stuff like Côte-des-Neiges, not Montréal-Nord. Compared to the shadiest borough in Quebec City (which is pretty much eggshell white instead of pure white), CDN is 60-70s Queens or Harlem, but it's still not what I would consider as "never go there" dodgy, evidenced by the fact that I did spend a week there.
Now don't get me wrong, I never felt once in danger in Montreal, but then again I seem to be an overly trusting "parochial country rube". I know it's the stereotype that we people of the "big village" (as Montrealers call Quebec City) are scared for our lives upon stepping foot in Montreal, because there's so much weird shit we're not exposed to back home and we see all of it and immediately start being terrorized, but for me at least it's pretty much the opposite. It's because I wasn't exposed to huge amounts of homeless people, visible gangs, drug dealers and shady neighborhoods that I'm not scared. I still think people are decent and that trouble usually doesn't look for you, it will only find you if you look for it.
I was saying that maybe it's the metropolis folks feeling in danger all the time, hence why I find them so distrustful and distant. I have friends from large cities and I have a word to describe them : paranoid. But why are they? Small town folks are scared in cities because they're used to rural/suburban peace and seeing a police car going next to where you live is a big event that will get all the neighbours out and near the scene because it's so rare, while in the cities you see rushing cops all the time so you don't really feel safe because it's so common, but why are the natives not scared, but so distrustful? I mean they live in it, they should know that people aren't specifically out to get them, all of this is common and yet their guard's always up, they're always cautious and in a hurry. That's what I was getting at. Is it a perceived danger that I don't perceive? Am I just too naïve and that means I'm nice to everyone and pretty unguarded? I know my NYC friend had to teach me about not speaking randomly to strangers, not greeting people, not even making eye contact in the subway because they'll feel that I'm a danger or at least want something from them. Being distant and rude seems like a defence mechanism for them. People in the cities feel the need to be cautious, but I don't. I'm just wondering if it's because of all the shady shit or because I'm abnormal and just naturally trusting. I mean I'm not an idiot, I can recognize a dangerous situation, but I need a good reason to consider myself in danger, and I haven't had that happen yet, be that in Montreal or NYC. Being open and unguarded is my default mode, I was thinking most urban dwellers act how they do because they aren't, and then I'm wondering if they have a good reason, because where I'm from, that's not necessary and aside from the random paranoiac, people don't act this way.
Either way, I wouldn't enjoy living in a place where people don't give me the benefit of the doubt. I'd feel lonely and cut off. It's funny because I'm pretty much the biggest loner I know, I enjoy being alone, I rarely go out and I have very few friends even though I speak to everyone because I rarely let people get any close, but I don't like being an anonymous face in the masses. Some find this reassuring, I don't. I suppose it's something about being alone by choice, being in control of my social interactions, as opposed to a city where I find most people unapproachable, where this control is wrestled away from me.