Post #21064
September 10, 2014, 07:06:30 AM
Sometimes I honestly wish I liked handling these stick drives, 'cause girls, man...complicated. Guys shoot straight and don't play mind games (well, most of them). Can't do it though, penises gross me out. People say it's not cool being gay because of the stigma and the shunning and all (not that I don't sympathize, much the opposite actually), but I was stigmatized and shunned for many things in my life, so it's that I'm both used to it and that I figure one more subject of banishment isn't going to make things worse at this point. Sometimes I honestly wouldn't mind being gay, it seems quite simpler on this point (or is in the greener grass thing?) but too bad that contrary to popular opinion, it's not a choice.
I (barely) dodged the bullet with my gf and it's actually going remarkably better after my sis made me understand what they are looking sis is a really girly girl, we never really got along because of that (she's too extroverted, I'm too introverted) but I have to admit she pulled through at exactly the moment I needed her to. Being a very typical female means she knows how dem wimmenz think, and she was nice enough to put it in comprehensible terms for me, plus she brought me Aspirin for the crushing headache an hour of crying, arguing and racking my brains for arguments and solutions brought on so cheers to her for that. She also figured it might be a good idea for me to go to a sex shop with her, I'm not sure if it's really either in the interest of helping me out or having a laugh at my expense, because let's face it, that's awkward.
Gf is now interested in getting into vidya with me as an activity to spend more time together (not that she didn't want to before, just never had the time for it/was low priority for her (understandably)) so in the end vidya may very well be a big part of what will perhaps ultimately resurrect our ailing relationship. It's not that I ignored her for vidya (I'm not that dumb), just that we are both really busy and often have no energy for commuting to see each other, so while we fix that too we might as well play vidya together since it doesn't require either of us to be stuck in a smelly bus for an hour after 6 hours of classes and 3 more of studying.
Vidya broke every one of my couples before that (extroverted girls tend to be attracted to me because they figure I'm an oasis of stability in a hectic life until they realize we share nothing in common and neither of us is willing to step out of their zones), now it may very well save this one 'cause she's more of an introvert (not as much as me, I'm like, the king of introverts, I mean I'll be honest I was 9 years away from wizarding out), so she's okay with stepping inside my zone. It's pretty rad, actually. Always wanted to be able to asplode stuff and slaughter death knights, dragons, mages, Asaris or just plain ol' dummies with things that cause ouchies in their hands with a girlfriend.
Hey, I mean, in the movies, the dude and the girl that are in danger together always end up hooking up. I figure, maybe it's not gonna be any different when her guy's at low HP and I step in like a badass, kill all the baddies and save her a respawn.
I currently plan to ruin her life by introducing her to Civilization : Beyond Earth when it comes out, letting the "just one more turn, it's not even 5AM yet!" syndrome work its magic.